
Fast & Furious in the Snow World How safe is guaranteed

The Winter Olympics add another wave of ice and snow to Beijing, the "city of the Two Olympics". During the Spring Festival, Guo Lu, a post-90s girl living in Beijing's Dongcheng District, decided to go to the Shichahai Ice Rink to continue her "ice and snow love". During a skiing trip in the winter of 2016, when I didn't brake the car while sliding on the intermediate track, I hit the guardrail net, causing the medial collateral ligament of the knee joint in my right leg to break partially, and it took about two years to slowly recover, and then I never skied again. "Seeing photos of other people skiing in the circle of friends will be itchy, but I am afraid that I will be hurt again."

On the one hand, ice and snow sports allow people to experience the dual pleasure of speed and passion, on the other hand, there are also characteristics such as "high risk, high altitude, low temperature, and weak guarantee". Statistics show that the number of people involved in skiing in the United States is about 17 million people / year, and the number of people who go to the emergency department for skiing is 200,000 / year, of which 7,000 people will be hospitalized. While enjoying the fun of ice and snow sports, how to ensure sports safety as much as possible and avoid sports injuries has become a concern of the majority of ice and snow sports enthusiasts.

"What is important is scientific understanding and step-by-step"

Xiaolu (pseudonym) from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, is a veteran ski enthusiast who, although a hobby that is somewhat niche in the local area, has made many like-minded friends in recent years. Every winter, the fawn and his friends will fly to ski in groups, and they have been left behind in Zhangjiakou Chongli, Xinjiang Altay and even Asahikawa in Japan. She confessed that her skiing was "thrown out", and "almost all the gods in the circle have the experience of breaking their arms and legs.".

In the minds of many people, ice and snow sports are naturally equated with injuries and fractures, and skating and skiing have become a "game for the brave". Others said that "bones are brittle in winter, easy to fracture", and have concerns about ice and snow sports that they "want to go up and dare not go up". How to scientifically and correctly understand ice and snow sports and minimize unnecessary sports injuries has become a key step to untie people's hearts.

A large number of popular science articles have said that on the one hand, ice and snow sports can accelerate the metabolism of the body, enhance cardiopulmonary function, and greatly reduce the probability of suffering from diseases such as colds, bronchitis and pneumonia; on the other hand, while pursuing higher, faster and stronger, there are also sports risks that cannot be ignored in ice and snow sports.

It is estimated that the average speed of snowmobiling events can reach 100 kilometers per hour, alpine skiers can slide at 140 kilometers per hour, and ski jumpers can jump into mid-air at speeds of more than 90 kilometers per hour. "Compared with summer sports, ice and snow sports are fast, difficult, confrontational and complex. Whether it is athletes for competitive purposes or the general public for fitness purposes, they may face the risk of injury and disability in ice and snow sports. Li Guoping, head of the medical service core expert group of the Beijing Winter Olympics and a core member of the IOC's medical committee, is blunt.

"Most of the sports training and competition venues have low temperatures and high altitudes, and some snow sports training and competition venues are mostly located in remote mountainous areas, which brings great challenges to medical service guarantees, so ice and snow sports also have the characteristics of high risk, high altitude, low temperature, and weak security." Jin Dapeng, medical director of the China Ice and Snow Project of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, pointed out.

Which parts of the body are most susceptible to damage during winter sports? Based on years of clinical experience, Cui Guoqing, deputy director of the Department of Sports Medicine and director of the Shoulder and Elbow Specialty of Peking University Third Hospital, said that the most prone areas for acute injuries are the knee and ankle joints, accounting for more than 70% of all acute injuries. "The movement of the lower limbs of the human body and the change of direction of the steering require the synergy of the knee joint, and when participating in ice and snow sports, the knee and ankle joints are under great pressure. Especially when falling, the knee and ankle joints are prone to collision or the formation of inversion, resulting in fractures, while ligament injuries are common in emergency stops, sharp turns and other change of direction. ”

For the folk saying that "winter bones are brittle", Cui Guoqing believes that there is no scientific basis for this statement. The brittleness of human bones is a long and gradual process, and the loss of bone calcium due to reduced winter exercise and reduced sun exposure can be fully compensated by spring, summer and autumn. "However, there is a certain reason why fractures are easy to occur in winter, and it is also supported by hospital outpatient data." He pointed out that "the cold weather in winter, the ground becomes hard and slippery, people dress too thickly, and their movements are too clumsy, these factors can easily lead to slipping in the ice and snow, resulting in fractures." ”

"Any exercise is risky, and what matters is scientific understanding and step-by-step." Cui Guoqing said that ordinary sports enthusiasts can appropriately reduce competition, enhance entertainment, and let themselves enjoy the process of sports; they should be gradual, from slow to fast, less to more, short to long, simple to complex, and persistently adhere to it.

Based on zero ice and snow, you should choose the appropriate type of exercise and the difficulty of the sport

In the mainland, ice and snow sports were once a unique sport in the north, and many northerners said that "ice and snow sports are the correct way to open in winter" and "winter without ice and skiing is incomplete.". Recalling his experience with ice and snow, Yu Jing, a speed skating world champion born in Harbin, Heilongjiang, said in an interview: "I only put on an ice knife for the first time when I was 9 years old, and I was relatively late among my peers, I was holding the wall and moving little by little, and then gradually found fun in the process of learning to skate. ”

Today, Yu Jing, who is far away from the arena, has transformed into a teacher at the Winter Olympic College of Harbin Sports University, returning to the daily teaching of ice and snow sports popularization and speed skating. Many of the students she has taught have only seen snow for the first time after entering the university, and have been exposed to ice and snow projects for the first time, which has given her a deeper understanding of "how to start on ice and snow from scratch".

Which snow sports are suitable for beginners and which are suitable for ice and snow experts with some experience and skill? For this problem, Yu Jing will always help the ice and snow project to make a "self-introduction": "Curling is a bit like playing chess, the test is physical strength and brainpower, no need to wear skates; ice hockey, figure skating, speed skating to wear ice knives, figure skating looks elegant, temperamental, and ice hockey is more ornamental and competitive." On how to choose, she said that common ice and snow sports are basically suitable for learning from scratch, the key is to see which project everyone is interested in and not afraid, because the body is prone to sports injuries when it is afraid and nervous.

How to help students get started quickly, Yu Jing has her own experience: "Unlike gym sports, skating requires the accumulation of proficiency, so if conditions permit, it is recommended to go on ice for 3 consecutive days a week, each time for 1 hour, rather than one-three-five, two-four-six interval exercise." The rest of the time, you can strengthen your leg training and even dance hip-hop. ”

"Overall, winter events are generally faster, with curling being the least dangerous, while alpine skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, figure skating, etc. are relatively high-risk events." Cui Guoqing said that beginners must first understand their physical state and athletic ability, and choose the type of exercise and the difficulty of exercise that suits them.

Even the "ski veteran" fawn will first ask a coach after arriving at the snow field, as little as half a day, more than a few days, "the coach can not only guide the action and technology, they are also the people who are most familiar with the environment of the snow field, and can give a lot of practical advice." Cui Guoqing deeply agrees with this, "At the beginning, it is best to ask a professional coach for guidance, first learn the basic technical essentials, such as buffering, changing direction, etc., only by mastering the technical essentials can you avoid the strain caused by repeated irregular actions." ”

Make all preparations to escort safety

Before exercising, preparation is essential.

In order to serve the Beijing Winter Olympics, Yuan Qiang, deputy medical officer of the National Alpine SkiIng Center after the 60s, alpine ski doctor, and chief physician of spine surgery at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, began to practice skiing hard at the end of 2018. From not being able to ski at all to now not only carrying a 10 kg medical kit to the scene in 4 minutes, but also skiing skillfully on a professional track with a slope of 70 degrees and stopping at any time, recalling the training experience of 3 years, he particularly emphasized the importance of protection: "Remember, skiing should be fast, exciting, and more importantly, protected!" ”

"Ski gear has helmets, snow mirrors, masks, wrist guards, gloves, knee pads, hip pads and armor from head to toe, which can avoid damage to the corresponding parts." Among them, Yuan Qiang said that helmets, snow mirrors and gloves are indispensable, "In addition to protecting the head from injury, helmets also have the effect of cold protection and warmth; snow mirrors have the effect of windproof and eye protection; gloves can keep warm, and at the same time, when holding snowboards or falling down, they can reduce hand injuries." ”

Wearing the right protective gear can not only protect the body from sports injuries, but also save you at critical moments. Yu Jing recalled that once when training in Canada, the head was accidentally hit, when the helmet was broken, but because of the protection of the helmet, it did not hurt the cervical spine, and even the doctor said that "the helmet saved your life." "Some of the protective gear looks bloated and not comfortable to wear, but for safety, we can't be afraid of trouble and save trouble, because we don't know when danger will come." She sighed.

The same repeated emphasis on protective equipment is the preparation activity before the exercise, also called warm-up. "China Ice and Snow Sports Injury Prevention - National Team Team Doctor Training Textbook" (hereinafter referred to as the "Textbook") mentions that warm-up can improve the performance of athletes, prepare athletes psychologically, and prevent injuries, and minimize the risk of accidental slippage, fall, tripping and other accidents.

"A lot of beginners think they can slip when they get there, which is not right. To warm up the body before the start of ice and snow sports, proper stretching exercise is very important, pay attention to activate the core muscle groups, accelerate the expansion of blood veins, and increase the toughness and coordination of various muscle parts. Combined with the teaching materials, Cui Guoqing pointed out that the warm-up exercise time should be about 15 to 30 minutes, mainly dynamic stretching, so that the body reaches a state of "some sweating but not fatigue".

Exercise is not recommended on an empty stomach. Which foods and snow sports are best suited? Yu Jing said that when hungry, you can eat energy bars, have a strong sense of fullness, and have a higher protein content; it is not recommended to eat chocolate, which is higher in calories and fat, but not high in carb content.

In addition to paying attention to his own situation, Chen Lianxu, chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics of Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University, also reminded that it is necessary to pay close attention to the weather conditions. "The weather suitable for skiing is sunny or cloudless, with no wind or breeze, and temperatures between -1°C and -10°C. If there is a strong wind, heavy snow, or the temperature is too low, stop moving and return immediately. Chen Lianxu said that the soft and hard snow is also related to the temperature, and the continuous extreme cold weather will cause the snow to harden, and even the ice crystal layer will appear, which will increase the risk of falling.

Learn to fall and deal with sports injuries correctly in the first place

Learning not to skate without wrestling seems to have become a consensus. "Learning to fall" became an important lesson.

"If the body falls forward or sideways, you should lower the center of gravity, bend the knees and elbows, follow the force of the fall, and roll forward with the shoulders; if you fall backwards, you can use your palms to touch the ground slightly, and then immediately land on the ground with your butt, and the gravity of the body that falls backwards will make the back roll backwards against the ground." In the interview, Cui Guoqing repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to lift the head and protect the head, while not using the hand to support the ground, "compared to the torso, the arm is really much more fragile, once the action is not right, the impact force is concentrated on the arm, it is very easy to be injured." ”

Yu Jing also reminded everyone that while preventing themselves from falling, they should also prevent being knocked down by others. "When exercising, look around, observe the route, and keep a certain distance from the front and rear gliders."

If a fall causes a sports injury, how to deal with it and give first aid at the first time? "If a person who falls has a deformed limb, abnormal activity or a bone rubbing sensation, etc., it indicates that a fracture has occurred. After the fracture, you need to brake, ice, raise the affected limb, fix it with a brace, seek outside help, dial 120 first aid as soon as possible, and do not stand or move. In addition to fractures, Cui Guoqing said that the incidence of ankle sprains is also very high, generally varus injuries, which can easily lead to ligament injuries to the outer ankle, and serious ankle sprains can cause ankle fractures. Ankle sprains should be treated according to the "RICE principle" (rest, ice, compression bandaging, elevation of the affected limb) or the "POLICE principle" (protection, appropriate weight bearing, ice, compression bandaging, elevation of the affected limb).

Acute injuries should be treated in a timely and accurate manner, and experts have also called for attention to chronic injuries in sports. "A large part of the chronic injury is due to the lack of scientific and reasonable arrangement of exercise in fitness sports, resulting in overwork injuries, which should pay attention to relaxation after exercise." There are also some people who have developed chronic injuries because they have not received proper treatment for an acute injury in the fitness exercise, or because the injury has not fully recovered and resumed exercise. Cui Guoqing said, "There are also some people who have physical symptoms after exercise, which may be congenital deficiencies that are manifested after exercise, such as patella tilt, subacromial impact signs, then it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to avoid more serious consequences." ”

(Reporter Zhang Yun)

Source: Guangming Daily

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