
One more charge in Greenwood? Manchester United has once again officially announced! The soccer manager will remove his data!

The Greenwood thing is still fermenting. Recently, the local J side in Manchester has once again announced Greenwood's new charges, while Manchester United has also officially announced it again, and the football games FIFA and FM have removed Greenwood's data, and it has to be said that Greenwood really got into trouble this time. Moreover, this time, the impact on Greenwood is getting bigger and bigger, I don't know what kind of punishment Greenwood will eventually be sentenced to? Without further ado, let's take a look at what the situation looks like!

One more charge in Greenwood? Manchester United has once again officially announced! The soccer manager will remove his data!

Recently, the local J side in Manchester issued an announcement: "We previously investigated a twenty-year-old man suspected of domestic violence, and the judge authorized an extension of the trial until February 2, so far, he is suspected of domestic violence, ** (you know) and threats to kill. We are currently continuing our investigation. And this threat of murder is new, and I have to say that this makes the crime of Green House even heavier. Now Greenwood is really going to prison FC. And Manchester United followed with the official announcement.

One more charge in Greenwood? Manchester United has once again officially announced! The soccer manager will remove his data!

Manchester United officially said: "Manchester United reiterates that we strongly condemn all kinds of violence and, as before, Greenwood will not train with the club and will not play for the club until further notice.] And other major institutions, Nike terminated the cooperation with players yesterday, today FIFA games have removed Greenwood's data, and the developer of the football manager has also confirmed that in the next update, the football manager will also remove all of Greenwood's data, which means that it will be difficult to see Greenwood in the game in the future.

One more charge in Greenwood? Manchester United has once again officially announced! The soccer manager will remove his data!

I have to say that it is really surprising that such a talented player as Greenwood can do such a thing, and now it seems that Greenwood may not be able to go on in the football circle in the future, and a twenty-year-old young, talented player, actually did such a thing, he not only humiliated Manchester United, but also ruined himself. And the player, who was once called "Little Van Persie" by fans, may disappear from the sight of fans. But then again, the most important thing in football may be a young and talented young player like him!

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