
My family has a new "tenant"

author:Beiqing hot spot
My family has a new "tenant"

◎ Bao Ping

This nest of birds on the windowsill of my house, and a lot of bird droppings, is enough to show that we are a rich city here

In early spring, at 5 o'clock in the morning, I can often hear the birds "grunting" in bed. Moreover, as long as you smell the birdsong, it will be bright, like an alarm clock, very magical.

One morning, I was pushing the window to dry my clothes, and suddenly I heard the fluttering of bird wings, which startled me! Looking at it, it turned out to be a gray spotted dove, making its home in the corner of a glass window on the far side! There are also two bird eggs in the nest. I opened the window to startle the dove, and in a panic it flapped its wings and flew, hitting the parapet and knocking off a few feathers. Looking at the few gray bird feathers flying on the windowsill, and the two lone bird eggs, my heart trembled, and my blood pressure soared instantly.

After a moment's hesitation, I hurriedly closed the window and quickly withdrew from the window sill. I really didn't expect that a heating season did not open this window, and actually let the quiet corner of the window sill become a nest for birds, so surprised! I remember that a few years ago, it was a sparrow, and the nest was installed in the plug-in machine of the living room air conditioner, which caused us not to turn on the air conditioner for a summer. In order to make mother dove feel at ease, I quickly closed the curtains and returned to a quiet state. All morning, I was restless and nervous. Frequently hide behind the curtains, pick up a little gap, and observe the situation of the bird's nest. Looking through, about an hour or so, the dove returned! It first flew around a few times outside the guardrail, and then stood on the guardrail and looked around, eliminating the safety hazards, and then jumped down and quietly lay down into the bird's nest. At that moment, my heart was warm and I was in tears.

In order to let the new "tenants" safely camp and set up camp, since then, this side of my home, like the confinement of the confinement family, also closes the window and closes the curtain in the daytime. Occasionally open the window for ventilation, but also gently push open a little gap. I was worried that the whole glass was pulled open, and the spotted dove noticed the abnormality around the nest and scared away. Usually, I go to this window is a creep, but also changed the bad problem of the lion roaring in the east of the home, try not to make a big move at home, lest I frighten this little elf. The gentleman teased: "Before our family, you were a big cat." Now, it's the big cat that can fly! I glanced at him and mysteriously pretended to be half immortal: "The dove can come to our house to settle down, indicating that our family has a good aura, this is called 'Heavenly Descent Xiangrui', The Que Laughing Dove Dance, I must attach great importance to it!" When the gentleman heard this, he smiled and echoed: "I also think it is very good!" Lying on the bed listening to the sound of 'grunting' in the ears, quiet and ethereal, as if living in seclusion in the mountains and old forests, paradise, the heart is particularly clear and comfortable. Isn't this 'February lake clear water, spring birds singing'? ”

At first, I saw the dove squatting in its nest all day and night to incubate its eggs, and I was very worried that it would starve to death. Wanted to put millet, but afraid to scare it away again, only hesitated to tangle and did not dare to implement. Through several days of observation, I found that my worries were completely superfluous, ridiculous, and childish! Because, the hatching of the baby bird is two spotted doves. I guess they're supposed to be a couple—Daddy Spotted Dove and Mother Spotted Dove. They take turns incubating eggs and taking turns going out to forage, much like the handover system of human work. One day, one of them went out and the other came back, flapping his wings high and low outside the window sill guardrail, like a double dance, and I caught him squarely. I hurried to another bedroom window parallel to me, crouched under the window, stretched out my arm, and carefully exposed my phone to the window, "clicking" a blind shot. Thankfully, there are a few shots that have managed to bring the dove couple into my.

Life is magical! In the blink of an eye, for about half a month, two furry baby birds broke out of their shells, and the spotted dove still protected them with its entire body. With the baby, The Dove Dad and Mom are more industrious. They still take turns going out to forage, returning to the nest to feed the two dove babies. I was very surprised! The way doves feed their babies seems hard and cruel – they need to open their mouths and let their babies stick their long beaks into their mouths for food. This is about the same as cattle rumination. However, the cow ruminates to better chew and digest food, but the parents of the spotted dove are to feed their children the food they have worked so hard to find and raise their children to grow up. Looking at the plump wings of the dove baby day by day, I feel more and more that the father's love is like a mountain, the mother's love is like water, I have exhausted my life, just to love you, in all the worlds of life are exactly the same.

"Good birds are friends." This warm family of four taught me to love nature and fear life. People often use where birds don't to describe the barrenness of a certain place, this nest of birds on the windowsill of my house, and a lot of bird droppings, which is enough to show that we are a rich city here.

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