
May Fourth Youth Day: They have a common name, and they were young at that time

author:Pingtan in China

From 1921 to 2021, the Communist Party of China has gone through a century-long course, and in the glory years of the War of Resistance Against Japan and Liberation, a group of revolutionary ancestors who were not afraid of strong enemies and spilled their blood have emerged in Pingtan, composing immortal heroic histories and touching stories, leaving behind precious red memories. But at that time, they were also like you and me, just like the young students, and they were prosperous.

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May Fourth Youth Day: They have a common name, and they were young at that time

In 1938, at the age of 18, Zeng Huanqian joined the Communist Party of China. He was the leader of the underground organization of the Pingtan Communist Party in the early days and the main founder of the revolutionary armed forces, and developed and cultivated a number of backbone forces of the Pingtan Revolution. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he organized and led the Pingtan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla War and made great contributions to the red cause of Pingtan. He died at the foot of Wuyi Mountain in May 1948.

May Fourth Youth Day: They have a common name, and they were young at that time

Zhou Yufan joined the Communist Party of China at the age of 16 while studying in Fuqing, and at the age of 19 was appointed head of the Pingtan underground party. In 1945, he was killed in a heroic struggle against a riot orchestrated by the Diehards of the Kuomintang. With his indomitable will and his life of infinite loyalty to the revolution and the party, he practiced what he often said during his lifetime: "To fight for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people, we must have the spirit of sacrificing for the revolution" and "to join the underground party, we must have the equipment to shed blood and sacrifice" and the fearless revolutionary spirit.

May Fourth Youth Day: They have a common name, and they were young at that time

In 1941, the 27-year-old Lin Mu resolutely joined the revolution under the guidance of the education of revolutionary pioneers, and in October 1944, he joined the Communist Party of China. He was a famous "sharpshooter" and an outstanding commander who was brave and good at war, and in several anti-Japanese and anti-stubborn wars, he took the lead and repeatedly accomplished miraculous feats. He was killed by Kuomintang reactionaries in 1945 at the age of 31. Before Lin Mu was sentenced, he wrote, "Kill the head and feet for thousands of years, and the Yanhuang nation should have hatred; Sad for the only thing, the white-haired old mother is more heyi" elegy, and encouraged the comrades to continue to fight, and then calmly righteous.

May Fourth Youth Day: They have a common name, and they were young at that time

Who said that youth is full of confusion, young is embarrassing

For a hundred years, there have been countless young people like them

In the best of times

Dedicated precious youth and even life

Only because they have a heart for the motherland and the people, and because they have faith

They have a common name: members of the Communist Party of China

Source: Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Rong Media Center

Video: Pingtan Radio and Television Station, Propaganda Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

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