
Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the national football team lost 1-3 to Vietnam, resulting in the national football team completely missing the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

Losing to Vietnam has no practical significance for the team to qualify. Even if this game is won, the national football team will not be able to qualify, nor will it be possible to participate in the World Cup. However, the strength of the Vietnamese team is very average, and this time the Asian qualifiers lost all seven rounds in the first seven rounds of the round of 12. The Chinese team has never lost to them before. Unexpectedly, in this year's Spring Festival, the days of the people's celebration of the whole country, the national football team actually lost to them, breaking a historical record. Vietnamese celebrate in the streets, and the national football team members are like no one else. They should come to Vietnam for a trip.

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

On the first day of the Spring Festival, the national football team added to everyone's blockage, and the people who liked football in the country were also discouraged. The sad ones, the smashing tv sets, and the various complainers have popped up. Even people who are not usually interested in football have come out to angrily rebuke the national football team. Losing to Vietnam can only be described in two words, that is: shame!

Does such a team still have a point? Calls for the dissolution of the national team have come out again.

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

Since the national football team participated in international competitions, it has never achieved decent results. In the past, it was still shouting "rush out of Asia, go to the world", but now it is difficult to win a few games in Asia. Looking around, Asia is a strong team, and it is difficult for the national football team to win. The national football team has changed from the former Asian quasi-first-class team to the current third- and fourth-rate fish belly team, and people can be bullied. Such a team will not be disbanded, but when will it stay?

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

Liu Jianhong, a famous football commentator, has accompanied the veteran fans of the national football team for many years. He saw the fiasco of the national football team again and again. He loves and hates the national football team. He has also criticized the national football team many times. This time the national football team lost to Vietnam, Liu Jianhong was shocked again. He said extremely helpless words to the national football team from disappointment to despair: "It is not terrible to get out, what is terrible is to lose to the Vietnamese team." Losing to The Vietnamese team is not terrible, the terrible thing is hopelessness. It was a historic night in Chinese football. "This is hating iron not steel!"

As for the topic of whether to dissolve the national football team, he firmly opposed it. Liu Jianhong gave his reasons.

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

Liu Jianhong said: "Disband? Can't be disbanded! We really can't disband Chinese football, especially the Chinese men's football team, there must be a Chinese men's football team to prove something. If you don't work well, you will be humiliated. ”

Liu Jianhong's words are very obvious and quite interesting. This means that the national football team can be used as a negative example. When people don't want to work hard, they can take the national football team out as an example. If you don't work well, you will be like the national football team, and you will be humiliated.

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

Guo Chendong, a famous fighting host, said something similar. He thinks everyone is wrong to blame the national football team. "I always thought it was a big game of chess. Because we have risen and become stronger, many places are stronger than others, and we are envied and hated by people, so we must take something to show weakness. If you think about it, isn't that true? So look at the problem, there must be a height. ”

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

That is to say, if our country is strong, we can't be strong in everything, then other countries will guard against us. Then we will sacrifice the national football team, show weakness, and let other countries taste a little sweetness. In this way, the contribution of national football to the country is great and the role is great.

Thinking like this, then we really can't disband the national football team, and we have to thank the national football team. The national football team can not only be used as a negative example to motivate everyone to work hard, otherwise it will be disgraced; it can also benefit the development of the country.

Well, the national football team should stay, but also to protect well. When they lose their eyes one day, we have to applaud a lot: "Good kick!" "We want to have height!

Liu Jianhong resolutely opposed the dissolution of the national team, and the national football team members listened to the reasons and only wanted to find a seam

I don't know what the members of the national football team thought after listening to the words of these two big coffee makers. Is it to find a seam, or to find a seam? It's just that the national football team often loses endlessly and never loses. Losses are often lost, and the number of national football players is large, and there are not necessarily so many cracks left for them to drill. National football, national football, they are worried.

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