
Inner Mongolia Satellite TV's large-scale cultural variety show "The Great Wall Chief" was launched at 19:35 on the fifth day of the first month of the first month

In today's world, when people mention China, they will think of the Great Wall; when they mention Chinese civilization, they will also think of the Great Wall. The Great Wall embodies the patriotic spirit of unity and unity and unity of will; the national spirit of perseverance and self-improvement; and the spirit of the times of watching for peace, openness and inclusiveness. Protecting national symbols, guarding spiritual roots, and giving new vitality to cultural heritage, every Chinese has a mission on its shoulders.

Inner Mongolia Satellite TV specially planned to launch China's first large-scale cultural variety show with the Great Wall as the theme of "The Great Wall", "The Great Wall", from the beginning of the idea, it chose the "Great Wall", a Chinese cultural symbol and Chinese cultural image, hoping to arouse more people to carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall, inherit patriotic feelings, with the Great Wall, to describe China, so that the world can better understand China and understand the Chinese nation.

From the fifth day of the first lunar month on February 5, every Saturday at 19:35, lock inner Mongolia Satellite TV, "The Great Wall" takes you through ancient and modern times, and once again tastes the Great Wall, which is often read and often new, "big book".

@Pentium Media

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