
Writing history in this post: Some small stories of Yuan Shikai of the two or three things of the presidents of the Republic of China

author:History is in the middle of the game

Copywriting: After Yuan Shikai took power in Shandong, he bloodily suppressed the Boxers. Speaking of the Boxers, alas, really, they are not really representatives of the advanced productive forces. Our central innings did not approve of giving them too high a rating. You see how they sang: God helped the fist, the Boxers, just because the devils made trouble in the Central Plains. Burn yellow watches, make cigarettes, and invite the gods and immortals of each cave. Pick up the railway, pull out the pole, and go to the sea to flip the steamship. Great France, frightened, Anglo-Japanese-Russian-German crying. Foreign devils, all killed, the Great Qing unified and the country. You see, when you go to war, you first drink the lit yellow paper into the soup, hoping that the bullets will not penetrate, the knives and guns will not enter, and I think it is easy to pull the stomach.

Today we write about Yuan Shikai, who was born in Xiangcheng, Henan in 1859. Although Yuan Shikai was a teenager, although he did not read well, he was very ambitious, and often said to himself: The three armies cannot seize the marshal, if I can master 100,000 elite soldiers, I can run amok in the world. When he was 13 years old, Xiao Shikai once wrote a couplet: Ohno Dragon Fang Sting, Zhongyuan Deer Zhengfei. Regardless of the quality of this link, just look at its domineering, it is definitely not something that ordinary children can write. However, I remember that the first time I read this link was nearly noon, my stomach was empty, and my first reaction was to eat hot pot.

After several failed examinations, Yuan Shikai decided to throw his pen into Congrong, and said indignantly: When the eldest husband serves the battlefield, An Neng is dirty and trapped for a long time. He also wrote a poem: The dragon and tiger in front of you can't fight, and the murderous spirit goes straight up to the dry clouds. I want to open a huge mouth to the sky and swallow Hu Tianjiao in one gulp. This poem is written, domineering, isn't it? Men don't? Grandpa no? I remember reading this poem, my sister just came to call me to dinner, and on a whim, I quipped: Sister, if you meet such a man, you will marry.

Li Hongzhang, a loyal minister of the late Qing Dynasty, greatly appreciated Yuan Shikai, and Lord Li wrote this in a letter to Empress Dowager Cixi before his death: Looking around at the talents in Yu Nei, there is no one who is yuan shikai's right.

Writing history in this post: Some small stories of Yuan Shikai of the two or three things of the presidents of the Republic of China

Yuan Shikai: It doesn't matter what the world thinks of me. Importantly, I misread the world!

When Yuan Shikai was 23 years old, he had the honor of going to Korea to lead troops. Strict in his administration, he soon brought out an excellent army. It also fought with the Japanese, which not only maintained the Qing Dynasty's suzerainty and other privileges in Korea, but also repelled Japan's infiltration forces, smashed Japan's vain attempt to take advantage of the Sino-French war to seek Korea, and postponed the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War.

After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, Yuan Shikai was ordered to train troops at a small station in Tianjin. Based on the German army training method, he trained a new type of army, which later developed into the Beiyang New Army. This became Yuan Shikai's greatest personal political capital.

In 1898, Yuan Shikai became involved in this political movement. At least in the beginning, Yuan Shikai was in favor of changing the law. However, whether Yuan Shikai betrayed Kang Youwei liang Qichao's restoration faction and told Empress Dowager Cixi about it, this still needs to be examined and verified. It is said that after the death of the Guangxu Emperor, someone found that the Guangxu Emperor personally wrote "Must kill Yuan Shikai" in his dragon case, whether it is true or not we do not know. In the spirit of not having an empty wind, it can be concluded that Yuan Shikai at the time of the Penghu Reform was at least psychologically on the side of the diehards led by Cixi. In this way, it can be understood why after the change of the law, Yuan Shikai was promoted to the inspector of Shandong.

After Yuan Shikai took power in Shandong, he bloodily suppressed the Boxers. Speaking of the Boxers, alas, really, they are not really representatives of the advanced productive forces. Our central innings did not approve of giving them too high a rating. You see how they sang: God helped the fist, the Boxers, just because the devils made trouble in the Central Plains. Burn yellow watches, make cigarettes, and invite the gods and immortals of each cave. Pick up the railway, pull out the pole, and go to the sea to flip the steamship. Great France, frightened, Anglo-Japanese-Russian-German crying. Foreign devils, all killed, the Great Qing unified and the country. You see, when you go to war, you first drink the lit yellow paper into the soup, hoping that the bullets will not penetrate, the knives and guns will not enter, and I think it is easy to pull the stomach. What else to pick up the railway, pull out the pole, and go to the sea to turn over the steamship. This is really not a representation of advanced productive forces. Yuan Shikai used tactics to bloodily suppress the Boxers, who were unable to make a home in Shandong and were forced to move north to Beijing and Tianjin. As everyone knows later, the Eight-Power Alliance launched a war of aggression against China under the pretext of suppressing the Boxers, and Chinese entered the 20th century with the shame of foreign occupation of the capital.

Writing history in this post: Some small stories of Yuan Shikai of the two or three things of the presidents of the Republic of China

Boxers: We can't get in, we can't get in, knives and guns can't get in...

In 1908, the Guangxu Emperor and Empress Dowager Cixi died in less than 24 hours. Many friends will ask whether cixi killed Guangxu in the end? We really don't know this, and historians still have no authoritative conclusions. In fact, we would rather choose to believe that Cixi did not kill him.

After Cixi's death, the regent of the Qing Dynasty, Zaifeng, the father of the little emperor Puyi, did not have a good feeling for Yuan Shikai, on the pretext that Yuan Shikai had a "foot disease". Maybe it is athlete's foot, and Yuan Shikai will be dismissed. Yuan Shikai had to return to Henan, seemingly enjoying a retirement life, and actually set up multiple telegrams at home to pay close attention to the national trend.

The Wuchang Uprising broke out in 1911. The regent Zaifeng could not move the Beiyang New Army. In desperation, Yuan Shikai was appointed as the governor of Huguang. As a result, Yuan Shikai replied happily: I have athlete's foot, and I don't go or not go. In the end, after bargaining, Yuan Shikai was given the position of Chancellor of the Qing Court, and the power of the Qing court actually fell into his hands.

On the one hand, Yuan Shikai urgently dispatched the Beiyang Army to suppress the revolutionary party, and on the other hand, he secretly negotiated with the revolutionary party and at the same time forced the Palace to the Qing imperial family. As we all know, the fruits of victory in the Xinhai Revolution were stolen by Yuan Shikai.

After getting the president of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai, I believe he very much wants to govern the country well. Who's in that seat, who doesn't want the country to be good? Including his later title of emperor, I don't think it was entirely selfish. Yuan Shikai's Beiyang army has the so-called "Beiyang Three Jie", one is the Beiyang Dragon Wang Shizhen, and the other Is the Beiyang Tiger Duan Qirui, this is familiar, Lu Xun has written an article to scold him, saying that silence is silent, and if it does not erupt in silence, it will perish in silence. The last one is the Dog of Beiyang, yes, feng Guozhang, the dog of Beiyang.

Writing history in this post: Some small stories of Yuan Shikai of the two or three things of the presidents of the Republic of China

Feng Guozhang: After four generations, it is still so similar, yes, it is the seed of our old Feng family!

Feng Guozhang once asked Yuan Shikai in person whether he had any plans to become emperor? Yuan Shikai said: Huafu (Huafu is Feng Guozhang's word), others don't know me, don't you understand me? You see none of our old Yuan family ancestors have lived past sixty, this year I am 58 years old, is there still a need to be called emperor, and what is the difference between me and being an emperor now. They all say that I want to count for my children and grandchildren, you look at my sons, the eldest son Ke Ding is a cripple, the second son Ke Wen is not involved in politics, the third son Ke Liang is not that piece of material, the fourth son Ke Duan knows to eat, drink and gamble, and which of the other sons has the appearance of an emperor? So don't mention the matter of calling the emperor again?

No matter what reason Yuan Shikai later became emperor, I think that when he said this to Feng Guozhang, he was sincere, I did not see any deception, but felt that the old man had a little sadness.

When I was a child, I also heard a joke that Yuan Shikai slept in the room at noon, and the tea boy brought tea into the house and carefully broke the teacup, which was the president's most beloved cup. The tea boy was terrified, and someone came up with an idea for him. When Yuan Shikai woke up and saw the broken cup, Long Yan was furious and wanted to be punished. The tea boy said: "Big President, when I first came in, I saw that lying on the bed was not your big president himself, but... Yuan Shikai asked sharply, what is it? The tea boy trembled and said it was a dragon, and I broke the teacup as soon as I was afraid. Yuan Shikai's anger dissipated after hearing this, and he also rewarded this tea boy with a lot of silver. I can conclude that this joke is completely fictional.

For whatever reason, Yuan Shikai eventually became emperor. Sun Yat-sen's saying is good: The trend of the world, those who go along with it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. Yuan Shikai did something wrong, and history gave him the judgment he deserved. Here, I would like to say what I personally think of him. We are generally reluctant to look at a historical figure from the perspective of the class struggle or the trend of the times. We think that Yuan Shikai is just a man, a very capable man, and a very attractive man. He was arrogant, frustrated, and ended up embarrassed. If you give him another afterlife, he will still be a tyrant! That's right, it's the Owl!

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