
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021


In the automotive industry in 2021, it is not difficult for us to find that major car companies have withstood the trouble of "lack of core" and have also achieved good results. As an electric vehicle brand under Great Wall Motor, the Euler brand has taken the lead in breaking the circle, continuously absorbing the market share of new energy vehicles, opening up a new track for the female car segment, and also becoming a moat for Great Wall Motors in the field of new energy.

Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021

Hardcore products helped grow sales

Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021

In 2021, the cumulative sales volume of the Euler brand for the whole year was 135,028 units, an increase of 140% year-on-year. Among them, in December, the Euler brand was in full swing, and the monthly sales reached 20,926 units, an increase of 64.2% year-on-year. The Good Cat and the Black Cat, as the main models of the brand, have accumulated annual sales of 50,931 units and 63,492 units respectively.

The cat camp is gradually becoming stronger

Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021

Coffee intelligence ushered in an upgrade

Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021

In the first half of 2021, Coffee Smart Driving will be the first to be applied to the WEY brand flagship products, and will be installed in other models of Great Wall Motors. At the press conference, Great Wall Motors officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei, the leading enterprises in the field of intelligent technology, to provide solid technical support for the landing of intelligent driving.

Turn on the cat petting moment

According to the news previously exposed by the Euler brand, the Euler brand will launch at least 4 new models in 2022, including ballet cat, lightning cat, punk cat and cherry cat.

Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021
Take on the moat of the Great Wall electric vehicle Euler in 2021

At the end of writing, looking back at the Euler brand in 2021, whether it is in terms of volume or popularity, it has achieved a double harvest, although it has encountered stumbles in the process of growth, but it has achieved the head position in the first camp of the new energy vehicle market. Behind the bright results, it is naturally inseparable from the marketing model of the Euler brand and the in-depth study of female users, what surprises will it bring to consumers in 2022? Let's wait and see.

(Photo/Wen Wangxun Zhao Chun)

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