
The volume of a man's speech betrayed his cultivation

The volume of a man's speech betrayed his cultivation

Text: Smile Winter, the cradle of love

Use the simplest words to give you warmth, give you companionship, lead you to grow, and help you be strong.

I don't know if you've noticed that we always like to communicate with people who talk softly and methodically, rather than with people who talk loud and disorganized.

The former is low-key and kind, and has cultivation; the latter is less thoughtful and uncultured. The volume of a person's speech exposes his cultivation and directly affects the attitude and impression of others towards him.

Some people, with a very loud voice, are accustomed to constantly shouting, harassing others, and bothering themselves; some people, who speak softly and are accustomed to caring for others, will always avoid the crowd, lay out the facts, and be reasonable. The two feel different, the latter will make the other more understanding, but also more likely to win people's hearts.

Some people win as soon as they open their mouths, and win in the pattern; some people lose as soon as they open their mouths, and they lose in tone. Controlling your own volume and grasping your temper is the most basic quality of an adult.

It is an instinct for a person to speak loudly; and it is a civilization to speak quietly, especially in public, and to lower the volume appropriately. Having others in your heart and taking care of their emotions is both a respect for others and a practice of one's own.

The volume of a man's speech betrayed his cultivation


Control the volume and pass on the good home style

Talking well and controlling the volume is the best home style. Children who grow up in the lessons of loud scolding and children who grow up in soft-spoken teachings live different lives.

Many times, moderation is a powerful force that can invisibly resist the malice of the world, but also resist the attacks of the world in gentleness.

Speaking loudly and rushing to vent one's emotions, instead of gaining the respect and understanding of others, it will aggravate the wariness and defense of others, make people feel indifferent and heartless, and then fall into uneasiness and fear, so that the distance between the heart and the heart will be generated.

Properly lower your own volume, take into account the digestion ability of others, empathize, it is easier to obtain the understanding and support of others, things will be more smooth, and you will quickly achieve your own goals.

Learning to control your own volume and know how to speak softly to your family will make your family feel warm and happy. This is a symbol of family harmony, but also a family's excellent family style, but also a family's best tutor, which will benefit a person for life.

The volume of a man's speech betrayed his cultivation


Control the volume and dissolve the coolness of the world

As the saying goes: "Reason is not high, justice is in the hearts of the people." "It is better to suppress people with voice than to subdue people with virtue." In the volume of your speech, there is a person's wisdom and upbringing, heart and pattern.

In this world, there are too many rains, snows and winds and frosts, bumps and mud, hardships and sorrows.

People who truly understand others will not let themselves shout loudly, make people's hearts more cold and cold, and will not scold people roughly, make people feel angry and sad, but will intentionally control their volume, with temperature in verbal expression, so that people are like a spring breeze, dissolve the anxiety and uneasiness in people's hearts, and get warmth and strength from it.

See character for details. From the volume of your speech, you can see your cultivation, personality and ability, so that people can perceive whether you are fierce or good, whether you are cold or warm, whether you are fierce or soft, whether you can talk and do things, be reliable, or have a sinister heart and bad intentions.

To be a person who speaks peacefully, is modest and courteous to people, is not humble and unobtrusive, uses his own words and deeds, conveys goodwill and sunshine, dissolves the indifference and frost of the world, is a person's pure goodness, can dissolve the cold of a lifetime.

The volume of a man's speech betrayed his cultivation


Control the volume and guard the peace of mind

The old saying goes, "Since ancient times, the nobles' voices have been low." "People with noble hearts never make noise, do not argue with people, and are not aggressive and aggressive, they are calm and calm, quietly guarding the stability of their hearts.

"The real ink is silent and empty, and the full bottle does not move and shakes half a bottle." People with real strength often do not compete with people in the volume of speech, nor do they make people lower their eyebrows and ears in the momentum of speaking, but will be gentle and elegant, whisper softly, show their talents, work hard, and make people convinced.

They speak softly, calmly, open-mindedly, qualified, capable, and confident.

Everyone's voice is different, the level of speaking is different, but controlling the volume is something that everyone can do. Control the volume of your own speech, reflect your own cultivation, convey your positive energy, and let yourself live confidently and brightly.

People with self-confidence do not need to be ostentatious. The water is shallow, only noisy, the water is deep, only the waves are quiet. Soft words will be like mountain streams and babbling water, reaching people's hearts, not only nourishing the dry hearts of others, but also leaving a quiet space for themselves, warming up the flow of years.

The volume of a man's speech betrayed his cultivation

For the rest of your life, may you be able to control your volume, speak well, and practice slowly.

Be a gentle, determined and powerful person. Use soft whispers to dissolve the frost of the first life; use low voices to narrow the distance between hearts; use soft words to resist malicious invasions.

So as to live more confidently and comfortably, calmly, full of confidence, not afraid of the wind and rain of the world.


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