
Woman who buys potted plants / Kiyoharu Matsumoto

author:The two-pronged approach failed

Chapter 1

Kamihama, who works in the sales department of A Precision Instruments Co., Ltd., is the oldest of the female staff. She is still single and has amassed money to secretly lend money to employees at usurious rates.

The entry of the Kamihama River into this company was on the eve of the armistice. As soon as she graduated from the old girls' school, she was employed. At that time, there were not enough men, and no matter which company hired a considerable number of female employees.

However, two or three years later, the staff members who went out on the expedition returned one after another, and the company had the problem of streamlining and reorganizing female employees.

At that time, there were Kamihama Ande and two other women left, because all three were typists.

After the armistice, democratization movements arose in all companies, abolishing the wage gap between female and male employees. Later, when the basic salary was raised, the three of them were promoted in the same way as the male staff.

A Precision Instruments Company, which has established a difference between male employees and new female employees, began in Showa 256. At that time, the three of them were excluded from the scope of such objects, so the female staff who had originally entered was very lucky.

At the age of 18, he entered the company and was 23 years old when he was 25 years old. Until this time, it was the most pleasant and cheerful period for her.

Among the three female staff, Kamihama Ishie is the one with the best physique and the worst posture. She has single eyelids, dull eyes, a fat nose, and large and thick lips. For a period of time around the age of 20, the skin on her face revealed a fresh and clear color from the inside out, which temporarily covered up and remedied the shortcomings of the eyes, nose and lips.

Her voice was hoarse. This voice alone does not have the youthful feeling of a girl's generation. If you don't look at your face and just listen to your voice, it is almost confusing to the same age as a middle-aged woman.

Colleagues A and B, if from her point of view, are unfortunately two beautiful people. A-son, delicate nose, clear eyes, petite lips, make people confused to Chuchu cute; B-son, plump flesh, Peugeot's face shape, giving people the impression of modern women.

At that time, young male clerks often pestered around the three typists. In that corner, it is a typewriting room blocked by a screen in an ordinary office.

The staff were of course interested in A and B. If the Kamihama River is indoors, when encountering such an occasion, you will have to greet it, but in any case, you can't say praise for the Kamihama River.

Kamihama Eigawa imitates the appearance of A and B and speaks to the male staff in a squeamish voice. At that time, her dull eyes, as wide open as possible, thick lips as far as possible to make a moving sound.

Young male staff members came and went in and out of the typist's studio, where love-like teasing was repeated for a long time. But this is limited to A and B, and the upper river is always thrown out of the circle.

By the age of twenty-three or four, her bright skin gradually darkened and began to lose its luster. The dull eyes of the single eyelid, the fat nose, the stupid thick lips, all mercilessly widened their shortcomings.

The young male staff members were not often praised by the Hamagi River for their face, but often after praising the two men. Soon, the words of praise from the male staff gradually became poor, and even in the face of love, there was no such thing as cuteness or beauty; what was often appreciated was her slightly fat physique.

Kamihama has a mother and an older brother. The brother works in a company, and his income is far less than that of The River, so the family's livelihood is heavily pressed on the shoulders of the River. But it wasn't that he didn't kiss her. So far, when she was young, there have been five times, and the results have been rejected by the other party.

Most of her friends had lovers, but no one came to seduce her. The young male clerk, saying something to two beautiful colleagues, did not pay any more attention. At this time, she desperately tried to sell herself at work.

Her despair of marriage was at the age of twenty-eight or nine. Especially at that age, when she was a successor, it was not that no one had mentioned it to her.

She finally endured this frivolity. After refusing two or three times, no one ever mentioned it again. It was at this time that He believed in the value of money.

Ako got married at the age of 23, and the other was the most beautiful male employee in the company. In fact, it is also the object of secret admiration of the Upper Binlin River.

He was tall, with deep eyes and a nose like a foreigner, with a very modern appearance; he also had a dashing demeanor and a sharp speech. He was the first to pursue an A-son, the relationship went well, and he got married a year later.

After 15 years, the man had become skinny and bony, shrouded in a modern shadow, and looked like a skeleton because of the deep eye concave cheeks.

His energetic speech and demeanor have become dull and sluggish due to the cold encounters since marriage. The young man who had always paid attention to dress up had now become a middle-aged man who did not care about his appearance.

The A-son, who became the man's wife, appeared in the company from time to time, always cowering and standing in the back door. That is, as usual, limited to the days on which the salary is paid.

Ako's plump face was also emaciated, and only her eyes looked unusually large.

"Drinking so hard that you really can't get your wages back."

When Ako meets Kamihama, she complains to her husband:

"Not married yet?" I envy you! ”

This is not her flattering words, the husband who has never gone out of his way, half self-defeating and self-abandoned to borrow wine to dispel his sorrows. Known as capable, he is still just an ordinary clerk.

A-son, who was once beautiful, still wears the same clothes as in the past, and occasionally changes clothes, which is also an outdated thing.

"Hey, Mr. Kamihama!"

Sometimes, shyly and timidly pleading:

"Will you lend me a little money?" This month is really not enough! ”

At this time, Kamihama Appeared to have a sense of revenge that he had been in for several years, and immediately took out his money bag in front of Ako's eyes. Inside was a thick stack of 5,000 yuan bills.

Ako's eyes sneaked into the money bag.

"You are so enviable! With so much money, you can buy whatever you want, or it's better to be single! ”

Or celibacy is good, this sentence in the A sub, real feelings and disgust.

"If you're single, that's great." Kamihama said triumphantly.

"I really thought about it that way, but it failed wow!"

I saw the delicate skin of A-Son's cheeks that had been cleverly applied, and the fine wrinkles deepened, and the old forehead also revealed a thin freckle-like stain.

Chapter II

B-son resigned at the age of 24 and had a gorgeous wedding.

The other party is not in the company, but a young person outside the company.

B's face is beautiful and his personality is quite unrestrained.

During her time at the company, it was rumored that she had fallen in love with two or three young people in the company, but it was a construction engineer who married her this time.

Kamihama saw this man two or three times. He has a graceful face and a long figure. At that time, when Bzi introduced him on the road, Kamihama's face couldn't help but blush.

Five years later, when Son B's husband died tragically, she returned to her mother's house with the child in her arms. Now, she works as a waitress in a bar room, which is also known from the legend of the clerk. It is said that in a small bar in Shinjuku, wearing dirty clothes, glass cups are being transported.

The Upper River is becoming more and more aware of the value of money. As long as there is money, in a way, it can withstand any unfortunate attack.

After that, Kamihama Gave up his position to a young female employee and transferred himself to the General Affairs Unit of the Sales Division. Typists want young women at all times, which may be the result of superiors' considerations. She set up a table at the very end of the male staff. He has been doing humble chores.

Her salary was superior to that of other companies, and later male employees also envied the high salary of The River. Because of the relationship between working here before the armistice, the new retirement system for female employees did not hinder her, and she could work like male employees until she was 50 years old, so she was ready to persist until the end and then retire from the company.

She wants to fight for a salary. Because despite the desperate efforts, in the end he will not be the director or section chief. Strictly abide by the creed of not being lazy or arrogant, just pay attention not to get sick and keep your health.

She had saved a considerable amount of money, and she was already known to the people of the company.

Ako came to the company several more times to greet her and borrow money from her.

"Oh, in a beautiful dress!" Ako said appreciatively.

Kamihama Nane deliberately put on simple clothes and brought inconspicuous ornaments, hoping to make people realize that they had no money. But Ako opened her hand in envy. In the past, A-son used to be a proud woman who despised the neighboring Kamihama River and prided herself on her beauty!

"You want money!"

Every time the Upper Binjiang river lends Azi money, it will take 10% of the profit money.

At this time, Ako flashed a pitiful smile, bowed his head, and trotted up the street. The Upper River gushed out with indescribable pleasure.

She was as frugal as possible in her use of money. The brother and sister-in-law began to rely on her money, so she came out of her mother's house and moved to the apartment.

In the apartment she tried her best to install nice furniture. Eating to save money, but in the decoration of the room, but to make it more luxurious, this is one of the values of her survival. Returning from the dusty company, looking around the room leisurely, every piece of furniture shining like when she first bought it, feeling that none of the senior employees in the company could catch up with the grandeur of the place, and she was completely intoxicated. The gas bath that I enjoy alone, although made of wood, is much more spacious than the common bath in the company.

Instead of the loss of love in her teenage years, she now floats in the tide of self-intoxication. Moreover, almost all of these furniture is purchased with recycled profits, and there is really a wonderful and endless fun there!

She asked for 10% interest on her money, which she learned from the retired elderly in the security department.

"No, money is such a funny thing, Mr. Kamihama!" The old man said, "We, from the eyes of the clerks, are insignificant people." Every day, as soon as they put on their uniforms and stopped at the gate, they came to work in their new and neat suits. But among these people, there were those who stole money from me. It's ridiculous! People who don't even look at us usually make a humble appearance and bow their heads to us. The old man showed his yellow teeth and smiled, "Before retiring, I also saved a considerable amount of money, that's true." Because they can meet in the company every day, it is not okay for the borrower to pay the bill. Set a three-month or four-month deadline, but it is not enough, and there are people who borrow it with their faces! ”

The old man may be sympathetic to the ugly old girl, or he may be sympathetic to the same savers.

"Don't IOU, just let him sign the back of his business card." Refreshingly lending out is the condition, and it is the charm of the borrower. You see, when it's about to expire, the other person will obviously come up to me and flatter me. ”

Kamihama Kawae faithfully obeyed the words of the retired security officer. In her purse, she always carried like a card the business card of the section chief and the director and the IOUs of the general staff.

At work, she is not confused about male staff. She is experienced and skilled in business. If you have bad intentions, you can do anything; if you borrow the company's system, you can get stuck. The kind of criticism that is dead in the brain can defend itself with a reputation of loyalty to the company.

For example, one of her businesses is to liquidate travel expenses for staff. She checked the contents of the bills reported in detail by others, and quickly saw through the falsehoods based on experience. At this time, she unceremoniously cross-examined the other party in front of people. When the subordinate staff entertained the guests, the summons had to be checked by her hand first. In the eyes of her superiors, it was a simple meal, and she also had to audit it, grasping the excessive waste, blaming the hospitality for not being commensurate with the status, and cutting it down one by one.

Most of the staff members who were older than her qualifications were mostly in charge. Therefore, it is better to hate her, or to fear her, only those who are more than her later employees. She found out the faults and mistakes of ordinary employees, bullied and suppressed them. This is also one of the values that she has within the company.

Chapter III

Outside of the lending relationship behind it, no one works with Kamihama.

But she didn't care. This life goes on and on. She sat behind the ledger, counting the numbers and playing the abacus while eavesdropping on the whispered conversations of the staff.

She was by no means the kind of woman who was dull.

During her lunch break, she sat at her desk, folding paper cranes and making paper people.

She laughed out loud as she read cartoons from magazines; looked at pictures of children and she said cute. However, the comics aren't as funny as she laughs; children's photos aren't worth her being so impressed.

She made this move, perhaps to show herself like a woman. Although she laughed alone, no one helped her, so she always laughed alone.

Kamihama Shows off the other side of his gentle face and also reveals a tough personality. Once, when the director of the construction section wanted to take her desk and replace it with an old desk, she clasped her hands tightly around the table, her body trembling, and shouted, "This is my desk!" ”

She always sneered at her girlfriends' love, marriage, and childbirth.

Only money was hers. To the extent of her knowledge, no matter what kind of marriage, it can only end in the misfortune of a woman.

She compared the end of the retired gang with herself. These people were stable during their time at work, and by the time they were kicked out, they were in a sad situation. Some people have failed in their attempts to do business; some people have not been allowed to fall into the job search; some people have long been engaged in lowly livelihoods.

Kamihama plans to continue working in the company until he retires at the age of 50. Her ultimate hope is to build an apartment, preferably one that pays a higher rent.

About her, there is a topic like this in the company:

When her mother died, her brothers and sisters-in-law asked her to come up with a sum of money. She covered the funeral and all other expenses, but was said to have received 10% interest on schedule. After that, he did not interact with his brother and sister-in-law, and only rushed to his brother's company on the day of payroll to see.

Moreover, her greatest pleasure was to deny the fact that some of the company's female employees got married and some went to other companies. At this moment, the misfortune of the departed people clearly appeared in her mind, and she bid them farewell with a mocking eye.

Kamihama Ishie is 34 years old.

"That woman, how do you deal with the problem of sexual desire?"

This is a topic of discussion behind the backs of the male staff.

"She's still a virgin." An into assertion said.

"That's of course Luo. Such a woman, such a good man, can't muster up the courage to do it! ”

"Doesn't anyone want to try it?"

"Maybe it was an accident that someone had affection for her, and it is not known whether he gave her love or pity." Then there is no shortage of money to spend first! ”

"If you can put it upside down, it's not bad to sleep for one or two nights."

"If it were true, it wouldn't be done." If you want to be a male concubine, there is no other way but to close your eyes and endure. ”

"You can change the taste later."

Despite such talk, not a single person took further action. This kind of chatter behind it has been endless for several years since she saved money and put money away.

"Anyway, a woman who has never been in contact with a man." The ugly woman is amorous, and once she tastes it, she doesn't know when she will be entangled. ”

When people were so blind, they found that The Upper Binjiang river had a face full of uncaring expressions.

"That woman, she doesn't care about this kind of dirty talk." Someone said, "I'm not shy at all, and looking at her expression, I look like a prostitute who knows men well." Can a virgin do this when she is young? Compared to other young women, she is more curious in this regard. ”

Someone else said:

"Young women, anyway, want to fall in love, want to get married, there are opportunities in the future, so after listening to dirty words, they must escape, and curiosity can be satisfied by the future." But going up to the River is different, and on the day of her death, I am afraid that she will not be able to meet this opportunity. So listening to our dirty words, at least it will produce pleasure. ”

"Then she pretended not to mind, but her eyes were tearful."

"No, no, that's because the men are careful."

At that time, there must be a person who seems to make a lot of sense:

"In any case, at this step, money is still more important than love." Having sex with careless men, she fears being tricked into going to that hard-to-earn mile. As we said earlier, there must be men who want to steal her money. Just don't show your signs. I think that guy must have failed because that woman was financially an extreme persecution paranoia. ”

"But how to solve the problem of sexual desire?"

Back to the original words.

"Then do it properly!" A woman can also not lag behind a man and engage in masturbation. ”

At this time, there must be someone who explains in detail about the masturbation of a woman.

"If you look closely, there are also pale faces in the Upper Binjiang River, and they absent-mindedly rub their temples, which is what they did the night before."

"So, isn't she gay?" At such an age, you must have found an opponent, right? ”

"No, that costs money too!" The conclusion came out, "It is not okay to find an opponent like that without giving a little subsidy money." ”

Among the people who say such bad things, there must be one or two people who borrow money from the Riverside River. No, that's because borrowing money shows such a bad attitude.

Most of the people who borrowed her money were from other departments, and it seems that they avoided those who were also in the sales department. And the people in the manufacturing, accounting, management, and other departments called her to an unobtrusive corner of the corridor.

She chose to pay the loan in the dressing room in the basement. No one went at that time, closed the door, and no one could see the deal.

The servant is that the borrowed man, in the secret room where only two people exist, often gushes out strange thoughts. It is precisely because she is not beautiful that it is easy to produce this sense of reality.

Chapter IV

Junichi Sugiura of the Accounting Department is also a regular customer who borrows money from The Upper Hama-e.

It seemed strange that the clerk of the accounting department borrowed money from her. It is not unreasonable that the accounting department handles all the money of others, but it is very poor.

Junichi Sugiura, 25 years old, is a funny and funny man with a lot of mouth and tongue. He always owed the bistro an account, and every time the woman who demanded the debt came, she ran away in vain because of his absence.

Sugiura did not borrow for three months, but borrowed a lot of money.

"You have to trick the bills, no matter how much you borrow, you can't be accommodating!" Yu Jiang said half-jokingly, "Do that kind of thing to see, are you afraid of being discovered?" ”

Sugiura patted his neck and said:

"I'm just serious about this kind of thing. Turning over and looking at the bundle of banknotes, which was also from someone's house, I was not at all moved, as if I had seen waste paper. ”

"So, you are always poor on weekdays, so why spend too much money in a tavern?"

"What, spend money in a tavern, you know?"

"So, how much does it cost?"

"That's it!"

Sugiura held out both hands, simulating the posture of a racer.

"Now you're going to make a lot of money, so pay it off at once and double the interest!"

Sugiura flew an eye wave towards the River.

Sugiura, with his innate frivolity and amusity, is very popular among the waitresses in the tavern, and he has a constant relationship with either waitress. This bit of confidence is earned by his little white face.

In his opinion, as long as she lures the upper Hamaji River to get her hands on it, she will immediately fall into the trap.

Then the loan can not be repaid, and the interest does not have to be paid.

In order to write off the debt, he started the idea of tricking the upper lintel into the upper set.

One night, Sugiura came knocking on the door of Hamagi's apartment.

She opened the door, and Sugiura came in with a red face and a funny gesture.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She questioned solemnly.

"Pay it back! Pay it back! ”

He held out his hands and said, "I really care about borrowing your money." A little income today, I'll pay it back right away... Alas, how uncomfortable can't you give me a little rest? ”

Saying that paying back the money was his excuse made the Upper Binjiang river lose the reason for refusing him to enter the door.

"Hurry up and get the money out!" There are people nearby, pay back the money and go back immediately! Sugiura casually took off his shoes and walked in with a bang. He found the kitchen faucet, suddenly opened it, and drank it.

"Oh, dirty!"

She frowned, and the side of Sugiura's snout was soaked with water.

"It's delicious."

He closed the tap, and instead of taking out a handkerchief, he wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Drunk, huh?" Hurry up and pay it back. ”

"Now it's still... Ah, it's so uncomfortable. ”

Sugiura staggered down the floor aisle and into the 6-fold room inside.

In the 6-stacked room, The River had already laid out the futon. She hurriedly took out a low screen with two folds, blocking the man's view.

"Hey, hey, are you ready to go to sleep?" He glanced over to the other side with drunken eyes.

"Too much to drink tonight... In this way, the waitresses also welcomed, and they all drank it. Ah, how drunk! ”

"Hmm, I'm proud of myself!"

Lingjiang left him and stood, glaring at the man who was about to fall on the bunk.

"Hey, since it's something you like so much, go back quickly, and the money will be okay tomorrow."

"Well, pay it back! I mean pay it back. ”

He reached into his pocket as if he were about to pull out his wallet, but instead of pulling it out, he twisted his body and lay on the quilt.

"Miss Kamihama, I'm not comfortable!" Can't you bring me a glass of water? ”

"Drink it, it's annoying!"

It was a strange thing, and Kamihama Nane hated this man's brazenness very much.

Since she rented the apartment, not a single man has visited. Sugiura suddenly burst in drunk today, lying on the quilt again, and her chest could not help but beat.

Sugiura's usual neatly combed hair was messy, and he fell asleep with his jaw cocked, and his shirt and shirt twisted.

"There's really no way, drink the water and go back!"

Go up to the kitchen and pour a glass of water.

"Hey, drink!"

She bent down next to the man to hand over the water, and Sugiura seemed to struggle to stand up and hold the cup.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

He propped up his arms, leaned over, and brought the cup to his mouth, and the water flowed down his mouth to his chest and spilled on the quilt.

"Oh, it's dirty!"

She took a towel from the kitchen and wiped the quilt first.

"Hey, Miss Kamihama!"

Sugiura looked around the room as if he had just noticed.

"Your room is so nice!" He looked around and said, "Oh, I was shocked!" I can't believe it's such a beautiful room. With this room alone, you are much more generous than the chief of the section. Or do you have money, I serve! ”

He stood up and turned to the opposite side again, looking at the whole room.

The Upper Bayside River was satisfied.

So far, she has not been dominated by the motives of boasting, calling someone in the company to show it. If you do that, you are telling others about your wealth, and you are afraid that you have not invited anyone to come.

Now, Sugiura walks precariously, looking at the furniture one by one. Ling Jiang couldn't say anything to make him go back immediately.

Sugiura touched the furniture one by one and exclaimed, "I want to live in a house like this too!" He continued with a long sigh, "Well, this is the bath!" ”

He opened the door to the wall and looked into the bathroom.

It was a gas bath, a barrel made of cypress wood, and the aroma filled the room.

"I always go to the dirty bathhouse and want to have my own bathroom. How, can you let me take a bath often? ”

Sugiura sent another eye wave to The River, who was standing behind him, as usual.

"No, men definitely can't! I haven't even had a girlfriend. ”

"So, you're the only one who uses it?"

"Of course Luo!"

"You're in this brand new bath tub, are you in a good mood?"

"It was absolutely comfortable. Save up money to buy it, don't go to the tavern and spend it indiscriminately. ”

"Very much so."

"Yes, then hurry up and pay it back!"

She held out her hand.

Sugiura put his hand in his pocket and posed for the money, but the hand that could be taken out was holding nothing. Instead, his hand suddenly wrapped around Yu Jiang's neck.

"Ah! Do? ”

Kae wanted to avoid the man, but Sugiura pressed his face to the ground, and a scent of wine rushed straight into her nasal cavity.

"Miss Kamihama!" Sugiura muffled, "I've long liked you!" ”

He dragged the river toward the bunk. I don't think of myself as a powerful and drunken body anymore.

"What are you going to do?" Let go of the hand! ”

Yang Jiang's face was dragged down on his back, only to see the ceiling pressing forward.

She struggled, gasping for breath, trembling all over her body.

Sugiura hugged her, and his foot touched the screen of the two-fold fan, pressing the woman's body on the quilt.

Chapter V

The River and Sugiura secretly traveled back and forth two or three times.

In the company, no one knows about this relationship. Sugiura's self-styled ghost aroused the fear of women. Knowing this, no one could have imagined that he would use the Yangjiang River as a hunting object.

"Hey, you're still a virgin!" On the first night, he said as he left the flesh of the river.

Sugiura came two or three more times since then, out of this interest. Her flesh had a charm that tavern women did not have. The withered face and the virgin's flesh are just like two different things merging together.

Kamihama no longer asked Sugiura to repay the loan, and agreed to his repeated requests for loans.

However, Kaie did not think that Sugiura had love for her, and she realized that this man just wanted to settle the account and run away, so she estimated the stakes clearly at the beginning.

She experienced the woman's first joy from Sugiura, but did not forget the loss that Sugiura had given her. To this day, she has not once suffered from the pit of not paying off her debts. For The Sugiura side, I am also confident that I will be able to recover that loss whenever I will be able to recover it.

Sugiura has the problem of boasting about his love affairs to others. What he does when he sleeps with women, he describes it in particular detail and brags about it a lot. This is half to make the listener envious, and half to listen to other people's ridicule.

But this Sugiura didn't say anything to anyone about the Kamihama River. If you confess this matter, you will definitely be ridiculed by people. So far, he has engaged in a woman of considerable posture, which is worth boasting about. But Kamihama Raojiang wants to hurt his self-show, so it can't be said.

Sugiura must go to racing gambling on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, and all he cares about is where the racing cars are held in the middle of the year.

At that time, Sugiura would stop the Kamihama River and borrow money in vain.

But this is not something that can often be done, it is not that Sugiura has stopped thinking, but that relying only on the Hamagi River has long been insufficient for Sugiura to save his doom.

However, Sugiura's external performance did not look discouraged, he was still happy to blow around and make his friends laugh.

It was a Monday morning.

The company's accounting department caused an uproar, and the section chief ran to his boss with a pale face to meet. At the end of the meeting, the police were invited.

Junichi Sugiura stole 80 million yuan of gold from the vault and escaped. He was a cashier, and it was convenient to steal cash from the vault.

Sent someone to the little hotel where he was staying, and learned that he had gone out on Saturday morning and had not returned once, in a dim 6-stack room, littered with newspapers reporting on racing cars.

Stealing cash on Saturday was a planned crime on his part. Because the next day is Sunday, the discovery of the thief can be made one day later, and the thief wins a day to escape. Police immediately deployed to the whole country, focusing on Sugiura's whereabouts on Saturday night.

There was a gap of one Sunday, and there were 30 hours until the theft was discovered, and Sugiura chose Saturday for this purpose. It is assumed that he had sneaked to Tokyo on Sunday night, and by Monday he had found that he had fled to a distant place. However, on saturday night of the accident, Junichi Sugiura stayed at his apartment in Kamihama.


At about 8 p.m., he greeted softly, opened the door, and, as usual, took off his shoes himself, carrying a small duffel bag with a bulging sac.

"Where are you going to travel?"

Kamihama stood in a room with a floor, and the man took off his shoes with one hand against the wall. Tomorrow is Sunday.

"Ah, please wait a minute!"

Sugiura blushed and smiled comically at Theoe, spewing wine.

He sat on the mat and asked for water to drink.

Lingjiang came with a cup full of water, and he drank it in one gulp. The leather bag that came in was casually placed next to it.

"Where are you going on a business trip?" She sat down next to the man with her legs crossed and asked, "Far away?" ”

"Far, Kyushu!"

"Is it a long time?"


Sugiura answered along the question of the River.

Curtains hung, and from the slightly dewy gap you could see the dark sky.

"When is the train departure?"

"You can do it any time. It's a lot of trouble, just go tomorrow, because it's a Sunday. ”

"On a business trip, that's a good thing?"

"Whatever it does... Tonight, can I stay here? ”

Sugiura sends an eye wave to The River as usual. But unlike in the past, he frowned and peeked at The Face of the Yang river.

"You can't go out of here in the morning!" Because there are people nearby! Nichie agreed.

"No beer?" The man said.

"Ah! Do you still want to drink? ”。

"I haven't drunk enough!" Don't have beer in your house? ”

"There's no such thing!"

"That's not good! Go buy a line? ”

Sugiura took out his wallet. It's really novel, usually I always order The River, and I don't have any money. No, that's not going to work out!

Lingjiang looked slightly into his wallet, and the 5,000 yuan bills were placed there in stacks.

"Ah, the situation is better! Received the business trip fee, casual waste can not be yo! ”

"Absolutely. Hey, take this and buy it. ”

He took out a $5,000 bill.

He went to a nearby liquor store and bought three bottles of beer. Sugiura untied his tie, wore only a shirt, and casually lay on the mat with a bag under his head instead of a pillow.

"Bought it!"

Sugiura sat up.

Although the small travel bag was used as a pillow, it did not collapse, and the contents were still bulging.

"Is there so much stuff in it?"

She looked at the small travel bag.

"Ah, it's full."

"That's your business, put in your underwear that you haven't washed properly, right?"

"Not underwear... Hey, what's inside, you know? ”

Sugiura triumphantly pulled his bag to his side:

"It's not underwear, what is it?"

"Guess what?"

"I don't know!"

Because Sugiura's eyes shone with a strange light, Tsukie noticed it.


She began to know that the small travel bag contained something unusual.

Chapter VI

After Monday, Junichi Sugiura's whereabouts were still unclear.

Although the police conducted a round-call focus on Saturday night, they searched all the stations such as state railways, private subways, taxis, and public trams, and found no suspicious traces.

The people who stole money and escaped probably spent the first night at a hot spring retreat. So I investigated the tourist attractions across the country and found no whereabouts of Sugiura.

Judging from Sugiura's personality, it is impossible to imagine that he is the kind of person who spends a huge amount of money stolen without showing any traces. He had the idea of stealing a huge amount of money from the company, and originally decided to abscond on his own when he lost a lot of money in racing gambling.

Sugiura is a man of pleasure, and it is impossible to imagine that he is a man who can save money and quietly live in the mountains or a corner of the city. However, the authorities extended their hand to investigate in this regard, but there was no result.

Sugiura also had no friends or relatives in the distance. It was judged that he stole a huge amount of money as a sudden act, so he would not prepare a place to lurk in advance.

Two months have passed, three months have passed, and there is no other way to do anything but stop the investigation.

"Where is that guy hiding now?" I found out that he had to try his luck! ”

The discussion about Sugiura did not stop for a while in the company. 80 million yuan in cash is a huge amount of money that ordinary employees can't get their hands on. When a staff member who had worked for 30 years retired, he only received a retirement payment of 1.8 million yuan.

Shangbin Linjiang still went to work early every day and worked meticulously. When the male staff did not arrive, she used a bucket of water to draw water, starting from her own table, and wiped all the tables and chairs clean, in order to show diligence and kindness. In any company, the female employees are half a miscellaneous woman.

In the past, the veteran of the Upper Binjiang River was often upset about this kind of chores. Now, contentedly, with a faint smile on his face.

Speaking to young staff is not unceremonious anymore, which is also a recent change. She may have considered that instead of being angry with them, she was more affectionate with them, and her eyes were filled with satisfaction.

If there is a change in personality, it must be said that she constantly buys potted flowers and trees from her apartment.

It was not a small potted flower, but a large pot of flowers and trees placed on the floor of a teahouse. In order to buy potted plants, she frequently went to the special flower shop.

The three-wheeled truck of the florist constantly transported subtropical ornamental flowers and trees planted in large pots such as palms and plantains into her room. The people in the apartment asked strangely for reasons, and she replied with a smile:

"Working in a dusty company all day, I would love to see green flowers. Recently, I saw potted plants, which was really an indescribable happy mood! It was only after Junichi Sugiura had stolen money that she had aroused this interest. Her room was filled with the green of large potted plants.

But she was not a communicator. Buying a large potted landscaping room in this way is by no means for others to see. It was a pleasure to savor the emerald green room alone.

As usual, she collected the 10% interest loan from the staff, and life became quieter and more stable.

Sometimes, the gas pipe in the apartment is broken, and the residents protest to the manager.

The manager led the gas repairman to apologize room by room, and the manager also came to the room of the Upper Binjiang River.

"It's really inconvenient for you, now it's been fixed, please rest assured." The manager said, "But the bath in the other room has not been repaired, what do you think?" ”

The manager and the gas repairman, in order to check the situation, had to enter the room.

"No, I don't have anything here, it's full of good."

Kamihama stood in front and stopped the two men.

Recently, Kamihama Has always been in the company's bath before coming home after taking a shower. Since she moved into this apartment, she often boasted about the comfort and pleasure of bathing in her own home, but for some reason, this statement has changed recently. This is precisely when she frequently buys large potted plants.

However, no one noticed this change. Of course, there are people who know that she bathes in the company's bath and buys potted plants, but no one has tied these two things together. Especially with regard to the question of Jun Sugiura's whereabouts being unknown, she began to change her habits, and no one paid attention to it.

The number of large potted plants she bought has reached more than 10. The small room is like a dense forest of subtropical plants.

Soon, the flower shop called Ling Jiang, who worked at the company, and she said, "It's already good, enough." "Just declined.

She never brought anyone to her house, and if there was something wrong, she asked to call the company during the day.

A year has passed.

There has been no change in A Precision Instruments Co., Ltd., and there is no change in the situation on the Upper Binjiang River. She still lends small loans as she once did, and peels off 10% of the interest for a good deal.

She was just older and looked kind.

But if there's one subtle thing, it's that she goes to the bookstore every month to buy all the magazines about residential design.

In addition, she often went to the real estate company, and when she met a suitable land seller, she repeatedly pleaded for care. She said she wanted to build her own home there.

She moved out of the apartment and bought a house elsewhere. In order to achieve the ultimate ideal of building an apartment, she first bought a house to live in. It wasn't for decency and freedom to relocate, but to have her own design and intentions.

The house was bought on the outskirts of the city. Anticipating the future increase in land prices, I decided to buy it as much as I could. As a result of negotiations with the landlord, a contract of 10 million yuan was signed. She paid in cash, and by the time the land price rose, she had built her long-awaited apartment.

People in the company, no one knows about this matter, 10 million yuan of huge money, how did she accumulate it? If you know, anyone will be impressed. Even if she borrowed money from her employees in a 10% profit cycle, the amount of savings was known. Or maybe she has a superhuman ability to save for reasonable expenses.

The courtyard of the new home is spacious.

She quickly set up flower beds around her house. The edges of the flower beds are made of fragments of old magnets, and the glazes of those pottery are still shining beautifully.

If you are curious, look at the magnetic sheet on the edge of the masonry, you will definitely think of the fragments of the flower pot. Green, brown, black, various dark magnetic sheets adorn the flower beds.

Buried the soil of the flower bed, she did not transport from nearby fields and mountains. Because when I moved, even the soil in the family was packed with several wooden boxes. It was all old soil, specially transported from the apartment, and at first glance it might be considered special soil. The part was not enough, so she filled it with soil from the nearby fields.

There are also two wonderful things for carrying utensils.

One is a wooden barrel in the gas bathroom. She told the manager that it was a barrel she had been used to for a long time, and she decided to buy it at a high price. In fact, there was a layer of foul dirt attached to the inside of the barrel, and if you looked closely, a thick layer of dirt was attached to the inside of the same barrel. That's because at one point it was filled with soil in a wooden barrel, and when it was relocated, it was pulled out and moved to another container, thus leaving traces.

The other is haggard subtropical flowers and trees carried by trucks. Palms, plantains, etc. were all tied with ropes to the dried branches.

"It's no longer possible to stay at home." She said to the nearby people, "The flowers and trees can only be placed outside, and cannot be cultivated in the room of the apartment." ”

There is no gas equipment in the place where I have moved, so I have to burn the wood. She added.

It is very inconvenient to go to the company from the new home, but the environment is very beautiful. Pastoral fields stretch out nearby; cultural houses with red and blue roofs, standing against a forest background; residential areas surrounded by white walls like castles. In the morning, it is reflected in the light of the dawn; in the evening, the sunset illuminates the fields red.

She moved to her new home and immediately did two things. As she herself said, the dried subtropical flowers and trees were burned, and the bath tub with the sticky soil was also smashed and burned off.

Among the things she carried, there were luxurious dresses for dancing. The box was hung with a large lock and several ropes were tied to it. It was transported to her new home to unpack it, and she did it alone. At that time, the box clicked and clicked slightly like bones touching each other.

Two years have passed since Junichi Sugiura stole a huge amount of money and absconded, and it has gradually become an old saying in the company.

Where did he live what kind of life? No one had ever seen him.

Some people say that they have seen men similar to him in Shinshu Onsen; others say that he sells nicotine in Kyushu.

In the spring, flowers bloom in the courtyard of the Upper River. In the fields she planted elsewhere, the green vegetables also grew extraordinarily luxuriantly.

People in the neighborhood, attracted by her clever cultivation techniques, came to her for advice.

"What's the secret?"

A gentle smile flashed on her unbeautiful face:

"It's still fertilizer!" Just mix the fertilizer and soil well. ”

Her soil, saturated with animal fat.

In the late spring of that year, in the woods a kilometer from her home, a man's bones were found. The white bone was exactly like the changed form of the corpse after it was buried. The identity of the white bone was unknown, and the murderer could not be raised.

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