
Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more

author:Dr. Zhihua Popularized

With the continuous change of people's living habits, as well as the continuous change of living conditions, refrigerators are now indispensable household appliances in every family, and the arrival of refrigerators has indeed brought certain improvements to people's lives, while also effectively delaying the deterioration of food.

But to know that the refrigerator is not a universal cabinet, how many people think that the refrigerator temperature is very low, so it has a bacteriostatic effect, so no matter what is put in the refrigerator, this practice is very wrong, this is because some foods are not suitable for placement in the refrigerator, if these foods are placed in the refrigerator, it may make other foods in the refrigerator suffer from pollution but will also lead to an accelerated rate of food spoilage.

Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more


What are the hazards of Aspergillus aflatogenes to the body?

(1) Induce cancer

Aflatoxin has long been classified by the World Health Organization as a class of carcinogens, of which carcinogenic toxicity is very strong, especially for the liver damage is greater, this is because aflatoxin will directly enter the liver after entering the human body, causing great harm to the liver.

(2) Cause liver damage

Aflatoxin in the human body will act directly on the liver after entering the body, the liver has a certain impact, the liver is the most important metabolic and detoxification organs of the human body, after entering the human body will make aflatoxin directly act on the liver, so it will make the liver affected by aflatoxin There will be an increase in the detoxification burden, and even lead to chronic lesions of the liver, such as cirrhosis, hepatic parenchymal cell lesions and other situations.

(3) Inhibition of protein synthesis

The role of aflatoxin is to interfere with the synthesis of RNA and DNA, thereby interfering with the synthesis of cellular proteins causing substantial damage to the whole body, aflatoxin for the human body and animal health damage is the same, aflatoxin in the animal body and protein synthesis.

(4) Acute poisoning occurs

As we all know, aflatoxin is a highly toxic substance, which is very toxic to the body, so when excess aflatoxin is collected, it will show acute hepatitis, hemorrhagic necrosis, and even acute poisoning of the spleen and minor lesions of the pancreas.

Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more


Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more

(1) Green leafy vegetables

As we all know, the shelf life of green leafy vegetables is not long, if not eaten in time will be easy to cause deterioration of the situation, there are many people in order to extend the shelf life, will be green leafy vegetables in the refrigerator storage, this method is very wrong, this is because green leafy vegetables are not low temperature resistant vegetables, in the low temperature conditions when stored very easy to be frozen out of the situation, so it will lead to the production of nitrites and other carcinogens, if often eaten will produce certain damage to the liver, Causes liver lesions and is easy to induce liver cancer.

(2) Noodles

In daily life, many people have the habit of eating noodles, and even sometimes they will do too much, resulting in not eating at one time, so many people will choose to put the noodles in the refrigerator to save, and wait until the 2nd day or the next time they want to eat.

This method is very unfavorable to the health of the body, this is because the shelf life of the noodles after the production is very short, at most two or three days will appear to deteriorate the situation, there are many people will feel that the shelf life placed in the refrigerator will be correspondingly extended, so when you go to eat again, the noodles may have already deteriorated, if you eat spoiled noodles will have a negative impact on the body, so it is not recommended that you put noodles in the refrigerator.

Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more

(3) Pickles

Now there are many people with heavy taste, especially the northern population will release a lot of salt when picking pickles, these salts will produce nitrites during the pickling process, which will have adverse effects on the body, in addition, many people refuse to open the pickles, if placed at room temperature conditions, it is easy to deteriorate, so the pickles will be stored in the refrigerator, but this method is easy to make the pickles infected with aflatoxin, not only the pickles will have aflatoxin production, there will be infection with other foods, Therefore, after ingestion into the human body, it will increase the burden on the liver and increase the risk of liver cancer.

(4) Condiments

Condiments are a must-have item in every kitchen, but some people feel that sugar flavors are easy to deteriorate under room temperature storage, and will habitually put condiments into the refrigerator to store various condiments, not all of which are suitable for storage in the refrigerator.

Refrigerator is in a low and humidity environment, if long-term storage, under such conditions, it is easy to make condiments damp, after the supermarket is easy to appear aflatoxin situation, so long-term consumption of aflages contaminated with aflatoxin, will make the burden of liver detoxification increased, thereby inducing liver disease.

Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more

(5) Tropical fruits

Generally, tropical fruits can only be stored under refrigeration conditions after buying home, so many people will put tropical fruits into the refrigerator for storage, and the taste is more cold, and it is more delicious to eat, but it is not recommended that you put tropical fruits in the refrigerator for storage.

This is because although the temperature in the refrigerator's refrigeration area is low, it does not have the effect of preserving freshness, although it will slow down the growth rate of bacteria, but there will still be bacterial breeding, and tropical fruits will also produce aflatoxin in the low temperature environment of the refrigerator to adversely affect the liver.

(6) Medicinal herbs

In daily life, many people have the habit of health maintenance, so many people will care about placing some medicinal materials at home and choosing some decoctions to drink in their daily lives.

However, it is not put together to put the medicinal herbs into the refrigerator, this is because the refrigerator is more watery, if you put it into the ice yogurt for a long time, it will cause the medicinal materials to be very susceptible to moisture, and will destroy the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials, so it is not recommended that you put the medicinal materials of the Chinese medicine into the refrigerator to dispose of it, if some valuable medicinal materials need to be stored for a long time, you can put it into a clean glass bottle, and put in an appropriate amount of glutinous rice fried over low heat until dull yellow, and put the bottle cap in a cool and ventilated place after it is cooled.

Recommendation: These kinds of foods should not be placed in the refrigerator, it is easy to produce aflatoxin, may wish to know more

Conclusion: Do you know what foods are placed in the refrigerator for a long time and may produce aflatoxin? What is the opinion that certain foods are not suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator? Share your views and opinions in the comments section below. #健康迎新年 #

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