
Curry's recent projection of the true cause of the anomaly! After switching to the toe again, everything was solved

Curry's recent projection of the true cause of the anomaly! After switching to the toe again, everything was solved

Thompson, a reporter for TA, wrote an article reporting on the true causes of Curry's projection abnormality, and here are two original translations.

But Curry had an epiphany as he practiced . He discovered the reason for the downturn. This reason is too small, so Fraser (warrior assistant) did not find out, the problem is inside the body, so no one but Curry himself can detect it. In self-diagnosis, he found the answer on his own feet.

He had developed the habit of jumping with his toes instead of the forefoots. Instead of using the forefoot and toes, he can push the ball out with less force. This finding had immediate benefits.

During training, the arc of his ball begins to fall normally. The whizzing sound returned, and so did the spinning of the ball. His coordination balances out his remaining strength. His hand shape remains after the shot, helping him to build up strength and better control of the ball. ”

原文:But Curry had an Aha! moment in practice. He found the source of the shortage. It was too subtle for Fraser to see, too internal for anyone other than Curry to detect. In the process of self-diagnosing, he found the answers in his feet.

He had developed a habit of launching off his toes and not the balls of his feet. On his toes, he generates less power than when he gets a good push off the balls of his feet. The discovery paid immediate dividends. His shots started falling like normal in practice. The swishes came back. So did the pretty rotation on his ball. His balance corrected with the added burst. The oomph he regained behind the follow-through gave him much better control over the ball.

Produced by the Warrior Nation Translation Team

Translated by Prince Curry

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