
Classic Car Drama Starring Introduction and Behind-the-Scenes Filming Tidbits Early Years Acting Experience Political Experience Personal Life

author:Where love movies say movies

In the eyes of his neighbors, the solitary Walter Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) is an old man with a strange personality. Not only was he reclusive and taciturn all day, but he was also motionless to the people he was talking to, and for these neighbors, this tall old man was obviously not a troublesome character. Walter Kowalski is actually a veteran, who fought in the Korean War, won the government's commendation after escaping death, and became the hero of the year, and his years of military career made him stubborn and fierce, but he was not an unreasonable person. It's just that since his wife died many years ago, he has also developed the habit of living alone, so he seems a little withdrawn. Many people do not know his background, and he is happy to live alone.

  Lately, however, Walter's life has been a bit uneventful, with neighbors' children running mischievously to his house to harass him and his idea of the 1972 Ford classic car he awarded him after he retired. Although the car is full of problems and old, but this is Walter's heart treasure, no one can move, so Walter decided to talk to the child's family and let them discipline their children. It was because of this small incident that Walter began to gradually change the impression he had in his neighbor's eyes. The veteran, who had fought on the battlefields of Asia, was always a little uncomfortable with the Asian race, but in the process of contacting an Asian family as a neighbor, he gradually changed his deep-rooted views in his mind.

  However, a misunderstanding caused Walter to inadvertently offend the Asian gangsters who lived there. The villains decided to teach the old man a good lesson and let him taste the pain. So they also set their sights on Walter's classic car. In order to protect himself, and his classic car, Walter resolutely picked up a double-barreled shotgun. Before, he fought for the government; now, this stubborn old man is fighting to defend his homeland and dignity...

Welcome to the movie clip classic car

 The silver screen myth of the old cowboy

  As a master who has won Oscars in both actor and directorial positions, Clint Eastwood is light this time: "Classic Car is a relatively relaxed film for me, because the story is much lighter, not as heavy as in the past, and the image of the protagonist is very attractive to me, so I appear in my own film again." I think I still have enough energy to make a movie, as long as there is a good story, I am happy to continue directing, which is indeed a job that fascinates me. ”

  How exactly did the story of Classic Cars appeal to Clint Eastwood? He described "Classic Cars" this way: "I've always wanted to make a movie about the lives of the elderly, but I didn't want to make a warm story that shows the old age, so I've been looking for a script for this." "Classic Car" seems very apt to describe people my age, when I first saw the script I decided to play it myself, the bad old man with the cow temper in the film is too similar to my personality. Of course, I've rarely been so relentlessly swearing now (laughs). ”

  Just after the filming of "Bag Bag Baby", the shooting plan of "Classic Car" was put on the agenda, and Clint Eastwood said: "I don't feel tired, after all, at my age, a lot of things are no longer what you want to do, you can do it, and I don't stipulate to myself that I have to spend 1-2 years or more to shoot a movie." Maybe I can make one in a few months when I meet a good script; but if I don't meet someone I want to make, maybe I'm going to stop working for a few years. "Bag Baby" and "Classic Car" are not the same type, although they are a bit nostalgic, but "Classic Car" pays more attention to some homage to the times, and "Bag Baby" is completely to create that old era. There's a lot of jokes and fashion in "Classic Cars, and they remind the audience all the time that this is a 21st century movie, a movie about an old man in the 21st century (laughs). The whole film was shot with ease, not as heavy as the previous filming of "Mysterious River" or "Million Dollar Baby", and my family and friends also said to me, you should also laugh on the screen more than you want to make yourself and others laugh, so although this movie is not a comedy, it will still make you feel his humor. ”

  The story of an old man

  The original story of "Classic Car" was written by Dave Johansson, and he and Nick Schnucker adapted the original into a film script, and when it comes to how this story will be seen by Clint Eastwood and even finally made into a movie, Dave Johansson is very excited: "This story was written when I was a child, and the prototype of the story comes from the neighbors where I lived when I was a child, he was always fierce to me, but also to other people, and he always had a broken car parked in his backyard. So when I was a child, I often fantasized about what kind of person he was, which was the original prototype of "Classic Car". Later, when I grew up, I wrote the original story of "Classic Car", which was later handed over to the film company after I entered the industry, and it turned out that I did not expect to make a movie so quickly, but one day the film company told me that they were very interested in this story and found the right person to shoot and star in the film, and when I rushed to the conference room, I found that the director and the lead actor were the same person, and the actor I respected so much - Clint Eastwood. ”

  Regarding the adaptation of a story that resembles a short story into a screenplay, Nick Schenke said: "I, Clint Eastwood, and Dave Johansson are all talking about how to make the story more authentic, especially Clint Eastwood, who has proposed a lot of changes to make the whole story fuller and the dramatic conflict higher." Before the adaptation, the story was only through the eyes of a child to see a stranger, so it seems that it is a very simple story, but in the final version, after the revision, the story has more deep things, such as the care for the lives of the elderly in society, and the most basic confrontation between good and evil, etc., which have been well shown in "Classic Car". All in all, the final effect of this film, Dave and I are very satisfied. ”


During the filming of this film, there were many news of Clint Eastwood's retreat. But after the shoot, Clint Eastwood announced a new shooting plan with Steven Spielberg and others.

Classic Cars is screenwriter Dave Johansson's first film work.

Since Million Dollar Baby, Classic Cars is the first time in four years that Clint Eastwood has appeared in his own directorial work.

Because the story of "Classic Car" involves racial discrimination, it has triggered protests from local residents during filming.

Starring basic information

Chinese Clint Eastwood Foreign name Clint Eastwood Alias Clinton Eastwood Jr. U.S. Place of Birth San Francisco, California Date of Birth May 31, 1930 Horoscope Gemini Height 193 cm Graduated from Los Angeles College Professional Actor, Director, Producer Masterpiece Dart Trilogy, Unforgivable, Million Dollar Baby, Covered Bridge Dream, American Sniper, Perfect World, Mysterious River, Rookie Thunderbolt

Major achievements Best Director Award at the 65th Academy Awards

Best Director Award at the 77th Academy Awards

American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award

Lifetime Achievement Award at the Cannes International Film Festival

Lifetime Achievement Award at the Venice International Film Festival Father Father Clint Eastwood Sr. Mother Francesca R. Eastwood Sister Jane Eastwood Son Kyle Eastwood Daughter Morgan

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > early life</h1>

Classic Car Drama Starring Introduction and Behind-the-Scenes Filming Tidbits Early Years Acting Experience Political Experience Personal Life

Clint Eastwood (5 photos)

Eastwood, born during the Great Depression, moved from city to city with his parents looking for work, a steel mill worker. In 1949, after graduating from high school, Eastwood worked at a gas station, worked as a pianist in a bar, and served a short period of military service in the Korean War. In 1950, he was admitted to the University of Los Angeles to study acting, and after graduation, he played a small role in Universal Pictures.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > acting experience</h1>

Classic Car Drama Starring Introduction and Behind-the-Scenes Filming Tidbits Early Years Acting Experience Political Experience Personal Life

Westerns (6 photos)

In 1955, he participated in his first film "Allen in Movieland", thus officially entering the entertainment industry; on December 14, he participated in the sci-fi horror film "Tarantula" was released in the United States; on November 2, he participated in the feature film "Ms. Godeva in Coventry" was released.

On March 10, 1956, the romance film "Never Say Goodbye" was released; on August 16, the war film "Away All Boats", co-starring Locke Hudson and George Sanders, was released; and in August, the Western comedy film "The First Traveling Saleslady" was released. In 1957, he starred in the adventure film "The Japanese Escape" directed by Arthur Rubin.

In 1958, the Western film Ambush at Cimarron Pass was released; in March, the war movie "Lafayette Flying Squad" was released; on September 8, the sci-fi horror film "Revenge of Creation" was released in Sweden. In 1959, he starred in the TV movie "Leather Whip".

On August 27, 1964, he starred in one of the dart trilogy directed by Serge Leone, "Red Dead Redemption". In 1965, he co-starred with Lee Van Cliff in the second part of the Darts Trilogy, Twilight Double Darts. On December 23, 1966, the third part of the dart trilogy, "The Golden Triad", was released in Italy.

In 1967, he co-starred in the feature film The Witch with Shovana Mangano and Anne Giraldo. On August 3, 1968, the Western crime film Lone Ranger Slayer, co-starring Ingall Stevens, was released; on October 2, the action crime film Lone Iron King Kong, co-starring Lee Cobb, and co-starred with Richard Burton; and on December 4, the action-adventure film Bloodstained Snowy Castle, co-starring with Richard Burton, was released .[12]

Classic Car Drama Starring Introduction and Behind-the-Scenes Filming Tidbits Early Years Acting Experience Political Experience Personal Life

Two-time Oscar for Best Director (2 photos)

In 1969, he co-starred with Lee Marvin in the Western film "Long March Manbaoshan" directed by Joshua Logan. On February 12, 1970, the Western comedy film "The Lady of the Spirits" starring Shirley McLean was released, and on June 23, the adventure film "Strategic Battle" co-starring Terry Savaras and others was released.

In 1971, he co-starred with Harry Guttino in the action crime film Dirty Harry,[14] on March 31, the feature film Under the Peony Blossom, starring With Geraldine Peggy, and the thriller film The Mist, co-starring Jessica Walter, was released on November 3.

On July 14, 1972, the Western film Joe Kidd starring him was released. In 1973, the thriller "Emergency Hunt Order" starring Hal Holbrooke was released,[17] the self-directed Western film "The Wild Prodigal Son" was released on April 19, and the love film "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon" co-starring William Holden and Kay Lands in the same year.

In 1974, he appeared in the documentary AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to James Cagney, and on May 23, the action movie "Thunderbolts and Scuds", which co-starred with Jeff Bridges, was released. In 1975, he co-starred with George Kennedy in the action thriller film "Brave Thunder Peak". On June 30, 1976, the Western film Outlaws My Wells, starring john Vernon, was released. On December 22, the action movie "Hot Hand Detective Soul Hunting Gun" starring him was released.

In 1977, he participated in the documentary "The Unknown"; in the same year, the action thriller film "Iron Glove", starring with Sandra Locke, was released. In 1978, the action comedy film Never Look Down, co-starring With Beverly De Angelo and others, was released. In 1979, the thriller film Escape from Akara, co-starring Patrick McGough, was released.

In 1980, he co-starred with Sandra Locke in the feature film Indomitable; the same year, co-starring with Jeffrey Lewis in the action film Golden Fist Showdown. In 1982, he directed and starred in the action movie "Firefox"; on December 15, the self-directed and self-acted drama film "Tianya Father and Son" was released.

In 1983, he directed and starred in the crime film "Seeing the Sun in the Clouds" [19]. On August 17, 1984, the crime film "Black Handcuffs" starring Jennifer Budra was released; on December 5, the action movie "Righteous Thin Clouds" co-starring with Bert Reynolds and others was released; in the same year, he appeared in the documentary "The Complete Book of Horrors".

In 1985, the Western film Pale Knight, which co-starred with Michael Moriarty and others, was released. In 1986, the feature film Sadness Ridge, co-starring Martha Masson, was released. In 1988, the action film Tiger Detective was released with Patricia Clarkson,[3] the feature film Rookie Parker was released on June 1, and in the same year, he served as a producer for the documentary Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser.

In 1989, the sci-fi film Back to the Future 2 was released, and on May 26, the action comedy film Cadillac Detective, co-starring with Bernard Tower Peters, was released. In 1990, he directed and starred in the action thriller film "Rookie Thunderbolt Bile"; on May 16, the self-directed and self-acting action movie "White Hunter, Black Heart" was released.

In 1991, he appeared in the documentary "Memories of Warner Superstars". In 1992, he directed and starred in the Western film Unforgivable, which was nominated for Best Picture at the 65th Academy Awards,[22] for which he won the Best Director Award at the 65th Academy Awards. In 1993, he co-starred in the crime film Perfect World with Kevin Costner, and in the same year, co-starred with John Malkovich in the action crime film "Sniper in the Line of Fire".

In 1995, he directed and starred in the romance film "The Dream of the Covered Bridge", which is based on the novel of the same name by American writer Robert James Waller.[5] In the same year, he appeared in the documentary Martin Scorsese's American Film Journey; and on September 15, the feature film Starfall Home, where he served as a producer, was released.

In 1997, he directed the thriller film Midnight Garden of Good and Evil, co-starring John Cusack and Kevin Spacey, which was adapted from the American novel of the same name; in the same year, he directed and starred in the thriller crime thriller "Absolute Power". In 1998, he appeared in the documentary "Hollywood's 100 Classic Movies in a Hundred Years"; in the same year, he participated in the documentary "Prostitutes in Public Tourism".

On March 19, 1999, the self-directed crime thriller film "Urgent Mission" was released in the United States; in the same year, he participated in the documentary "One Hundred Stars of Hollywood in a Hundred Years". In 2000, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 57th Venice Film Festival [6]; in the same year, he co-starred with Tommy Lee Jones and Donald Sutherland in the adventure science fiction film Space Cowboy, in which he played Frank Colvin, the top test pilot of the United States Air Force[23], and appeared in the documentary Line of Fire Sniper: The Ultimate Sacrifice.

In 2001, he appeared in the documentary "America Pays Tribute to Heroes". On August 9, 2002, the self-directed and self-starred feature film "Bloody Puzzle" was released in the United States; in the same year, he participated in the documentary "Who Is Alan Smithee?".

In 2003, he appeared in the documentary A Decade Under the Influence, and in the same year, he directed The Mysterious River, a crime film based on the novel of the same name by American author Dennis Lehan, co-starring Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, and Kevin Bakken, which was nominated for Best Picture at the 76th Academy Awards.[25] For which he was nominated for Best Director at the 76th Academy Awards.

In 2004, he appeared in the documentary Épreuves d'artistes. In 2005, he directed and starred in the feature film Million Dollar Baby, which won the Best Picture Award at the 77th Academy Awards,[26] for which he won the Best Director Award at the 77th Academy Awards and the Best Director Award at the 62nd Golden Globe Awards.

In 2006, he appeared in the documentary "Stars Talk About Movies"; in the same year, he directed the war film "The Book of Iwo Jima" co-starring Ken Watanabe, Kazuya Ninomiya, and Tsuyoshi Ihara[27], which was nominated for the Best Picture Award at the 79th Academy Awards [28], for which he was nominated for the Best Director Award at the 79th Academy Awards [29] and the Best Director Award in the Film Category at the 64th Golden Globe Awards [30]; on October 20, the war film "Father's Banner" was released in the United States. The film tells the background of the photographic work "American Soldiers Raise the Flag on Iwo Jima", which represents the Battle of Iwo Jima [31], for which he was nominated for the 64th Golden Globe Awards - Best Director Award in the Film Category. In 2007, he appeared in the documentary Don Ricks Project.

Classic Car Drama Starring Introduction and Behind-the-Scenes Filming Tidbits Early Years Acting Experience Political Experience Personal Life

Clint Eastwood (3 photos)

In 2008, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 61st Cannes Film Festival[8]; on May 20, the suspense film "The Doubt of the Son" directed by him premiered in France, based on the real event in American history, "Murder in the Chicken Coop"[33]; on December 12, the self-directed crime film "Classic Car" was released in the United States [34]; and in the same year, he appeared in the documentary Erika Rabau: Puck of Berlin. In 2009, he directed the biographical film "Done in The Man" [35] co-starring Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon and Tony Kogorogji, for which he was nominated for the Film Category - Best Director Award at the 67th Golden Globe Awards.

In 2010, he directed the feature film From Now on, which tells the story of a worker with yin and yang eyes who experiences the meaning of life in the process of communicating with the dead [36], and in the same year, he appeared in the documentary "Blessing Haiti: A Global Disaster Relief Charity Performance". On November 11, 2011, the biographical film Hoover was released in the United States, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Amy Hammer, and Josh Lucas, and in the same year, he appeared in the documentary "Akira Kurosawa's Road".

In 2012, he appeared in the documentary "Fame and Fortune Addiction"; in the same year, he starred in the feature film "The Curve Problem" in the United States. In 2013, he appeared in the documentary "John the God-like Filmmaker". On June 20, 2014, he directed the musical song and dance film Jersey Boys, which co-starred Christopher Walken, John Lloyd Young, and Eric Bergen, and in the same year directed the biographical film American Sniper, which was based on the autobiography of the same name by American sniper Chris Kyle, and was nominated for Best Picture at the 87th Academy Awards.

On March 15, 2015, he appeared in the documentary Tab Hunter Confidential. On September 9, 2016, the biographical film Captain Sully was released in the United States, based on the true heroic deeds of Chesley Sully Sahenberg, captain of the 2009 US Airways Flight 1549 crash. On April 21, 2017, he directed and produced the film "15:17 to Paris" based on a true story .

On February 9, 2018, the thriller film "15:17, Departure for Paris" was released in the United States, and the film was attacked in August 2015 on a high-speed train from Amsterdam to Paris. On August 26, 2019, the crime film "Mule", which co-starred with Bradley Cooper and others, was released in China as drug dealer Earl Stone [40-41]. On December 13, he directed the film "The Lamentations of Richard Jewell".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > political experience</h1>

In 1986, he became mayor of Carmel, California' seaside town, with 72.5 percent of the vote. The town of Carmel has a population of just over 4,000, and Eastwood earned $200 a month during his two-year tenure. He tried to shift the focus of his rule from the town's regional commercial development to the protection of wildlife and natural landscapes. However, due to the trivial and formal decisions that needed to be made as mayor, Eastwood abandoned his second term campaign [11].

In 2001, Eastwood was appointed vice chairman of the California State Parks and Recreation Commission. During his eight-year tenure, he had a disagreement with California Governor Schwarzenegger [11].

In 2005, Eastwood led the entire committee in a joint opposition to the construction of a 6-lane, 26-kilometer toll road, arguing that it would destroy some of California's natural beaches, and even urged the California Coast Commission to join in protesting the plan. Governor Schwarzenegger, on the other hand, launched the program in February and "fired" Eastwood's squid .[11]

On August 31, 2012, Clint Eastwood spoke as a guest at the Republican National Convention [43].

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > personal life</h1>

Classic Car Drama Starring Introduction and Behind-the-Scenes Filming Tidbits Early Years Acting Experience Political Experience Personal Life

Clint in life (3 photos)

In 1953, Clint Eastwood married swimsuit model Maggie Johnson. In 1978, the two divorced. On March 31, 1996, she married Dana Lutz. Subsequently, Dana Lutz gave birth to a daughter, Morgan.

In 2013, 83-year-old Clint Eastwood divorced his second wife, Dina Eastwood, who had been married for 17 years.

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