
Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

author:Good mood Yaya entertainment

Introduction: Lan Xichen and Lan Forgetful Machine in "Chen Qing Ling", Lan Xichen and Lan Forgetful Machine are a pair of brothers, and Wei WuXian is The confidant of Blue Forgetful Machine, and is the person who Blue Forgetful Machine has always been worried about on the tip of his heart. Whether it was wei baby appearing in the unknown place of Yun Shen sixteen years ago, or wei WuXian returned from rebirth sixteen years later, the Lan brothers recognized Wei Baby one after another, so did everyone find that it seemed that Lan Xichen was even happier than Lan Xichen, what was going on?

Compared with the introverted and young adults of Lan Xichen, although Lan Xichen is the elder brother, how many years old Lan Zhan, but in terms of emotional exposure, because of Lan Xichen's personality reasons, he is more outward than his younger brother Lan Zhan. Moreover, Lan Xichen grew up with the Blue Forgetful Machine, and he always knew his brother Blue Forgetting Machine very well, so he had the title of Reading Brother Machine.

Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

As a brother, Lan Xichen has truly achieved the selflessness of the eldest brother like a father, and in reality, we often hear such a sentence, saying that in this world, except for your parents, no one really wants you to be better than him, even if it is a brother and sister. In reality, the comparison between the relatives and sisters is not much at all, so it is difficult to have an older brother like Lan Xichen in reality, so Lan Xichen will be even more valuable to Lan Xichen for the Blue Forgetful Machine.

Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

It is precisely because Lan Xichen is really distressed about his brother Lan Forgetting Machine, but also really understands his brother, compared to his uncle, Lan Xichen is more delicate, he can really stand in Lan Zhan's perspective to think for his brother, more concerned about the inner feelings of his brother Lan Forgetful Machine. Lan Xichen has always known that his brother forgot to be a person who is cold and hot on the inside, the younger brother closed his heart because of the misfortune of gray childhood, and the early death of his mother is a trauma in Lan Zhan's heart, so he has formed a character that Lan Zhan's high cold and arrogant and unwilling to contact people.

Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

However, Lan Xichen hopes that his brother can be wayward and lively, and can be as vigorous as his peers, so he has always hoped that Lan Forgetful can make some lively friends, hoping that under the influence of these friends, his brother can also be lively, so Lan Da has been helping his brother introduce friends to know, but unfortunately has not been successful. Knowing the appearance of Wei Gongzi, Lan Xichen, as a brother-reading machine, only found that his brother had a different reaction to forgetting the machine, and he also knew that Wei Gongzi was an extremely special existence for his younger brother.

Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

At that time, Lan Zhan still had some resistance and contradictions, but Lan Xichen read his brother's mind, and he was sure that Wei Gongzi could definitely become a good friend of forgetting the machine, because Wei Gongzi was good enough, and he was bold enough and thick-skinned; and Lan Xichen was obviously very eating this set, Lan Xichen saw that his brother could finally have a good friend, and naturally he was happy for his brother. Lan Xichen, who had some emotions out, naturally seemed to be happier than Lan Forgetful!

Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

What Lan Xichen did not expect was that he had always known that his brother was stubborn and stubborn, but he did not expect that his brother forgot to do everything for Wei Gongzi, nor did he predict that his brother forgot to do anything for Wei Gongzi, and he could not predict that his brother forgot the opportunity and wei Gongzi's subsequent encounters would be so yin and yang. Lan Xichen watched his brother forget the machine for Wei Gongzi's confusion and pain, just as he forgot to face his mother. Lan Xichen even regretted it a little, at that time, he always looked for opportunities to match them and become good friends!

Later, Wei Gongzi's body fell into the night, and in the play and the original work, there was no detailed description of how the Blue Forgetting Machine spent the sixteen years without Wei Baby, but in those sixteen years, the Blue Forgetting Machine became the first of the Immortal Gate, and also became the Han Guangjun that everyone sought after, and there was also a Wen brand exactly like Wei Gongzi on his chest... Lan Forgot Ji was whipped for Wei Gongzi, he was seriously injured for three years, for him to suffer for sixteen years, asked Ling for thirteen years, wait for one not to return, this pile piece by piece, Lan Xichen all looked in the eyes, why didn't he feel sorry for his brother?

Chen Qingling: With the appearance of Wei Baby and the return of rebirth, why is Lan Xichen even happier than Lan Zhan?

Therefore, at the moment when he recognized Wei Gongzi sixteen years later, knowing that Wei Gongzi had returned from rebirth, Lan Xichen was naturally happy, really happy for his brother Lan Forgetful, feeling relieved for his brother, and finally bringing people back, and finally getting what he wanted. Lan Xichen's happiness is happy for his brother Lan Forgetfulness, and he is pleased for his brother, and Blue Forgetting Machine has an introverted personality and does not let go of his emotions, he is also happy, but this happiness is mixed with some heartache and grievances, isn't it? In any case, the feelings of the Lan brothers are also very enviable, do you envy their brotherhood of being so intimate and completely trusting each other?