
"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

author:I have written poems on earth

Where there are people, there will be the seven original sins, namely arrogance, greed, lust, jealousy, gluttony, anger, and neglect.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > the island in the story is the epitome of the seven original sins</h1>

There are only a hundred islanders, some have left and come back, and some have lived here for a long time.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

Even if they move out, they have no intention of selling their homes, only two ferries are transported back and forth inland every day, and the islanders are mostly elderly and sick people, and the Christians believe that as long as they pray, pray and mass, they are the greatest blessing.

After the oil spill, the government could only stipulate certain days to allow fishermen to go out to sea to fish, and after Lisa was miraculously able to get up and walk, doctors suggested that she go inland for further examinations, but her parents called for a stop.

Riley, who was imprisoned for four years for drunk driving, returned without any goals, without a job, and everyone seemed to be indisputable and comfortable with the islanders, but in fact they did not have any expectations and illusions for the future.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

When the priest brought the miracle, everyone was trapped in it, and when there was no hope, people knew best how to rely on the invisible God.

The islanders need some strength and solace in their hearts to prop themselves through the darkness, which gradually gives rise to more problems, and the seven original sins of man become more obvious.

The question is, are miracles the divine power of priests?

Or did the true God come to this island?

Is it the pious faith of the islanders that is favored by divine power?

Is the miracle selectively placed on each person?

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

Riley was originally quite religious, and drunk driving led to the death of a woman, which also made him constantly ask "Why does he take away innocent people every time, while the waste of drunk driving is only hurt by the skin?".

The policeman's wife died of cancer, and the otherwise devout wife was deprived of the chance to live, so how is the miracle calculated?

Does "God" selectively perform miracles?

We often summarize the things that cannot be explained as having His own intentions in everything God does.

But Riley was not no longer religious, but he did not dare to face his own sin, and he later realized that God is everywhere, religion is only a psychological force for himself, as long as there is positive energy in his heart, he can cross everything.

Unfortunately, he didn't have that power.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

There is no right or wrong right for Irene and Riley about the world after death, one thinks that it is heaven and light, and the other thinks that the spirit flesh disappears into the world, and what kind of existence "God" is originally, it is all an additional thing for human beings.

When that "angel" came, the islanders' image of God was subverted, so whatever the status of God in your heart, rationally judge everything instead of accepting the so-called will in its entirety.

The apostle Paul was an enemy of the church because he questioned god's existence, and it was only when miracles came upon him that he believed in God.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

Apparently, after Father Prodd's travels, due to old age and illness, he was once on the verge of returning to heaven on the road.

But he inadvertently walks into a mysterious cave during a sandstorm, and at the entrance of the cave is a winged "monster", and the monster immediately comes forward to eat blood when it sees the appearance of Father Prod.

Instead of being angry, the priest kept praying, calling the monster an "angel", and after the monster listened, some people believed in themselves and gave the blood of their wrists to the priest, and after the priest was reborn, he not only became young and energetic, but also believed that the "angel" in front of him was the will sent by God, taking him back to the island and worshipping the islanders, and the priest was also resurrected because he experienced the miracle and changed his name to Paul.

Here it begins with a single thought, a mistake.

The priest said, "Wine itself is not good or bad, the key lies in man, it is all in a single thought." "

No one has ever seen the true God, the angels, the Holy Spirit, nor a specific image of God, but it has an important place in everyone's heart.

When the "angel" allowed the priest to eliminate the disease and return to his youth, even if he was not the angel with white wings, radiance and kind appearance that everyone thought, because he had the power of "miracle", he would be treated as a miracle by the priest, Miss Keane, and even finally the islanders were willing to die to obtain eternal life.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

It is all because of the dawn of "hope" that the islanders have become the prey of the "angels" without rational analysis, and they are "immortal" but they also have to hide in the "darkness".

After a disagreement between muslim police officers and Christian islanders, Miss Keane represents selfishness and jealousy, believing herself to be devout and following in God's footsteps without obtaining "angelic miracles.".

Thinking that it is God's will to explain that the priest killed joe the drunkard, and also thinking that sharing the Bible with Muslim Ali is no problem, thinking that Mr. Wade does not pack Joe's body as a disobedience to God's will, she wholeheartedly worships God, but unconsciously blinded by religion to the morality and order that should be there, and attributes everything that happens to God in the process of construction, which is actually an ostrich mentality.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

Even after finally becoming "immortal", when there was no last straw, he woke up and dug up the soil to protect himself and avoid the "immortality" brought by the sunshine.

Religion and God itself are not good or bad, the key is still in people, where there are people, there are disputes, they will distort the truth, they will make rational contact, and they will choose not to believe.

Finally Riley finally let go of the guilt in his heart, and died in the sun, he saw the innocent dead woman shake hands with him, he took responsibility, this is the attitude of God's will, depending on the strength of the heart.

After the whole island was burned down, only Warren and Lisa successfully left the island, Lisa's legs were no longer conscious, because the "miracle" of the "angel" was also burned, and the two of them also symbolized Adam and Eve, reopening the new world.

Miracles are there, but the miracles on the island are caused by a monster with divine powers, and the islanders can perform "miracles" on their respective bodies by drinking the blood of the monsters mixed in the wine, and he will take the lives of the islanders in return.

No different from the idea of the true God, the people worship the true God and will give it favors, but the miracle does not appear directly, and the priest has also said that the miracle does not appear like this.

Therefore, when the monster is thought by the islanders to be an angel, and blinds all rational choices, it causes irreparable tragedy.

Many times, the only one who stands in your way is yourself.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

Lisa's parents refused to let their children go inland for inspection, the oil spill was not discussed with the government, the drunk Joe was only drunk, and the ghost Riley saw every day before going to bed was actually his own guilt.

But there are many things not to face and solve, stand by and watch, when as long as a thought is right, life has a way to rush forward.

Director "Mike Flanagan" has always been a horror film lover, "Ouija", "Oculus", "Doctor Sleep", "Before I Wake" and other works are from him.

In recent years, the TV series, the Ghost Manor trilogy of "Ghost Invasion" and "The Haunting Of Bly Manor" have made the audience praise it, and it seems that its existence is quality assurance.

"Midnight Mass": Dust to dust, earth to earth, life is like a dream, after death will return to the island in the eternal story is the epitome of the seven original sins

Midnight Mass does not use this story to preach, nor does it teach the audience whether to believe in God or not, even though its seven episodes are based on biblical passages to tell the theme of each episode.

Priests, Miss Keane, Islanders, and others are full of "God" dialogue, but its main purpose is to ask people not to blindly believe, such as priests can rationalize the purpose of killing, and the act of innocence is an emotional blackmail and being blinded by the seven original sins, rationally choosing and judging how God exists in everyone's heart.

This drama is not friendly to all audiences, especially when the background and mood of each character are laid out in large lengths, it is not hurried to make these characters have a sharp contrast, a large number of words to God may also make people abandon the play halfway, plus it is not a ghost scary horror drama, and the horror scenes in the story are very few, which greatly increases the threshold of this play.

But as long as you survive the third episode, everything becomes like a holy light, every line, every detail, and even the suicidal sacrifice at Midnight Mass at Easter is a battle of inner torment and relief.

The torment is that it constantly throws down clues to make you believe that God is in this form, and then constantly overturns God's will, so that the audience has been wandering in the "what to believe, but what to believe" thoughts, which is quite relieving.

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