
"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

author:Sneak peek at the fast battle

This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, among the many tribute film and television works, as the State Administration of Radio and Television to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party exhibition and broadcast activities "Ideal Shines on China", "The Great Waves and Sands", is a very special work, the drama is more from the perspective of young people, to look at the young people a hundred years ago, especially the first generation of Chinese Communists, in the time of defending the country, resisting Japan, and saving the country.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

The opening chapter of "Big Waves and Sands", in the way of contemporary youth Chen Qihang shooting vlogs, brings netizens to look back at the way of the century-old revolutionary process together, his perspective is undoubtedly the perspective of our audience, such artistic treatment, not only novel form, but also more likely to attract the attention and follow-up of the younger generation of audiences.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

Therefore, looking at the struggle of young people from the perspective of young people, allowing two generations of young people to communicate and dialogue across the long river of history for a hundred years, the sense of intimacy, urgency and immersion brought by the work "Big Waves and Sands" is indeed unprecedented at the level of film and television creation. Therefore, with the original intention in mind and the rapid changes in the era of awakening, this precious "rejuvenation" is the first impression brought to the audience by "Big Waves and Sands".

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

At the same time, the title of the play "The Great Waves and Sands" is also quite meaningful, after all, this is the first work that shows the mental journey, life choices and destiny of the first generation of Chinese Communists in a panoramic manner, and the process of the founding, development and growth of the Communist Party of China can indeed be described as "the first gold to see gold after exhausting the yellow sand". One hundred years ago, the party leaders and members came all the way, some persisted to victory, some sacrificed in the middle of the road, some took a detour and lost their way, and some ran counter to their original beliefs... A hundred years later, looking at this thrilling revolutionary process of de-counterfeiting, people are full of emotions.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a group portrait drama, showing Mao Zedong, Wang Gemei, Deng Enming, Li Hanjun and a group of advanced young people in the early 20th century, practicing the bloody aspirations of saving the country and saving the people with thoughts and actions. As we all know, resisting Japan and saving the people and building a new China is not an easy task, but is always accompanied by smoke and smoke, accompanied by bloody sacrifices. For the younger generation of Communists and the Chinese Communist Party, which grew up rapidly in its infancy, this road is not only a journey of ups and downs, but also a process of exploration and temptation, and gradually stepped out of the communist road that is most suitable for China's local national conditions.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

We often say: "The spark of a star can burn the plains", looking back at the century-old development history of the Communist Party of China, it is not only the gradual growth of the spark, but also the alchemical journey of the big waves. In "The Great Waves and Sands", Mao Zedong, played by Bao Jianfeng, and Chen Duxiu, played by Cheng Taishen, are the main line characters in the whole plot, their starting points are the same, but the return path is different, which makes people sigh, not so much that fate chooses them separately, but rather that they choose different fates. Under the "big wave", it is sand and gold, and history has its own commentary.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

From the convening of a large red ship, to the millions of heroes it led later, to the powerful country it has built today, the CPC's seemingly triumphant leaps and bounds are actually a arduous climb of the blue wisps of the Yanlu Road, and only after experiencing the tests of blood and fire, life and death, can we overthrow the old society, fight away the invaders, and establish a new China.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

I still remember the recent hit TV series "The Age of Awakening", the story talked about the founding of the Communist Party, and "The Great Waves and Sandstorms" not only took over in terms of arrangement, but also in the plot, it was also a very coincidental continuation, telling the history of the indomitable and arduous struggle of the Communist Party of China to transform China and save the country and save the people in the past twenty years from the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919 to the convening of the "Seventh National Congress" in 1945.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

Of course, different creators and different lineups of different works bring different perceptions to the audience, but there is no doubt about one thing, that is, good film and television works can always let us feel the glorious revolutionary course and lofty revolutionary beliefs of our ancestors.

"The Great Waves and Sands" is a more "youthful" study of party history and a more "immersive" spiritual baptism

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