
Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

author:Gold Broker
Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

With the popularity of the contemporary urban drama "Moonlight Variations", on the one hand, it unveils the "love and killing" between the editors of the publishing house and the new writers for the audience, and the workplace sprinkles sugar at the same time, the audience also sees the performance tension of the fresh faces of some idol sweet pet dramas, and Ma Yinyin is such a existence.

Gu Baizhi, played by Ma Yinyin in the play, is a typical strong woman in the workplace, who pays for her work wholeheartedly and is a popular "sassy girl" nowadays. Even if some viewers have a sense of distance from her "strong personality" at the beginning, but following the plot changes, they will eventually be attracted by her rationality and frankness and dare to love and hate, and join the team of "orange juice couple" to seek HE.

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves
Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

Gu Baizhi and Ma Yinyin's "Character Universe"

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

At the end of "Moonlight Variations", fans who like Gu Baizhi said: "I think she is a fierce strong woman and a role that will have a small woman posture in front of her lover, and you control the role very well!" And after seeing Ma Yinyin's music stage and demonic laughter on Douyin, everyone exclaimed: "It's hard to believe, is this really Director Gu?" This treasure girl is finally about to be discovered.

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

Meeting Gu Baizhi was a very happy thing for Ma Yinyin in itself. "Do I still have a chance to act in idol dramas?" This was her first reaction after receiving the invitation to star. From Li Bara in the TV series "Left Ear" to Xiao Hong in "Overseas Operations of Criminal Police", including the truth in the movie "The Unknown Generation", which made her debut on the big screen, "idol drama" rarely appeared in her previous works and roles. "Gu Baizhi herself is dramatic, not pleasing at first, nor is she a person with an aura in all aspects, she seems to be powerful but always not smooth. And the righteousness, kindness, tenderness, and unavoidableness under her tough exterior will eventually be seen and empathized. The professionalism of the gold medal editor, the rationality of the female professionals in the mall, and the helplessness and persistence in the face of love that is only once in a lifetime... While Gu Baizhi brought excitement to Ma Yinyin's role, she naturally challenged her.

"I learned about the profession of editor when I was writing short films myself, and I have a certain amount of material accumulation. However, whether it was in the movie or the play before, my role did not have a significant change and growth. Before filming began, Ma Yinyin listed each of her scenes and made some marks that she could understand, so that I could catch it quickly when shooting: "If I don't do this kind of homework in the early stages, I am afraid that the wrong character will be pasted up." With such an effort to lay the foundation, Gu Baizhi presented in front of the audience naturally has flesh and blood, life and story, whether it is work or love, it can make the audience empathize. Especially in the love between Jiang and Cheng, most of the fans hope that Gu Baizhi, who is dedicated to his career, can eventually become a family member with Jiang and Cheng, proving that "rational sugar" is sweeter.

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

Sprinkling sugar on the role actually brings a lot of challenges to Ma Yinyin, who has only experienced the BE single ending role before, and she is not good at it: "Sometimes I wonder how others do it? I'm a person who gives as much as I want, and I have to feel the right point between myself and the character. "So where is the point where Gu Baizhi and Jiang Youcheng are right?" Ma Yinyin talked about a scene, Jiang and Cheng were in the car, Gu Baizhi turned his head before entering the building, the two smiled through the windshield, and the director said "sweet".

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

On the day of the end of "Moonlight Variations", Ma Yinyin wrote a "confession" to Gu Baizhi, behind her good writing is the delicate emotions of poking fans. She said "It's been 163 days since I left you" and "we were both particularly important people in each other's lives." The confession also mentioned her first role in life, "Li Bar La", and she quoted a sentence from Li Bar La: "Persistence is rare, and it will never fail to live up to your simplicity." Every character who appears in Ma Yinyin's life makes up the current her, and she jokes that this is her own "character universe". Is it a relationship like a friend? She felt it seemed impossible to define her and the characters in that way: "I was very committed to each role, or I had stood in front of them and sometimes stood behind them, and they 'needed' me as a vehicle to present a period of their lives at a specific time." For an actor, when you do your homework for the character, you already believe in her existence, and the character's past and future will always exist. ”

Be attentive to each character, and the same is true for the work. "Moonlight Variations" is difficult for Ma Yinyin to choose the so-called highlight moment in her heart, in her opinion, every scene and every plot and every line is still fresh in her memory, and she believes that Gu Baizhi "got what she wanted, and is now very happy." ”

Sing, act, try to "slash" yourself

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

Becoming an actor is something that Ma Yinyin has never imagined, perhaps because of the long-term suppression of artistic dreams, or the belated rebellious period, she chose the identity of a musician after graduating from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, went to Australia to study, returned to China to participate in the fourth season of good voice, studied under Yu Chengqing, and let the national music fans remember a low and full of charm of a good voice. The opportunity to "be an actress" suddenly appeared after the end of the Voice Competition, a music competition that allowed producer Rao Xueman to "meet her" and invite her to star in the TV drama version of "Left Ear" in Li Bara. She did not know much about the actor line, she experienced a psychological struggle from "feeling that the casting that contacted her through Weibo private messages is a liar" to "I am more like Li Er, I can't play the 'bad girl' Li Bara", until Rao Xueman used the role to stimulate the love-hate rush side that she herself did not find, she had the profession of an actor, and slowly changed with this profession.

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

In today's Ma Yinyin's view, Rao Xueman is sure that she is Li Barla, Rao Xiaozhi invited her to star in the stage play of the same name "Left Ear" and the film "The Unknown Generation", director Yu Chun selected her to star in "Overseas Action" with a group of old drama bones, director Zhang Boyu and the producer of "Moonlight" recognized her as Gu Baizhi, and the upcoming works "She Sleeps Here", "Chasing the Wind Teenager", "Wild Dog Record", etc., these trusts allowed her to complete the identification of her identity as an actor.

She thinks acting is a job, but it's not the same as any other job.

When not acting, actors do not strip themselves away, but draw the nutrients of acting work from all the experiences of life.

"These characters shape me and make me more open-minded."

The first shot in the movie "The Unknown Generation", Zhenzhen's monologue in the interrogation room, director Xiaozhi let her play at will, this is the first time Ma Yinyin experienced the absolute time of the actor, it turned out to be so enjoyable. In the film She Sleeps Here, she plays a piano teacher who needs to play a difficult piano piece of Ramakhniov in its entirety, which is extremely difficult for her to simply play chords to accompany herself, but the trust of the director and producer allows her to complete the role and performance after three months of practice. "I'm like a container, it's wonderful, the more confidence you give me, the more things I can hold."

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves
Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

The dual identity of actor and singer does not seem to bother Ma Yinyin, but rather enjoys it: "I am an interest-oriented person, as long as I think it is interesting, I will not get tired, and I enjoy the process of digging deeper." 」 Don't set limits on yourself, there is an opportunity to hope to continue slashing and broadening your boundaries. ”

Referring to the current confusion and problems, she said that she felt that it was good to have confusion, and there was an answer to confusion. Ma Yinyin's recent interests are interacting with fans and studying douyin. "Observe what kind of content causes what kind of data changes." At this time, she seemed to be enjoying the pleasure of a polytechnic girl again. As for fan interaction, suddenly one day she understood the relationship between herself and this group, which is a kind of existence that inspires each other and complements each other, in a sense, can also achieve each other.

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves
Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

"You know, after work, I need to 'loose and empty', to mix up the days, to feel the pulse of life." 」 The undefinable horse yin yin "defines" the actor Ma Yin yin in this way.

Interview with Ma Yinyin: Can sing, can act, can slash themselves

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