
10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

author:The Commercial Press

At the beginning of the new year, Vientiane is renewed. I hope that these in-depth and simple recommendations can enrich your "Spring Festival book list" and bring you a better reading experience in the new year.

1. "Why the World Doesn't Exist"

Marcus Gabriel by Wang Xi translated by Zhang Zhenhua

You read that right, everything exists except the world...

  • The classic masterpiece of a famous contemporary philosopher

Marcus Gabriel became a chair professor at the University of Bonn at the age of 28, the youngest professor of philosophy ever in Germany, and a representative of the new trend of contemporary philosophy, "New Realism". Published in 2013, the German edition of this book is faithfully translated from the original German text, which is reliable, vivid and fluent, and is the best choice for domestic readers to understand this philosophical trend.

  • Fun popular works for the masses

Although this book is a philosophical work and introduces the contemporary academic trend, the author has changed the long-winded and boring writing style of previous philosophical works and papers, and the text is simple and vivid, and the narrative is eloquent. The author is very good at taking examples from life, and borrows a lot of examples from contemporary media such as novels, film and television, and integrates difficult theories into daily life, which is both profound and interesting.

——Recommended by: Han Zhiyi, editor of the Shanghai branch of the Commercial Press

This book is a popular work of popular philosophy by Professor Marcus Gabriel of the University of Bonn, and the author begins with the history of philosophy and daily experience, and expounds the "new realism" philosophy he created and developed in a simple and simple way. The author points out that the book is strictly opposed to metaphysics. What he called "metaphysics" referred to all attempts to derive a picture of the world as a whole from one principle, one science. Therefore, the "world" does not exist, only the various fields of meaning in which real things appear, and the free, realistic things that exist in these fields of meaning.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

2. "Syllables in the Study of Phonological Grammar - Semantic Perspective"

Zhou Ren

Based on the facts of the Chinese language, the phenomenon of Chinese prosody and syntax is examined

How to read "Yellow Braised Chicken Rice"? Most people will pronounce it as "yellow stew/chicken rice", that is, "yellow stew" after a slight pause before saying "chicken rice". However, if it is divided according to semantics, it should be "yellow stewed chicken" + "rice", so why do so many people violate semantic rules to read "yellow stewed / chicken rice"? We can say "planting trees", but we can't say "planting trees", which is very interesting. "Planting" and "planting" are both verbs, and the meaning is basically the same, so why can't we say "plant trees"? Both of the above questions can be found in "Syllables-Semantic Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Prosody grammar". This book covers all aspects of the field of prosodic grammar research and provides many vivid and interesting examples. The book is quite wonderful in terms of logical reasoning and proof, each chapter is like a small case, and when you have unlocked all the cases, you will find that in the field of Chinese prosody grammar research, there is only one truth.

——Recommended by: Dai Ran, Editor of the Chinese Language Center of the Commercial Press

Based on the facts of the Chinese language, this book firmly grasps the basic pattern corresponding to the Chinese "syllable-morpheme-word", and provides a Chinese prosody grammar research idea related to "syllable-semantic (pragmatic)" by analyzing the prosody mode of Chinese syntax structure, the prosody status of The four-syllable component of Chinese, and the prosody factors of Chinese compound word composition. This book re-examines the "interactive view" of prosody and grammar, re-examines the gains and losses of stress theory in the study of Chinese prosody grammar, and mainly puts forward the following three points: First, prosody itself is a means of expressing grammatical meaning in Chinese; second, prosody expresses grammatical meaning, which is not achieved by stress as an intermediary, but through the number of syllables; third, the interpretation of the phenomenon of Chinese prosody grammar should be more from the semantic semantic semantic mechanism to find the cause.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

3. "Antarctic Penguin Visual Journey"

[Canada] David Meren (photography), [French] by Fabris Genawa (text).

Translated by Zhao Jiayi

It is not only a popular science album, but also a visual feast to contemplate the beauty of life

It is an Antarctic healing journey for each of us

Ornithologists and polar photographers take you into the endless world of penguins, witness the warm moments of miracle creatures beings born, growing, falling in love and marrying in the ice and snow kingdom, and experience the coldness and warmth of nature with your heart.

——Recommended by: Li Kunzhi, Editor of the English Room of the Commercial Press

The Antarctic Penguin Visual Journey is a popular science album Chinese, originally published in English by argentine publishing house Sudpol. The book is based on penguin photographs taken by Canadian photographer David Murray, with annotations compiled by French ornithologist Fabris Geneva. In addition to showing the magnificent atmosphere of Antarctica, the photographer captures the details of the penguins' daily life, presenting cute creatures with different personalities. In addition to introducing the scientific knowledge involved in the picture, the author also made a light and humorous interpretation of the penguin's behavior from the perspective of human society, presented the cuteness of the penguin more closely, aroused the reader's empathy for the penguin, and caused the reader's attention to environmental protection in a subtle way. This book is not only an ornamental Antarctic landscape album, but also a relaxing penguin popular science book.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

4. Agatha Christie's Classic Detective Portfolio

By Agatha Christie

24 classic Agatha detective novels help you easily improve your English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

Help you easily win the middle and high school entrance examination and the fourth and sixth levels

Language: Carefully rewritten by English experts, it is suitable for middle school students and college students

Culture: Set up a character table and a historical and cultural background annotation

Vocabulary: Difficult word annotations help with learning and reading

Listening: Beautiful English full-text reading (with QR code audio loading and point reading function)

"Agatha Christie Classic Detective Collection" series of books, is the British Collins Publishing Company selected the famous detective novelist Agatha Christie's classic works, by the English Chinese and literature experts specially adapted and designed for non-native English readers around the world, each novel has been appropriately deleted, the vocabulary and grammar have also been simplified, is suitable for readers of intermediate or above English level to learn English reading.

The audio in the book is recorded by a native British person, and the wonderful story content is reproduced with emotion. Readers can scan the QR code in the book to play audio, or they can use the point reading pen to click on the reading.

"Agatha Christie Classic Detective Portfolio (Paperback Reading Pen Set)" includes 1 customized reading pen from the Commercial Press and 24 classic detective stories: "Strange House", "Code", "Magic Hand", "Journey to Hell", "Ancient House Doubt", "Rye Strange Case", "Murder by Mirror", "Roger Mystery Case", "Apartment Mystery Case", "Strange Case in the Clouds", "Death Date", "After the Funeral", "Fake It", "Study Murder", "Cat in the Pigeon Flock", "Witness to the Murder", "Flashing Cyanide", "Murder on the Cliff", "Man in Brown Suit", "Murder in the International Schoolhouse", "Murder on the Orient Express", "Massacre on the Nile", "The Strange Case of Stiles Manor", "Prosecution Witness and Others".

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

5. "Communication on Economic Issues"

Li Yining

Everyone's little book, the words are pearls

The opportunity to sit in the classroom of Peking University and listen to Mr. Li's lectures is very rare. But if you open the book and read it, you feel the same as if you were actually sitting in a classroom listening. You can feel the plain simplicity of Teacher Li's narration and analysis, but it is as thought-provoking as Huang Zhong Dalu.

——Recommended by: Zhu Xibin, Editor of the Academic Center of the Commercial Press

This book is a book written by Professor Li Yining in the form of correspondence to explain the basic knowledge of economics and expound his in-depth thinking on some economic issues faced by the mainland in the early days of reform and opening up. The content involves demand, supply and equilibrium prices, consumer behavior theory, production and cost, perfect competition and complete monopoly market price and output determination, factor prices and income distribution, general equilibrium and welfare economics, government microeconomic policies, etc., is a rare common sense introductory book.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

6. Max Weber and Economic Sociological Thought

[Swedish] Richard Swedenborg by He Rong translated

Analyze in detail, go deep and simple, and take you to see Weber's economic thought by hand

Filling the gap in the field of economic sociology in Weber's research is a work of great academic value that explains Weber's thought. The structure of the whole book is clear, the writing is smooth and concise, and the key concepts are accompanied by charts to assist in understanding. The first chapter explains the four parts of the General History of Economics from the perspective of "The Rise of Western Capitalism"; the second chapter focuses on the understanding of key concepts such as "economic sociology"; the third to fifth chapters compare and interpret Weber's economic ideas in his highly accomplished political, legal, and religious fields; and the last chapter summarizes the whole book and presents readers with a rich and profound Weber economics. The appendix is a chronicle of Weber's economic and social thought, which shows the main trends of economics in Germany at that time, the changes in Weber's thought, the main characteristics of each stage, and the evaluation and research of scholars of various schools behind Weber.

——Recommended by: Zhao Runxie, Editor of the Academic Center of the Commercial Press

This book systematically explains Max Weber's definition, vision of the concept of "economic sociology" and its main research contents. The author summarizes Weber's economic sociological thought as: starting from the individual action driven by interests, introducing social structural factors into economic analysis, and highlighting Weber's idea of combining causal analysis and meaning understanding when discussing economic social action.

Based on his familiarity with the various editions of Weber's works and his unique grasp of this field, the author also expounds the development process of Weber's economic thought in a separate analysis, clarifies some misunderstandings in Previous Weber's research, and points out the possible paths and directions for the future development of economic sociology.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

7. Spring Festival in Beijing (Updated Edition)

Painted by He Daqi

Inject the taste of the ancient Year into the modern heart, the original Spring Festival is so fun!

With pictures and text, this book vividly restores the festive and lively Spring Festival scene, and injects the long-ago Taste of the Year into the modern soul. At the same time, the text cuts from the picture to the corresponding scene, not only the customs and the story of the New Year, but also the author's personal experience. The language is intimate and simple, and the picture of the life of old Beijing with fireworks is depicted with taste, emotion and fun.

——Recommended by: Wang Danning, Editor-in-Chief of the Editor-in-Chief Office of the Commercial Press

"Spring Festival in Beijing" (revised version) uses the Spring Festival customs of old Beijing (northern region) to string together traditional folk customs and various life memories related to the New Year, such as making flower lanterns, eating sugar melons, shaking empty bamboo, setting off fireworks, sprinkling lanterns, shaking lanterns, etc., starting from the Lapa Festival, to the end of the Second Dragon in February, restoring one after another the details and feelings of life that have been ignored and abandoned by modern life, with a strong New Year's flavor, but also a heavy ancient meaning and nostalgia.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

8. "Plants That Changed Human History"

[Portugal] by José Eduardo Mendes Ferrand

A journey of botanical discovery, an epic of plants that changed human history

From the perspective of the Portuguese, the "pioneer of plant propagation" in the Age of Discovery, this book tells a journey of green discovery strung together by 58 species of plants, an epic poem in which plants changed human history. The author is a Portuguese national treasure botanist who has integrated a large amount of fragmented information that has never been mentioned before, bringing a lot of first-hand plant data. In addition to the detailed information, the author cites a number of travel and sailing stories, making the article full of fun and making the reader smile. The author has carefully collected more than 120 exquisite illustrations from 24 well-known institutions, which are highly appreciative and collectible, and are a must-read for plant and history lovers.

——Recommended by: Lu Mingjia, Cultural Editor of HanfenLou, Commercial Press

In the age of great navigation in the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, different European countries played a pivotal role in the spread of plants, and they greatly changed the agricultural, dietary and economic structure of many parts of the world. The author of this book has read a large number of first-hand accounts in Portuguese, collected and collated a large number of literature, and summarized the origin, spread, geographical distribution and economic interests of plants.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

9. History of Germany

[de] Ulf Dilmaier et al. Translated by Meng Zhongjie Gejun Xu Jingwei

Discover the latest masterpiece on the road to the rise of Germany

What is "German History"? When did this land called "Germany" begin to be self-aware? How did it rise to become a Central European power? How does it swing and tangle between magnificent national culture and expanding imperial feelings? In the ruins of war, how did it achieve nirvana rebirth? Several German historians have joined forces to answer the above questions comprehensively and concisely from the political, economic, social, cultural, spiritual and other aspects, and strive to jump out of the framework of the nation-state and interpret the growth process of a nation from a broader global historical perspective.

——Recommended by: Guo Tian, Editor of the Taiyuan Branch of the Commercial Press

In the midst of the nations of the world, Germany is an inescapable and extremely difficult object to write about. Writing a "German history" requires both a keen and grand vision of the world and an innovative position that transcends the national history routines that have been taken for granted since the 19th century. Since the beginning of the new century, the German historical community has explored this aspect in a lot, and this book is one of the many achievements.

The narrative of the book begins in the 6th century and continues until 2012, during the Republic of Berlin (i.e., the Federal Republic). The authors strive to break through the framework of national history and discuss the evolution of German history from the perspective of European history and global history. The whole book presents historical events in an easy-to-understand way, but not in the way of popular historiography. The authors are all professional scholars, but try to write in a way that interests the reader and makes them interested in German history. Compared with other readings of German history, the advantages of this book are obvious: it is not large and concise; in chronological order, each chapter is written by the top scholars in the field, reflecting the latest research results; and it is accompanied by a detailed literature guide to facilitate extended research.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

10. Classics of General Knowledge Society

From the writings of classic authors, choose short but significant works, and feel the universal life and common history that exist with you

This series of books selects short but significant works from the writings of classic authors. The reason for this is that we believe that only by patiently and meticulously reading and understanding the classics, awakening oneself to the common experience of empathy with the predecessors, and sincerely communicating with the same people who are interested in learning, can we achieve true understanding and comprehension, and realize the universal life and common history that exists with ourselves in these classic works. Although the topics in this series of books are different from each other, the themes of concern are still in line with the pulse of our times, or at least can provide some solutions to our confusion today.

——Recommended by: Yin Zhenyu, Editor of the Nanjing Branch of the Commercial Press

This series of books follows the concept of modern humanistic education and civic education, adhering to the traditional Chinese education spirit of "reaching the people's feelings and educating people's hearts", based on the knowledge genealogy of the traditional Chinese and Western civilizations and their value connotations, editing the classic works with humanistic connotations in human history into the basic reading books of university education, responding to the needs of the times and following the trend of the times, and making every effort to shape the humanistic qualities and national spirit of modern Chinese. The first series of the series consists of six volumes, namely "Social Morphology", "Individual and State", "On Philosophical Terms", "Myth and Meaning", "Thesis on the History of Ming Society", and "Family Problems in China", all of which are classic works of classical scholars.

10 good books recommended by 9 editors | Book list

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