
Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

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Although there are many types of transportation now, but the real means of transportation for the elderly, the space to choose is still very limited, and in the few choices, the most suitable for the elderly, it is generally believed that it is a four-wheel low-speed electric vehicle, that is, the old scooter, which is from the comfort, price, driving and other aspects, is a type of transportation tool that the elderly prefer.

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

And such means of transport, in more and more places have been restricted in use, illegal on the road will face penalties such as car arrest or fines, and the reasons for punishment mainly include the use of assembled non-standard cars, unlicensed and unlicensed driving of motor vehicles, etc., which makes the elderly who rely on the old scooter to travel, it is very troublesome.

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

However, with the release of the "Pure Electric Passenger Car Use Technical Conditions (Draft for Comments)", the situation that the old scooter cannot be on the road has been turned around, because the standard for the low-speed electric vehicle such as the old scooter, it is clear that it is a "micro low-speed pure electric passenger car" Identity, as long as the vehicle meets 4 conditions, it belongs to the passenger car, naturally has the qualification to go on the road, the small connoisseur today to take you to see these 3 conditions, 60 years old car owners pay attention.

The old scooter meets 3 conditions to qualify for the road

Condition 1: The vehicle meets the standard for miniature low-speed pure electric passenger cars

The most important revision of the "Technical Conditions for the Use of Pure Electric Passenger Cars" in 2021 is to add new models such as "micro low-speed pure electric passenger cars", and there are detailed regulations on such models in terms of seats, size, weight, speed, endurance, etc.;

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

Number of seats: 4 seats and below;

Size requirements: length is not more than 3.5 meters, width is not more than 1.5 meters, height is not more than 1.7 meters;

Vehicle weight: not more than 750 kg;

Speed: 30 minutes maximum speed greater than 40 km / h, not more than 70 km / h;

Endurance: not less than 100 km;

Energy density: not less than 70wh/kg, etc....

Meeting the above criteria is a qualified "micro low-speed pure electric passenger car" and no longer belongs to non-standard cars, which determines whether it can be legally on the road.

The second condition: the vehicle meets the catalogue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and has complete qualifications

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

If only the production of vehicles meets the standards, it is only an important basic condition, from the road is still far from enough, a motor vehicle that can be legally compliant on the road, in addition to meeting the standards in the process of production and manufacturing, at the source and after leaving the factory, it is also necessary to meet the relevant standards.

Specifically, before the production of the vehicle, it should be included in the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" catalog, so that it means that it is a vehicle admitted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and after leaving the factory, it should be a vehicle that meets the 3CCC certification and has a vehicle qualification certificate.

The third condition: purchase tax, insurance payment certificate in hand

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

If you have the above 2 conditions, it is already very close to the road, but to truly realize the license, the third condition can be said to be "a foot in the door", which is also indispensable, as a motor vehicle, in the process of listing, in addition to the vehicle qualification, the purchase tax, insurance payment vouchers and other materials are also necessary.

Of course, compared to the 1st and 2nd conditions, the initiative is in the hands of the manufacturer, the 3rd needs materials, the owner only needs to want to play the card, this is a problem of spending more money, there is no difficulty, but no difficulty does not mean that it is not important, without these, it is still impossible to get on the card, and it can not be on the road.

Old scooter driving can not be arbitrary, there are 3 aspects to pay attention to on the road

If the owner's vehicle meets the above 3 conditions, it can successfully obtain a license and can be legally on the road, but even so, the old scooter on the road can not be as casual as before, there are 3 aspects, need the owner to pay attention;

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

Aspect 1: In terms of the qualifications of the driver, as the owner of the car, driving a motor vehicle passenger car, in accordance with the "Regulations on Quasi-Driving Type Codes", it is necessary to hold a driver's license of C2 or above;

The second aspect: to comply with the road traffic rules, in the past, the old scooters were motorized and non-motorized vehicles that could be switched at will, and the lane changes were also relatively arbitrary, and after obtaining the license, it was necessary to comply with the traffic rules that the vehicle should abide by;

Aspect 3: Regarding the punishment, the previous car on the road, even if there is a violation is only verbal criticism, and now the vehicle belongs to the legal model, once the violation occurs, it will face the penalty of deducting points, fines, and even serious violations such as drunk driving, and will also be investigated for criminal responsibility, and the owner should not ignore it.

Good news: the old scooter suitable for the elderly, meet these 3 conditions can also be on the road

Conclusion: The old age scooter as a very popular means of transportation for the elderly over 60 years old, although it has restrictions on the road, but as long as it meets the above standards, it can continue to be used, and the above 3 conditions are not difficult for the owner to achieve, and the 3 things that need to be paid attention to on the road are what every motor vehicle driver should abide by, therefore, as the driver of the old age scooter, do not use non-standard cars, abide by road traffic, so that you can be assured of driving on the road, do not have to worry about being checked.

So, what do you think about these conditions and precautions on the road of the old scooter? Comments are welcome.

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