
The Indian media rumored that 200 Chinese soldiers had been intercepted for "crossing the line," and the Chinese military refuted the rumors: patrolling its own territory has countered the Indian army's unreasonable obstruction

author:Jimu News

Jimu News trainee reporter Hu Li

Indian media reported on October 8 that indian and Chinese troops faced off on September 28, with about 200 PLA soldiers intercepted near the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh Line of Actual Control" and Chinese soldiers trying to damage India's defensive structures. "China Daily" reported on the 9th that Chinese army sources said that the recent speculation in the Indian media about the Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" was false and inconsistent with the facts.

India Today said indian troops intercepted about 200 Chinese soldiers near the border between the two countries, and the confrontation between the two sides was concluded after several hours of confrontation, and the local commander resolved the issue according to the existing agreement, during which India's defenses were not damaged.

CNN-18News, an English-language news television channel that CNN cooperates with Indian Media Corporation, also quoted senior government sources as saying that about 200 Chinese soldiers entered the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh" from Tibet in an attempt to destroy the deserted bunker, which was strongly blocked by the Indian army, and some Chinese soldiers were temporarily detained. The incident was subsequently handled at the level of local military commanders. Chinese soldiers have been released and tensions have been defused.

On the evening of October 9, according to a report by China Daily, a source in the Chinese army revealed that the clash mentioned by the Indian media was a routine patrol of the Dongzhang area on the Chinese side of the China-India border as planned on September 28.

The source said that the Dongzhang area is China's inherent territory, and it is completely reasonable and legal for Chinese border troops to organize patrols on their own territory. The recent speculation in the Indian media about the Chinese soldiers being detained "crossing the line" is fictitious and inconsistent with the facts. In this incident, the Indian side deliberately provoked first, distorted and smeared later, seriously violated bilateral agreements and agreements, and the responsibility lies entirely with the Indian side. The Indian side should earnestly abide by bilateral agreements and agreements, strictly control and restrain front-line troops, and work with China to maintain peace and stability in the border areas.

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