
Liaoning media commented that the national football team lost to Japan: losing powerlessly, hoping that the coach would elevate himself is self-deception

Liaoning media commented that the national football team lost to Japan: losing powerlessly, hoping that the coach would elevate himself is self-deception

Live bar On January 29, the national football team lost 0-2 to Japan, and the Peninsula Morning Post commented that the national football team was powerless to lose the game, and Chinese football has fallen too far. Now pinning his hopes on a certain coach, hoping that he can lead the promotion of the national football team, is tantamount to self-deception.

After the loss, the reaction from all sides was very calm, because everyone knows that the gap between Chinese and Japanese football cannot be bridged by changing a coach or gathering up morale. Regarding personnel arrangements and tactical arrangements, it is actually not worth discussing, because in every link, the gap between us and Japan is very obvious.

In the final analysis, the game is done by the players, and although a good coach can lead the team to the next level, the driving role can still be limited. The national football team has tried a world-class coach like Lippi, but it still can't be mentioned. If you still want to pin your hopes on a certain coach, you are deceiving yourself. Giving up illusions, starting from scratch on a down-to-earth basis, doing a good job in youth training, and doing a good job in the league is the only way to gradually catch up.

in Boydwater

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