
Physical weakness, lack of mental qi, see if these 2 triggers are caused, adjust early

author:Physician Hu Kan

  Many people will feel the body fatigue, there are many reasons for physical weakness, some chronic diseases may lead to fatigue, insomnia, however, not all the power is caused by disease, bad living habits, eating habits will also make the body feel weak.

If you have been in the symptoms of listlessness for a long time, you need to be vigilant, and this situation has seriously affected your quality of life, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to do relevant examinations, follow the doctor's advice, and carry out reasonable treatment.


Physical weakness, lack of mental qi, see if these 2 triggers are caused, adjust early

  After the symptoms of physical weakness, many people will think wildly that they have some serious illness. But in fact, this may be due to their long-term irregular living habits, which require reasonable judgment for different situations. Do not use some soil methods, blindly go to the treatment, so as not to cause aggravated consequences.

For people who are physically weak, the following two reasons are most likely to cause this situation. If you have these two conditions, please correct them in time to alleviate this discomfort in the body.

  1. Anemia

  The most common symptom of anemia is fatigue, which is caused by too little hemoglobin in the body, which plays a role in transporting oxygen and nutrients in the body.

If the hemoglobin content is too low, the oxygen and nutrients in the body cannot be adequately supplied, and the physiological activities of the body cannot be carried out normally. Therefore, the body will show symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion.

Not only that, long-term anemia will also lead to functional disorders in the human organs, the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, etc. will appear corresponding diseases, so if you have anemia, you need to adjust in time.

Physical weakness, lack of mental qi, see if these 2 triggers are caused, adjust early

  For people with anemia, it is recommended to do regular blood routine examinations to prevent anemia from becoming more serious. In addition, in terms of diet, you can choose some foods that replenish qi and blood for conditioning.

If your stomach is not good, it is recommended to choose some less irritating foods, the right amount of supplements of high-quality protein, if the anemia is too serious, you need to carry out drug treatment, follow the doctor's advice to take medicine, you can improve this problem.

Physical weakness, lack of mental qi, see if these 2 triggers are caused, adjust early

  Second, stay up late

  Many people will stay up late, and staying up late is particularly harmful to the body. Staying up late is also a major cause of physical weakness, long-term staying up late is easy to lead to kidney and liver damage, liver function is destroyed, the body's metabolism will be disordered, the human body will show symptoms of fatigue.

Over time, the body will be in a state of overdraft for a long time, and finally, it will endanger our lives.

Physical weakness, lack of mental qi, see if these 2 triggers are caused, adjust early

  In ordinary life, we must develop good work and rest habits, it is recommended to enter sleep before 11 o'clock every day, you can let the kidneys and liver get full rest, reduce unnecessary burdens, the body can also recover quickly, and the symptoms of fatigue will be alleviated.

Physical weakness, lack of mental qi, see if these 2 triggers are caused, adjust early

  In the usual diet, it is recommended to eat a light diet, which can play a certain auxiliary role in sleep, and the body will have a better mental state after getting enough sleep.

Not only that, for some people with work pressure and learning pressure, you can reduce your pressure appropriately and add some nutrients to yourself every day, which can prevent the phenomenon of anemia.

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