
Spring Festival Gala Health Science Popularization: What is the harm of cutting off carbs and not eating staple foods? See what nutrition experts have to say

This year's Spring Festival Gala, Jia Ling and Zhang Xiaofei cooperated again, the two performed is a mother-in-law, Jia Ling played a fat mother-in-law, in front of the people she likes in order to appear her own small family jasper, said that she was "breaking the carb" and "rice is a grain by grain".

Spring Festival Gala Health Science Popularization: What is the harm of cutting off carbs and not eating staple foods? See what nutrition experts have to say

Carb water mainly refers to sugar, starch, dietary fiber and other foods. In our daily diet, we mainly refer to our staple foods, rice, grains, etc. are rich in carb water. Therefore, many beauty lovers advocate cutting off carbs and not eating staple foods. Is this good for the body? What harm would there be?

What is the harm of cutting off carbs and not eating staple foods?

Almost all foods contain carbohydrates, especially in our staple foods, root vegetables, and sugars. Because carbohydrates are one of the important nutrients that give our body energy. When the supply of carbohydrates is insufficient, the body consumes protein and fat to maintain energy supply. So, if you don't eat staple food, it seems that you can really consume more fat and achieve the effect of weight loss? But in fact, this is not the case, long-term non-eating staple foods or insufficient carbohydrate intake, it will lead to the following harms:

1) Easy to get tired, anxious and irritable

Although both proteins and fats can be broken down to provide energy for glucose, they do not supply energy as fast as carbohydrates. Therefore, occasionally not eating a meal will not have a significant feeling, but not eating staple foods for a long time will make people feel easily tired and lack energy. It also affects the release of serotonin in the brain, making people prone to depression, anxiety, and irritability. Therefore, proper carbohydrate intake is necessary.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that 50%-65% of the energy per day is provided by carbohydrates, and if you want to lose weight healthily, you can adjust the composition of carbohydrates, such as increasing the proportion of potatoes and whole grain beans, each accounting for one-third of the staple food. For example, corn, brown rice, millet, barley, oats, etc. that retain bran not only have more protein, but also obtain nutrients such as dietary fiber and B vitamins.

Spring Festival Gala Health Science Popularization: What is the harm of cutting off carbs and not eating staple foods? See what nutrition experts have to say

2) Hypoglycemia

Our brains are very sensitive to energy and oxygen, so if the intake of carbohydrates is insufficient, it will lead to a decrease in glucose levels in the body, especially for brain workers, it is more likely to have dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms of hypoglycemia.

3) Impaired gastrointestinal function

Carbohydrates are not only abundant in staple foods, but also the dietary fiber contained in vegetables and fruits is also a carbohydrate. If you always do not eat, it is easy to lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, constipation and so on. And people who do not eat staple foods will supplement their energy by eating proteins such as meat, although protein is good, but excessive intake will also increase the burden of liver and kidney function, and even increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Spring Festival Gala Health Science Popularization: What is the harm of cutting off carbs and not eating staple foods? See what nutrition experts have to say

In short, we watch the Spring Festival Gala program to say that the carb is broken, but it should be noted that the staple food cannot be broken at will, and the carb cannot be broken in order to lose weight. However, by reducing white rice, thin noodles, etc., and eating more miscellaneous bean rice, bean paste, bean soup, etc., you can not only supplement carbs, but also get more protein.

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