
A powerful aura comes from a simple heart

author:The spiritual home of the reader
A powerful aura comes from a simple heart

Original | Gary Craig

In life, everyone will encounter various problems and difficulties, but why can some people face it calmly and some people are grumpy?

The key is whether you can be at peace.

The so-called heart peace:

The so-called qi and harmony: Therefore, the most powerful aura comes from the most calm and calm mind.

Low profile is the most cattle show off. The reason why those who have great wisdom can be honored and humiliated is that they have opened up the channel of spiritual energy flow throughout the body, and have become a literal superman of the soul, just like Mother Teresa.

Many people ask me, "Mr. Craig, how do you make your aura stronger?" My answer was, "Make your mind simple!" ”

A powerful aura comes from a simple heart

It is often said that the child's heart is the Buddha's heart, and the reason why the child's heart is like the Buddha's heart is because it is simple. A simple mind is crystal clear and can make our aura as bright as sunlight.

Everyone knows that Steve Jobs's aura is very bright and powerful, and hundreds of millions of people around the world have been influenced by him. So, how did he get such an aura?

Jobs said: Focus and simplicity have always been one of my secrets. Simplicity can be harder to do than complexity, and you have to work hard to get your mind straight to make it simple. Ultimately it's worth a lot, because once you get there, you can shake the mountain.

Jobs also said: "There is a saying in Buddhism - the beginner mentality. Having a beginner mindset is an amazing thing. ”

The beginner mentality comes from a simple mind without prejudices. If there is a stereotype, the mind becomes complicated, and the person does not have the mentality of a beginner.

Paul Meyer, founder of the American Motive for Success, once told the story that an elephant can easily lift a ton of luggage with its nose, but strangely enough, when we watch a circus performance, we find that such a huge animal is quietly tied to a small wooden stake.

Why is that? It turned out that they had been chained to the iron stake by the trainer since childhood, and no matter how hard the baby elephants used to pull it, they could not pull the iron stake.

Because of this prejudice in the young elephant's heart, although it gradually grew and its strength increased, as long as there was a pile around it, it would not move. Because the experience of childhood has always been preserved in memory, it habitually believes that the stake is "absolutely pulling continuously", so it does not try again.

A powerful aura comes from a simple heart

In fact, not only elephants, but also people, although people are endowed with unlimited potential, but the prejudices in their hearts form invisible shackles, hindering us from releasing our potential.

We have all heard stories of how a small insult ruins a man's lifelong career and makes him unable to get what he wants for the rest of his life; how a small injury stays in memory for a long time, making him a snake bite for ten years and afraid of the well rope.

Therefore, only by smashing the shackles in our hearts and treating life and work with a beginner's attitude and a simple mind can we finally truly devote ourselves to life.

Mind simplicity is not an easy task, because it means that there is no knot in the mind, and the energy of the mind can flow smoothly.

In this way, the circulating mental energy will release a bright and powerful aura.

Anyone with a powerful aura has a simple heart. Jobs is so, Buffett is so, and so is Bill Gates.

A powerful aura comes from a simple heart

Aldous Hexley said:

Mark Twain also said: "As long as you have innocence and confidence in life, success is in sight." ”

Every successful person, don't just listen to him say sweat plus wisdom or something, just compare their history, you will find that success is not related to good luck; good luck is not related to the aura; and the aura is all related to the simple mind. Those who have good luck are somewhat naïve, they are all calm people.

I once met an old lady selling flowers on the streets of New York. The old lady was rather worn,000, and her body looked weak, but her face was full of joy. I picked a flower and said, "You look happy." "Why not? Everything is so beautiful. "You can afford to worry." I say.

A powerful aura comes from a simple heart

Everyone's heart is originally like a crystal ball, sparkling. However, due to the blow to the heart, the trauma cannot be cleared in time, and a knot will be formed, hindering the operation of the spiritual energy.

The more trauma remains in the mind, the more gloomy a person's mood becomes; the more gloomy a person is, the more unsmooth the mental energy becomes; the more unsmooth the spiritual energy, the less bright the aura becomes.

However, as long as we clear our hearts and keep our hearts simple at all times, a strong and bright aura is destined to bring us good luck.

Like the old lady who sold flowers, it didn't take long for her to be asked to help manage his office building by a Wall Street boss who wanted her to teach employees how to face setbacks and difficulties.

Therefore, those who betray their lives once they suffer an accident will gradually perish in the dark; and people with simple hearts can always refract colors to every corner of their lives. Such a person has a bright aura and will eventually get good luck.

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