
From "Robot Chef" to "Flying Noodles" Foreign Media Praises Winter Olympic Restaurants for "Black Technology"

Reference News Network reported on January 31 that according to TASS Beijing reported on January 29, the organizers of the Beijing Winter Olympics decided to let robots cook for reporters in the media restaurant of the main media center. The menu includes both traditional Chinese food and burgers and fries commonly found in the West.

At the main media center on the 29th, the number of journalists arriving in the Chinese capital has increased significantly. A huge dining space has been created for journalists, covering an area of 3,680 square meters and accommodating nearly 1,000 people at the same time. In the kitchen, robots and humans work together — a dozen machines can cook independently and serve meals automatically without human intervention. Dishes include traditional Chinese stir-fry, Western burgers and fries. All robots are located behind transparent glass, so everyone can watch the cooking process. In the first few days, there were far more spectators than people eating.

According to the report, the ordering process of smart restaurants is like this: customers go to the cashier (and temporarily use manual) to order food, have a variety of different dishes every day, and then get a seat number. After that, a robot chef starts making, either noodles with various ingredients or beef stew. This process takes 4 to 6 minutes. It also takes 2 to 4 minutes to get the dishes to the table. This is done by specialized food delivery robots that move along glass tracks hanging from the ceiling. When the robot moves above the desired table, a tray containing food "falls from the sky" and the ordered meal is in front of the customer, who simply removes it from the tray.

Robot chefs have an irrefutable advantage: they don't over-fry or over-fry potatoes or meat, nor do they pour too much or too little sauce. A hamburger costs about 360 rubles (about 30 yuan).

Cocktails are also reportedly handled by robotic bartenders. You can feel their service in a dedicated bar in the evening. Three mocktails and one mocktail are available.

Despite the high price, this unusual way of cooking and serving was widely praised by journalists. And during the pandemic, this way of ordering seems to be the safest.

According to the Indonesian "Bit News" website reported on January 18, the Beijing Winter Olympics will make many people excited. Not just because of the competition, but also because of the unique cuisine of "flying noodles".

According to the report, with the progress of the times, the technology of catering services is also changing with each passing day. Here, many of the services that provide catering no longer use human labor, but instead use tools such as robots. VoA Indonesia recently released a short video on its official social networking website account, which can see a variety of advanced equipment used in the kitchen of the main media center of the Beijing Winter Olympics, including robots that can cook.

In addition to being able to deliver burgers quickly, robots can also stir-fry and cook, and can fly under the ceiling to deliver noodles – the most unique and exciting project. VoA Indonesia's website even uses "Flying Face" as the title of its upload video. The noodles in the video are placed on a beautifully looking plate and delivered to a la carte customers through a robot installed under the ceiling of the room. Customers can enjoy their meal instantly from their seats, without having to gather or wait in front of the food stalls.

These advanced robots reportedly meet strict hygiene standards. It is reported that the Beijing Winter Olympics have adopted stricter health standards than the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. As soon as the "Flying Face" video was launched on social media, it caused heated discussion among netizens. Many netizens are amazed by the technologically advanced robots.

Some netizens commented that "China's technology is very good and should not be resisted."

Another netizen said, "There is no doubt about the degree of industrial development in China. I've been to China many times and I've been very impressed every time."

Some netizens said: "This is the Industrial Revolution 4.0!" ”

From "Robot Chef" to "Flying Noodles" Foreign Media Praises Winter Olympic Restaurants for "Black Technology"

Diners wait for food on smart delivery devices at the Media Restaurant on Jan. 11. Xinhua

Source: Reference News Network

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