
Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

Tiger, one of the twelve zodiac signs, ranks third, and the earth branch is Yin, called YinHu.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

In China, the tiger is known as the "king of a hundred beasts".

Chinese has been admiring tigers since ancient times and loves the bravery and strength of tigers.

So, what does a tiger really mean to Chinese?

In Chinese culture, the tiger symbolizes martial courage and might, driving away evil spirits, and auspiciousness.

"The tiger, the yang, the chief of a hundred beasts, can fight and defeat sharpness, and eat ghosts."

- "Customs and Customs"

Tiger culture is one of the earliest totem cultures of origin, and the totem worship and cultural legend about tigers are a cultural phenomenon of the Chinese nation that communicates with people and gods, connects with nature, and prays for blessings and evil spirits. In many ethnic histories and legends in China, people regard the tiger as the god of the world and the ancestor of human reproduction.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

In ancient Chinese writing, the word "tiger" first appeared in oracle bones, depicting the shape of a tiger with a colorful pattern on its body, the upper part of which is the tiger's head, and the lower part is the shape of the tiger's body and foot tail.

"Tiger, the king of the mountain beasts also." From the worm, the tiger's foot resembles the human foot, the pictogram. ”

- "Explaining Words"

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers
Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

Shang "Ding Youbu Tiger" oracle bone piece Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum

In China's ancient agricultural society, the tiger is one of the "four beasts", which can "drive away evil and suppress evil" and has the meaning of protecting the gods.

By the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, tiger stripes were used on bronze ware, which is one of the earliest and long-used traditional Chinese patterns, generally using the side shape of the tiger, with a large mouth and a tiger tail rolled up.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

The ancient Chinese people admired tigers, especially in the military, because the image of the tiger was majestic and often used to praise the brave and good soldiers in the army.

In addition, it is a symbol of power and power. The voucher used by the ancient Chinese emperors to dispatch troops was made in the shape of a tiger, called the tiger symbol.

The tiger symbol first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the bronze tiger shape was used as a transfer voucher issued by the central government to local officials or garrison leaders, and its back was engraved with an inscription, divided into two halves, the right half was stored in the imperial court, and the left half was issued to the commander or local governor, the special symbol was dedicated, one place and one symbol, and two halves were needed to investigate and verify the truth when the troops were dispatched to take effect.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

Warring States Wrong Jin Du Hu Fu Shaanxi History Museum

In China's long history, there have been people who have become famous for painting tigers for their ability.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

In the hearts of ordinary Chinese people, the tiger is a symbol of justice, bravery and majesty, which can drive away disasters and evil.

In various fields of traditional culture such as folklore, folk art, and folk opera, the image of the tiger is everywhere.

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the tiles in the building have begun to use tiger stripes, both the Benhu pattern and the double tiger play pattern. The "Divine Tiger Town House" reveals people's good wishes to conquer the evil forces and defend a happy life.

Children wear tiger hats and tiger shoes to scare off demons and protect their safety.

Every fifth Dragon Boat Festival at the beginning of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the folk often hang Ai Hu on the door or on the body to avoid evil and dispel impurities.

Similarly, Chinese new year, not only to paste the door god, but also like to paste the tiger on the door, the traditional folk concept of the tiger can drive away evil spirits, catering to people's hope for peace and happiness.

The "Customs and Customs" records that people painted tigers at the door, hoping to use wei fiercely to regard tigers as a symbol of protecting the peace and tranquility of the people's lives.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

For thousands of years, people have worshipped tigers, used it to town houses, protect treasures, and expel evil, extending the image of tigers to folk culture, daily necessities, artworks, place names and other fields, forming a very distinctive Chinese tiger culture.

In the thousand-year development process of Chinese culture, the image of the tiger has not been eliminated by the changes of the times, but has been polished by history for a long time and constantly created new life.

Intensive knowledge output to give you a better understanding of tigers

2022 is the Year of the Tiger in the lunar calendar. Let's "tiger and tiger" together to be blessed!

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