
What is a couple? Please be kind to your significant other

author:Shamo MO
What is a couple? Please be kind to your significant other



The world is changing rapidly, and everyone has a different understanding of things. Facing lovers, loved ones, friends, all this is true.

A person's perception of a thing determines his attitude towards things. Similarly, what kind of cognition a person has about a husband and wife will have what kind of attitude he will have towards the other half.

Some people say that husband and wife are two people living together; husband and wife are flying separately in the face of great difficulties...

In fact, the real couple is to live a plain life together, carry the wind and rain together, and walk through the wind and snow together.

Between husband and wife, a fate, life has since had a supporter.

Li Zhi wrote in the poem "Eight To": "To the nearest to the far east, as deep as the shallow Qingxi." From the highest to the moon and the sun, to the closest to the estranged husband and wife. ”

Husband and wife were originally the same forest bird. However, many people on the road of life, with others, concerned about the feelings of others, but only forgotten the other half. Alienated from them, they are often treated with indifference, perfunctory, and neglect.

The attitude towards the other half determines the degree of happiness of the marriage. What is a couple?

What is a couple? Please be kind to your significant other

02, husband and wife, is the person who hates you in his mouth and hurts you in his heart

Wenger Jolly said in The Law of Happy Marriage: "In this world, even the happiest marriage will have 200 thoughts of divorce and 50 times of strangling each other's thoughts in a lifetime. ”

Truly loving someone and living together will not be as romantic as you think. There is no flower before the moon, and it will not be vigorous. On the contrary, on the verge of mutual boredom, they constantly choose to continue to hold hands and move forward.

Between husband and wife, it is a daily routine to mix mouths, and every day is like a pair of wrongdoers. Looking at the other half in a hurry, often not converging, the other half who had to be teased was really angry, and then he was busy to coax.

Husband and wife are the people who can't get away with each other, who hate you in their mouths but hurt you very much in their hearts.

It seems to be ping-pong all day, noisy, only two people know, this is a small tacit understanding between husband and wife. There are endless quarrels, and there are also quarrelsome feelings.

Two people quarreled before going to work in the morning, and when they left work, they said that I bought your favorite cake. All the anger vanished, and only joy and anticipation of food remained.

What is a couple? Please be kind to your significant other

03, husband and wife, is the person who walks with you no matter the wind and rain

Argentine writer Florence Isaacs said: "Marriage requires the constant nurturing of two wise people, the key is not to be complacent, to always improve your marriage." ”

Husband and wife are the ones who support each other and help each other grow up.

Maybe two people are always noisy and noisy, and they seem to dislike each other, but when they encounter a crisis, they want to rush to the front and protect each other behind.

Husband and wife are two people who always attack each other and talk about each other's shortcomings, but when the other party encounters difficulties, they will put away the previous state of "provocation", silently accompany each other, and make all efforts for him.

Men, after having a wife and children, will become more and more delicate, know how to educate their children, and accompany their children to grow. For the wife, it is also full of gratitude and love.

And women become stronger and stronger, no longer always hiding behind men, but bravely standing on the other side of the man and fighting alongside him.

Husband and wife are the ones who walk together regardless of wind and rain. Housework is done together, money is earned together.

Couples who love each other will protect the innocence and beauty in each other's eyes, and feel sorry for each other's efforts and sacrifices. Slowly, both people become the most cherished people who will accompany each other to grow together.

What is a couple? Please be kind to your significant other

04, husband and wife, is the person who still spoils you when you are old

Husband and wife are two people, from Qingsi to Huafa, they will still feel that the other person is the most lovely person in their eyes.

Couples who really love each other can fight the pressure of life together, and when they encounter problems, they will sit down and communicate slowly. Accompanying each other through the stormy life, even if they are old, they are still each other's "treasures".

Even if, when getting along, no longer talk about love, but this life of love and hate entanglement, has long been the two people firmly tied together. When people are old, they will cherish every minute and every second, even if they are old, the scenery is still the same, and the feelings are always there.

Men are still willing to bring their wives back with a bouquet of flowers when they go out, buy her favorite food, and coax her to be happy.

While she was lying on the bed, he would massage her legs, bring her a cup of hot milk, and say, "My wife, I'll hurt." ”

Women, on the other hand, will reconcile with men, no matter how bad their previous tempers were, and when they get old, they become nagging. Don't let the man smoke, let him drink. Don't let him be strong, always take care of his body.

Husband and wife are the ones who are still willing to spoil you when you are old.

What is a couple?

It is mutual sacrifice, no need to ask, will be when the other party feels difficult, hand over their hands, so that the other party feels that each other has always been by each other's side, this life will not give up.

Couples always want to give each other enough companionship and love, and always want each other to live more comfortably and happily.

What is a couple? Please be kind to your significant other

05. Summary

Bai Yang once said: "For the continuation of love and the happiness of marriage, the wife must please the husband, and the husband must also please the wife, as to how to please, it is a high-level art." ”

On the road of life, be kind to your lover, he is your only reliance in this life.

When you need companionship, only he will not abandon it. Because of the existence of the wife, the life in the later years will be more meaningful.

It is a blessing that someone in this life treats you with true feelings.

Being kind to each other, husband and wife, is the source of happiness. At the end of life, it is the best comfort to still have the other person by your side.

On the road of life, please be kind to your other half.

Husband and wife are the ones who can't be separated, and they can't leave in the wind and rain. Be kind to your partner, and the quality of your marriage and your happiness will also be greatly improved.


Author: Xia Mo MO, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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