
Thousands of years ago, the Central Plains Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and the Spring Festival Gala in Zhengzhou "opened"

Before 1800, the nobles of the Eastern Han Dynasty held a grand banquet, during which musicians beat drums, gongs, and cymbals; dancers stepped on plates and drums danced; jugglers showed their skills, blowing fires, throwing pills, and performing festivals... The guests laughed freely and were not busy.

Thousands of years ago, the Central Plains Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and the Spring Festival Gala in Zhengzhou "opened"

The food culture creative program "Feast and Drink Map" presents a lively ancient Central Plains banquet scene. Photo by Han Zhangyun

The above is the scene depicted in the mural "Feast and Drink Hundred Plays" in the tomb of the Han Tomb of the New Myida Tiger Pavilion in Zhengzhou, a national key cultural relics protection unit. Across time and space, on the evening of January 29, 2022, the 2022 Zhengzhou Spring Festival Gala reproduced this lively Eastern Han Dynasty banquet scene on the stage through innovative packaging, especially a series of classic Yu dishes presented in the banquet, on the eve of the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, showing the grand opening of the ancient Central Plains Chinese New Year's Eve dinner thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, the Central Plains Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and the Spring Festival Gala in Zhengzhou "opened"

The Huaxia Ancient Orchestra of Henan Museum participated in the recording of "Feast and DrinkIng Map". Photo by Han Zhangyun

2022 Zhengzhou Spring Festival Gala, this innovative, cultured, good-looking and delicious program called "Feast and Drink Map", once broadcast, many netizens left a message "Look hungry." ”

"Feast and Drink Map" takes a young modern Yu cuisine chef as the starting point, the Yellow River carp carefully prepared by the young chef is not recognized by the master, it is accused of "lacking charm", in order to find "charm", the young chef works day and night from the mountains of books to find answers, until falling into an ancient picture scroll, breaking into the grand banquet of the Eastern Han nobles.

According to Wang Xin, the general director of the 2022 Zhengzhou Spring Festival Gala, the program "Feast and Drink Map" was created based on the mural of the Han Tomb of The New Mita Tiger Pavilion, "Feast and Drink Hundred Plays". "In the program, we presented the picture of guests sitting on the table, feasting and drinking happily, and watching a hundred plays in the program, presenting the feast culture of a thousand years ago."

Thousands of years ago, the Central Plains Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and the Spring Festival Gala in Zhengzhou "opened"

The program creatively presents the modern chef who mistakenly entered the banquet of the Eastern Han Dynasty nobles through the "Feast and Drink Hundred Plays". 2022 Zhengzhou Spring Festival Gala program group courtesy of the picture

Wang Xin also stressed that the program is not the original restoration of the Eastern Han Dynasty scene, the program appears in the Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and other dynasties in the Central Plains area of the court and folk cuisine that have been handed down to the present.

For this reason, the 2022 Zhengzhou Spring Festival Gala Director Group cooperated with the Huaxia Ancient Orchestra of the Henan Museum to produce and launch an ancient song about the food culture of the Central Plains, breaking the serious and heavy impression of traditional dance music, and hedging with the serious appearance of the ancient orchestra with a relaxed and witty multi-yuan style to form a strange visual effect.

"We use the grand ancient orchestra performance as the background atmosphere to render and interpret the ancient feast scene in "Feast and Drink Hundred Plays", thus vividly expressing the long-standing Central Plains food culture." Wang Xin said that there is a historical basis and there are also modern innovations.

Thousands of years ago, the Central Plains Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and the Spring Festival Gala in Zhengzhou "opened"

Part of the "Hundred Plays of Feasting and Drinking" (reproduction) of the Han Tomb of the New Myida Tiger Pavilion. Courtesy of Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics

The protagonist of Chinese New Year's Eve rice is food, for thousands of years, what kind of dishes will be served at the Chinese New Year's Eve meal of the ancients in the Central Plains? "Feast and Drink Map" boldly presents: 16 classic specialties such as sweet and sour soft boiled Yellow River carp with baked noodles, set of four treasures, crystal cake, dan nai cake, peony swallow vegetables, lotus duck skewers, boiled yellow incense pipes, eight treasure gourds, dangui ice flower, double dragon club, braised Linlin noodles and other 16 classic yu dishes are served one by one.

Wang Xin introduced that the various dishes presented during the banquet of "Feast and Drink Map" are all traditional famous dishes in Henan with historical evidence. "For example, sweet and sour soft boiled Yellow River carp with baked noodles, which was popular in the Beijing Bieliang Market during the Northern Song Dynasty; Shanhai Du, a popular delicacy in the Tang and Song dynasties; Da Nai Cake is an ancient famous dish, which has long been recorded in the Southern Song Dynasty food biography "Shanjia Qing offering"; peony swallow dish, a traditional famous dish in Luoyang, originated from the Tang Dynasty..."

After the broadcast of the "Feast and Drink Map" program, netizens watched, and some netizens said, "This is not only a spiritual and cultural feast, but also a table of Spring Festival delicacies." ”

Wang Zhenjun, director of the Cultural Industry Research Center of Zhengzhou University, said that on the occasion of the arrival of the Year of the Tiger, literary and art workers excavated Zhengzhou's unique historical and cultural resources and put the "Feast and Drink Hundred Plays" on the stage, showing the Lile civilization of Chinese culture, which is a wonderful artistic feast.

"Turn history and culture into modern culture that people like to hear, turn static works of art into dynamic dance works, and turn rich cultural resources into cultural products that people love." Wang Zhenjun believes that combined with the needs of the masses, with the festival culture, with the folk culture, and with the spirit of the times, the program "Feast and Drink Map" not only reflects the inheritance and dissemination of history and culture, but also reflects the activation and creation of history.

A little more knowledge: "Feast and Drink Hundred Plays" was unearthed in the Tomb of Dahuting Han in Xinmi City, Zhengzhou, the mural is 7.3 meters long and 0.7 meters high, and a row of noble figures are painted on both sides of the picture, wearing various colors of robes, sitting on the table, feasting and drinking, watching hundreds of plays. The mural composition is rigorous, the lines are vigorous and powerful, the colors are rich, and there are many characters, which fully reflect the social life and aesthetic tastes of the time and the superb skills of the craftsmen, and are the treasures of the painting art of the two Han Dynasties.

(Source: China News Network)

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