
Curling mixed doubles wins in a row! The Chinese post-90s combination narrowly beat Australia

On the morning of February 3, the Chinese post-90s duo Fan Suyuan / Ling Zhi narrowly defeated Australia 6-5 in the second game of curling mixed doubles, winning two consecutive victories since the start of the mixed doubles.

"In the game, we have been communicating and adjusting the technology," Ling Zhi and Fan Suyuan said after the game.

Curling mixed doubles wins in a row! The Chinese post-90s combination narrowly beat Australia

On the evening of February 2, less than 12 hours after a 7–6 victory over PyeongChang Winter Olympic runner-up and the Swiss duo of Perrett/Rios, Fan Suyuan/Ling Zhi once again stood on the curling mixed doubles.

In an interview after last night's game, the young duo said that the goal of the Olympic Games is to stand on the podium and let the national flag fly and the national anthem play.

"We had good goals and mistakes in the game, but we adjusted ourselves well, we didn't get impatient after the mistakes, we encouraged each other and played the best ball with the lines we've ever lost." Ling Zhi said, "Actually, I was a little nervous at the beginning, but after I put myself into the game, it will be much better. After the mistakes that followed, we had to be more focused to get the score back. ”

Fan Suyuan believes that the charm of curling competition lies in uncertainty, "to see who can grasp the opportunity in the case of mistakes, who grasps the opportunity, who can win." ”

Curling mixed doubles wins in a row! The Chinese post-90s combination narrowly beat Australia

Less than 12 hours later, Ling Zhi/Fan Suyuan once again stood on the field, facing the stronger Australian combination Ofil/Hewitt, the two remained calm, continuing the stable play of the first game.

In the first two sets, each side won one point and drew 1-1; in the third set, the Chinese team scored 2 points to lead 3-1.

Since neither side scored in the fourth inning, both sides went into halftime.

In the second half, the Chinese team withstood the pressure, and in the sixth set, with the Australian combination drawing 4-4, Ling Zhi staged a perfect throw in the crucial seventh set, and the Chinese team led 6-4.

Australia scored just one point in the final set, and in the end, the Chinese young team narrowly defeated Australia 6-5.

Curling mixed doubles wins in a row! The Chinese post-90s combination narrowly beat Australia

Before the Winter Olympics, Ling Zhi and Fan Suyuan had less than three months of cooperation, but they cooperated with each other tacitly in the game and were very patient.

"After the game has a problem, I and my partner can make very patient adjustments, which has also happened in previous training, so the combination of better mental adjustment will have the last laugh."

So far, the two have won two consecutive victories, making a good start for the Winter Olympics: "Our goal is to stand on the podium, let the national anthem play, let the national flag fly, but we will fight tenaciously every game." ”

At 8:00 p.m. on February 3, the Chinese mixed doubles pair will play against the third opponent, Sweden.

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