
Vucevic on rotation: I didn't think about it so much and just wanted to be with my teammates

Vucevic on rotation: I didn't think about it so much and just wanted to be with my teammates

Live bar February 4, NBA regular season, the Bulls lost to the Raptors in overtime. Bulls center Vucevic was interviewed after the game.

Speaking about how he would react if the coach asked him to choose one of the 7 games in 10 days to rest, Vucevic said: "To be honest, I didn't think about it so much. I've never done that before, I just want to be with my teammates. ”

In this campaign, Vucevic played 39 minutes, shooting 13-of-21, with 30 points, 18 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal and 1 block.


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