
Chief Minister of Pakistan's Punjab Province: The Chinese Communist Party is the miracle maker

author:International Online
Chief Minister of Pakistan's Punjab Province: The Chinese Communist Party is the miracle maker

Chief Minister of Punjab Governorate, Pakistan, Mohammed Shabaz Al-Sharif (infographic)

International Online Report (Reporter Yang Huan Qu Hongru): On July 1, the Communist Party of China celebrated its 95th anniversary. Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, chief minister of Pakistan's Punjab province, recently wrote an article praising the CPC for leading the Chinese people to achieve economic take-off and national prosperity and strength with its far-sighted strategic vision and firm determination to forge ahead, writing a glorious chapter in China's history, and the CPC is the founder of miracles. Here's what the article says:

China and the Communist Party of China are like two sides of the same coin, and it is absolutely impossible to separate the two, because the history of China is the history of the Communist Party, a history of great achievements, which have not been achieved by chance, but through tenacious determination and masterful strategy. The Communist Party of China is not one of China's miracles, but the creators of miracles.

China's achievements today mainly rely on two points: First, the industriousness and hard work of the Chinese people have provided inexhaustible energy for the rise of China; second, the wise decision-making of several generations of leaders of the Communist Party of China. With their forward-looking vision and wise strategy, these "helmsmen" have ensured that China's giant ship has broken through the wind and waves and moved forward steadily in the unpredictable international situation.

China's peaceful rise to become the world's second-largest economy and an important pole in the international world is due to the wise vision and firm determination of the Communist Party of China and its leadership. It has only been a few decades since the Chinese Communist Party led China to the international arena, and now the world is turning to China for a panacea for rapid development. Being able to maintain rapid economic growth for 30 consecutive years is enough to prove the far-sightedness of the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Before the 1920s, China, like other third world countries, was a weak country with no direction and no status. Although New China was founded in 1949, its seeds were buried in the May Fourth Movement in 1919. The germination and growth of this seed is inseparable from the careful cultivation and painstaking watering of several generations of Chinese leaders.

Modern China was not built overnight. The Chinese Communist Party has inherited a China full of uncertainties, a China ravaged by war, feudal forces and imperialist forces. In 1949, however, everything changed: a unified new China was born from the ruins. According to the plan, the first few decades were the stage of reconstruction, so China at that time was committed to its own construction and development. During this period, the Chinese Communist Party provided a solid foundation, and the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party chose a path that cut through thorns: in this way, they started from scratch and rebuilt a brand-new China.

1978 was a year of transformation and renewal in China. If you look deeply, you will find that the Communist Party of China is a political party that advances with the times, a political party that is impartial to its own history, and can face the past squarely and the future.

It was precisely at the end of 1978 that the new generation of cpc leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping shifted the focus of the whole country to economic construction, vigorously promoted reform and opening up, and brought China into a new stage of socialist construction.

By the 1980s, China had set a reconstruction agenda. Deng Xiaoping's accurate judgment and the full support of the Communist Party of China enabled China to successfully unleash its economic potential and achieve an "economic myth." To this day, this is an inexplicable miracle that has made China the world's second-largest economy.

In the decades since the founding of New China, the Chinese Communist Party has given China a strong sense of national identity, strategic big picture and self-awareness, awakening this sleeping giant and turning her into a global economic, military and strategic power.

Both the Chinese Communist Party and China's leaders understand that when China takes off economically, it must be followed by international recognition and respect. In the 21st century, China is not only an economic power, but also a multidimensional economic power. Balanced development, attention to people's livelihood, health, education and support for the "three rural areas" have become an important fulcrum of China's new policy.

The Chinese Communist Party has broken through the traditional wisdom and logic of the political game. This rapidly changing reform is also difficult to explain logically: China has accomplished remarkable achievements in just a few decades, and only a powerful party like the Chinese Communist Party can design and perfectly implement such a large-scale strategy.

China is still a military power. On land, at sea, in the sky, China's military has strong strength. China's space science is even more enviable. None of this would have been possible without the foresight of the Chinese Communist Party over the past few decades. And when we look closely, we will find that the Chinese Communist Party struggles with science. This is a classic demonstration of collective wisdom that shines brightly and brings great benefits to a country.

Today's Chinese leader, President Xi Jinping, keeps pace with the times, and his Belt and Road Initiative will forever go down in history. Just as the ancient Silk Road made the world aware of China, President Xi Jinping also believes that the ever-evolving new China needs new ways to connect the world and communicate with each other; it needs new ways to send talents and knowledge to countries along the "Belt and Road", so as to make the world more prosperous and peaceful.

CPEC is a pioneer in the Belt and Road Initiative. Starting next year, the corridor will be gradually put into use and will become the poster child for the world,all thanks to the Chinese Communist Party and the visionary President Xi Jinping.

The China-Pakistan friendship has been described as "taller than the Himalayas, deeper than the world's deepest ocean, and sweeter than the sweetest honey." The sublimation of this friendship is closely related to the reform of the Chinese Communist Party. I call it "a friendship that breathes together and shares a common destiny." Pakistan and China have always been closest friends, and the Chinese Communist Party has provided institutional guarantees for the continuation of that friendship.

In just 25 years, the successful realization of the economic miracle and lifting 700 million people out of poverty is no exaggeration for the Chinese Communist Party. By turning its enormous population into an economic dividend, the Chinese Communist Party has set an example for the rest of the world that deserves in-depth study. It has transformed population growth from a burden on a large base into an efficient driver of economic growth.

In today's world of multiple challenges, China's peaceful rise has become a source of stability and sanity. The wisdom accumulated over thousands of years of history has become a gift from China to the world. China has brought to the world order the balance and moderate force that has long been desired, and It is an important advocate and practitioner of world multipolarization under the leadership of the United Nations.

Today, I wish the Communist Party of China a happy birthday. May the friendship between China and Pakistan be eternal and reach a new height!

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