
A week of hot news recommended to read the | 31 provinces to dry the economic answer sheet; "Winter Olympics have an appointment" character interview

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
A week of hot news recommended to read the | 31 provinces to dry the economic answer sheet; "Winter Olympics have an appointment" character interview

A week of hot news recommended reading

(January 24 - January 30)

● Into the strongest brain of the Winter Olympics: the secret of athletes' performance improvement, these scientists know

Written by: Nandu reporter Wang Fan Song Chenghan trainee reporter Ding Jingxuan Guo Ruomei Chen Qiuyuan Editor: Liang Jianzhong

A week of hot news recommended to read the | 31 provinces to dry the economic answer sheet; "Winter Olympics have an appointment" character interview

Recently, the participating teams in the cross-country skiing project of the Beijing Winter Olympics have successively adapted to the venue at the National Cross-Country Skiing Center, familiar with the track, and prepared for the increasingly approaching competition. Xinhua News Agency

As the Countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics begins, Nandu launched interviews with people who are participants, supporters and service providers of the Winter Olympics, telling their stories about the Winter Olympics.

Athletes on the field work hard, and behind them are the high-tech competitions of various countries. The team of scientists such as Huo Bo and Zhang Haiyang are known as the "strongest brains" behind ice and snow sports, how can they help the Winter Olympics to achieve excellent results in preparation for the Winter Olympics? The Nandu reporter chatted with them.

From February 2 to 4, the "Flying" torch of the Beijing Winter Olympics will be passed by 1,200 torchbearers in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. How is the "flying" torch developed and produced? Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical undertook the task of R&D and production of the torch for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and nandu reporter interviewed Huang Xiangyu, deputy general manager of Shanghai Petrochemical and deputy leader of the torch mass production project leading group, who told the birth of the "flying" torch.

There will be at least one ice hockey game every day from February 3 to February 20, and Li Longmou, who is known as the "first commentator of Chinese ice hockey", will be a guest of CCTV to bring the game commentary. He hoped that fans would pay more attention to the performance of the Chinese team and "there will be surprises".

"In the pair skating competition, I will look forward to the Chinese team's Sui Wenjing/Han Cong, who have won two World Championships and will attack the Olympic gold medal." Chen Lu, China's first figure skating world champion and "butterfly on ice", talked about the Figure Skating Project of the Beijing Winter Olympics in an exclusive interview with Nandu and N video reporters, and Chen Lu's eyes were full of excitement and happiness.

Netizens look forward to seeing Zhang Jiahao, who is known as "China's most inspirational snowboard skater" on the Winter Olympics, although his hopes have failed, but Zhang Jiahao himself is not sorry, in his opinion, for one percent of the possibility of doing his best, there is no regret, he will participate in the Winter Olympics in another form.

●Open the board! Nandu takes you to unlock the top ten punch cards of the Winter Olympics

Written by: Nandu reporter Wang Fan Song Chenghan Mo Qianru Song Lingyan Wang Sen Trainee reporter Ding Jingxuan Design: Li Bei Technology: Deng Jiemin Editor: Liang Jianzhong

A week of hot news recommended to read the | 31 provinces to dry the economic answer sheet; "Winter Olympics have an appointment" character interview

The Beijing Winter Olympics are coming, are you ready to unlock the major venues? Play with the new skills of skiing with Nandu reporters, and take you to the end of 10 punch cards along the way.

The Beijing Winter Olympics have received extensive support from the international community. Dignitaries from 25 countries gathered for the Winter Olympics, and international dignitaries attending the Beijing Winter Olympics also had a lot to see. Among them, Russian President Putin is the world's first head of state to announce his attendance at the Winter Olympics; Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is a former cricketer who led the national team to win the World Cup; Saudi Arabia became the first Gulf Arab country to participate in the Winter Olympics, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed personally attended the opening ceremony to show his encouragement to the athletes.

● In the anti-monopoly year, 230,000 people talked about monopoly on Weibo: who are they and what do they care about the most?

Written by: Nandu reporter Huang Liling Li Ling Editor: Jiang Lin Li Ling

A week of hot news recommended to read the | 31 provinces to dry the economic answer sheet; "Winter Olympics have an appointment" character interview

CNKI anti-monopoly theme articles have been published over the years.

In 2021, the antitrust field, which was previously slightly deserted, became lively.

Under the anti-monopoly year, the release of one law enforcement case after another has shown the determination of supervision to maintain the order of competition, and at the same time sounded the alarm bell for market players.

In 2021, a total of 175 monopoly cases were investigated and handled nationwide, an increase of 61.5% year-on-year, and the amount of fines and forfeitures was 23.586 billion yuan. A number of Internet giants have been punished by the top for mergers and acquisitions; some traditional areas with high monopolies have also ushered in strong supervision, and the anti-monopoly fine record of the pharmaceutical and building materials industries has been refreshed.

Killing and algorithmic conspiracy to set off research fever? 30,000 academic articles revealed what is the monopoly in the eyes of scholars, what kind of competition disorder is most concerned about, and what countermeasures are proposed for this?

On the one hand, whether it is the sky-high fines of hundreds of millions, the unreachable business empire, or the administrative penalty letter in French, "monopoly" seems to be so far away from every ordinary person. On the other hand, "monopoly" is so close to everyday life. From the monopoly of water, gas, coal and electricity, the pharmaceutical and building materials industry, to the platform "choose one of the two", music exclusive copyright and other issues, it directly or indirectly affects every penny that people take out of their pockets and make every choice they make on mobile phones.

This time, Nandu Anti-Monopoly Frontier will focus on the public, trying to understand which monopoly events have attracted widespread attention in the past year, what are the high-frequency words of public discussion, and who cares most about monopoly issues?

● 31 provinces basking in last year's economic answer sheet: which provinces are catching up? Which provinces are left behind?

Written by: Nandu trainee reporter Chen Qiuyuan Editor: Liang Jianzhong

A week of hot news recommended to read the | 31 provinces to dry the economic answer sheet; "Winter Olympics have an appointment" character interview

In 2021, the mainland's GDP will exceed 110 trillion yuan for the first time, reaching 1143670 billion yuan, and the economic growth rate will exceed 8% for the first time since 2012.

What kind of economic report cards have the provinces handed over over the past year? With the GDP of 31 provinces ranking high, what new changes have been shown in the economic pattern? Which provinces are catching up? Which provinces are left behind?

As of January 26, 31 provinces in the mainland have successively announced the economic operation of the past year. After combing the data, the Nandu reporter found that Guangdong's GDP exceeded 12 trillion yuan for the first time, ranking first. Jiangsu is close behind with 11 trillion yuan. Shandong ranked third with 8 trillion yuan.

The "4 trillion GDP club" has been increased to 13 provinces, adding Beijing, Shanghai, Anhui and Hebei. So far, the GDP of the "three provinces and one city" in the Yangtze River Delta has exceeded 4 trillion yuan, and the integrated development has accelerated. Hebei's GDP surpassed Beijing's for the second consecutive year. Xinjiang's GDP reached 1.6 trillion yuan, surpassing Tianjin.

With the support of a series of national policies, Hubei's economy has come out of the impact of the epidemic, and the GDP growth rate has grown from negative in 2020 to the first in 2021; GDP has surpassed Fujian and returned to the seventh place in the country; and benefiting from the rise in energy prices, the growth rate of Shanxi, a major coal-producing province, has reached 9.1%, ranking third in the country, and the total GDP has also surpassed Guizhou and squeezed into the top 20 in the country.

●More than 420,000 opinions solicited opinions and more than 80,000 people participated, how to understand the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests?

Written by: Nandu reporter Jiang Xiaotian Editor: Liang Jianzhong

In the official website of the National People's Congress, this is a rare draft law with more than 420,000 pieces of public opinion, and in the month since its announcement on December 24, the number of participants has reached more than 80,000, and the public has poured unprecedented enthusiasm into this draft law, so that the outside world has called it the biggest hit of this year's revision of the law.

This stems not only from a certain intrinsic need of the public, but also from the tremendous changes that have taken place in the draft law. Since its enactment in 1992, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests has been revised three times, and the intensity of this revision and the breadth of the revision are unprecedented. The draft not only provides clear responses to hot issues in recent years such as gender discrimination in the workplace, sexual harassment, and rural women's property inheritance rights, but even refines to care for life details such as family PUA, economic compensation for women's housework, women's toilets, and the number of mother and baby rooms.

In the month since the National People's Congress solicited opinions from the public, along with the discussion of the draft law, there has been an endless stream of controversy over certain draft articles. Is the draft suspected of going beyond the conceptual framework of the concept of "equal rights" and providing special protection for women? Can the draft really promote the protection of women's rights and interests without the suspicion of declaratory and slogan-like? What are some possible improvements in the revised draft?

At the end of the consultation stage, the suspension of the controversy once again reviewed these heated discussions, and Nandu reporters exchanged views with a number of scholars in order to clarify the misunderstanding and re-examine the true significance of this urgently needed amendment.