
This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

I love the grass in the woods

Fragrant grass

They kiss and giggle

No more abundance

Balmont | grass in the woods

This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

You carry my dreams

Poet | Neruda

I love you

It's not about treating you like a salty rose

Or hummingbirds or caryophyll arrows shot down by fire

It's about seeing you as if you were between shadows and souls

Something dark that is secretly loved

It is to treat you as the one that never blooms

But the plant that secretly sucks away the light of the hidden flowers

Thanks to your love

Something that rises from the earth

The solidified fragrance lives darkly in our bodies

And don't know why or when and where

I love you frankly

Neither complicated nor proud

So, I love you

It's because I don't have any other way

Except for this

Where there is no me, there is no you

So close

When your hand is placed on my chest

It's mine

When I fell asleep

Your eyes are closed

This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

That's fine

Poet | Yu Xiuhua

Yellow spring is gone

There are also thick birdsong on the branches

Birds cannot be heard

But there was a dewy morning

That's not bad

This morning is not hometown

It's on the way

That's fine too

I don't know where you are

But know that you are in the world

I was at ease

I don't know who you're talking to

But know the accent you use

As if I could hear

There is a lot of sadness in the world

I'm not all for it

This morning is not hometown, it is on the road
This morning is not hometown, it is on the road
This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

Maybe you'll get it

This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

I slowly realized that I loved poetry more than ever.

In a world where only the soul sings, the seasons are not always distinct. I listen to the sound of snowflakes falling in the spring, step through the scorching sun to the green meadows in the winter, taste the bitter wine lost when I sleep in the crook of my happy arms, and step on the thorns in the ivory tower. Life drenches me, and I go to ignite a new time, without hesitation, without looking back.

I slowly realized that I was more attached to my hometown than before.

Because it is too four seasons distinct. Spring shakes off cold frost, willows sneak into cuffs, summer has no air conditioning, autumn sweeps away unclean leaves, winter is thick snow is lonely is a broken crowd and heated isolation from the cold. Thick dust obscures beauty but does not hinder the cleanliness of the heart.

That's fine.

It's just that I can never find a poem that belongs to my hometown, and I can't dive into the resonance of the chapter like sinking into a young dream.

A piece of land the size of a palm, like a stone, I often forget, but I tripped over it again and again; like a ticket stub on a return trip, carefully sandwiched in a book many years ago and forgotten forever; like a vow, or the cry of a child, and your "goodbye."

Maybe you'll get it.

This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

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This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

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This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

Editors | delighted

Image| Jose Portillo

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This morning is not hometown, it is on the road
This morning is not hometown, it is on the road
This morning is not hometown, it is on the road
This morning is not hometown, it is on the road

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