
Simple heart

author:Marriage talks about fasting

The world is disturbed, and once entangled in it without realizing it, it will slowly live a complex and tired life.

If people are carrying weights for a long time, how can they not be tired?

Mr. Zhu Guangqian said: "The first thing in life is life. ”

In a complex world, living simply is the best way to survive.

Simple heart

A child said to his mother, "Mom, you are so beautiful today." The mother asked, "Why?" The child said, "Because Mom is not angry today." ”

It turns out that it is very simple to have a beautiful, as long as you don't get angry.

Many times, we are angry that it is too small to see the big, it is originally a small thing, but to enlarge, the family found a mouse, why set fire to the whole house to burn it?

And every blow we bring out of anger will eventually fall on us.

One hour of anger is equivalent to staying up late for 6 hours. Adult faces, every time they are angry or angry, the marks on their faces will be deep for a while.

Lin Zexu said: If I am wrong, why am I angry, if it is someone else's mistake, why am I angry?

If you want not to be angry, it is very simple, as long as you let go of other people's faults, you can free your own heart.

May we, the face born of the heart, be more and more beautiful.

Simple heart

There was a younger brother who was an apprentice in a bicycle shop. Someone sent a broken bicycle, the younger brother not only repaired the car, but also wiped the car beautiful as new, and the other apprentices laughed at his superfluous move. The day after the owner took the bike back, the younger brother was dug up to work at his company.

It turns out that it is very simple to get ahead, just be diligent and fast.

Being diligent is a high level of self-discipline. Once for a moment of pleasure, too lazy to do things, life will be returned one by one.

Lazy to study hard, low education is difficult to find a job;

Lazy to exercise, the body is blessed, and the "three highs" are entangled;

Laziness to share household chores leads to disharmony in the family;

Too lazy to visit parents, until the parents are old, the son wants to raise and does not wait...

As Zweig said: I was too young to know all the gifts of fate, and I had already secretly marked the price.

Twenty years from now, as you move towards the end of your life, good and bad are the result of cumulative progress.

A successful life is simple, as long as you learn to control yourself, you can control life.

Be diligent and fast, no matter how old you are, you must be the master of destiny.

Simple heart

There was a rancher who told him that his children worked the ranch every day, and a friend said to him, You don't need to make your children work so hard, the crops will grow very well. The ranch owner replied, "I'm not growing crops, I'm raising my children." ”

It turns out that raising a child is very simple, let him suffer a little.

There is one thing that is indispensable in children's education: that is, hardship education.

Last year, the People's Daily published an article that "angrily rebuked college students who are still sleeping: you are not unemployed, it is difficult to reason with the content."

"When you are young, you are blessed, but you are not blessed when you grow up", and children who are soaked in honeypots will never grow up.

Nor is abundance a doting and compromise, for no power arises from ease, comfort and pleasure, and happiness and fulfillment are always born in suffering.

True education, do not need to do too much, simply, let the child out of their own protective circle.

Let him feel the pain and experience the hardships of life, so that he can grow and stand alone in the future.

Simple heart

When a chicken broke out of its shell, a turtle passed by, and from then on the chicken carried the eggshell on its back for the rest of its life!

In fact, it is very simple to get rid of the heavy load, just give up stubbornness.

Ma Yun once said: "The only constant thing in the world is that everything changes all the time." ”

Everything is changing at any time, if you are still stubborn in doing things, do not know how to be flexible, hit the south wall and do not turn back, how can you succeed?

Everything has a positive and negative side, right and wrong, odd and even, blessing and misfortune.

Everyone needs to constantly adapt their strategies and actions to the situation.

Do not stick to the rules, do not stick to one style, simplify the complex, let go of stubbornness, in order to live up to the past, fearlessly forward.

Only in this way can there be a new situation and a new atmosphere in life and career.

Simple heart

The writer Mader said: "This world seems to be surrounded by complexity, all kinds of people, etc., and the mud and sand are underneath." Essentially, it's your world alone. If you are clear, the world will be clean. If you are simple, the world is difficult to be complex. ”

A happy life is always simple. If you don't want much, there won't be any distress in life; if you don't think much, your life won't be too complicated.

Live your life with a simple mindset, and no matter what kind of encounter life gives you, you will feel happy and happy.

Look at the world with a simple heart, and what you see will be the most beautiful scenery.

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