
Wind and rain, determined to move forward - written on the occasion of Hunan's major achievements in epidemic prevention and control

author:China Daily

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New

Wind and rain, determined to move forward

——Written on the occasion of Hunan's major achievements in epidemic prevention and control

The two sessions of the National People's Congress are about to be convened, which is the "Chinese time" that all parties have attracted attention. In the middle of Xi Weizhong, Hunan's deputies and members went to Beijing in a heroic way, behind them were the mighty Yangtze River and the rolling Yellow River, which was an endless heroic event and an inexhaustible history of the war "epidemic."

Overwintering, springing, and entering summer, we have passed the public health security event with the fastest spread, the widest scope of infection, and the greatest difficulty in prevention and control since the founding of New China. After several months of wind and rain, the peaks of the Three Xiang Mountains are stacked with greenery and smoke.

It was an unforgettable experience. It records the responsibility of a big party, the strength of a big country, and stands majestically the indelible tenacity and indomitability of a heroic nation!


From being caught off guard to calmly coping, the people of Hunan have implemented the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions of the Party Central Committee into every work, every detail, and every pass of epidemic prevention and control.

The fight against the new crown epidemic is a "stress test" that the Chinese nation did not expect when it was on its journey to rejuvenation, which is a national mobilization and a nationwide resistance war, and it is also a practical test of loyalty and execution.

"There are more difficulties than imagined, and the results achieved are better than expected." Looking back on this thrilling day, many people will have such a sigh. Behind this effect of "many difficulties" and "good results" is the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the original mission of the sons and daughters of Sanxiang to undergo tempering, and the unique political advantages under the leadership of the Party.

It's a real battle without a script. At the critical juncture, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee resolutely implemented the general requirements of "strengthening confidence, working together in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures", united and led more than 73 million Hunan people to calmly cope with the battle, from the initial encounter, to the initiative, the overall war, and then to the normalization of the prevention and control war, always grasping the fighter, taking the battalion step by step, winning every step, maintaining the strong order of epidemic prevention and control and the security and stability of the overall social situation, and contributing to Hunan's strength in the pattern of "one game of chess in the whole country".

"Life is heavier than Mount Tai, the epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility" "Put people's life safety and physical health first, strive to improve the admission rate and cure rate, and reduce the infection rate and case fatality rate"... After the outbreak of the epidemic, a series of important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping led every step of the Three Xiangs land war against the epidemic and the fight against the disease.

Fight against the disease and see the preciousness of life. Make every effort to "concentrate patients, experts, resources, and treatment" to mobilize social forces to carry out large-scale nucleic acid testing; build a telemedicine consultation platform to rapidly expand the production capacity of anti-epidemic materials in a short period of time; boldly use new technologies, new drugs, and large-scale interventional treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, from babies born a few months old to the elderly in their old age, we have witnessed the miracle of life in the battle with the virus. "Zero in 54 days" and "Cure rate of 99.6%" witnessed the excellent answer sheets handed over by Hunan in the fight against major disasters.

Shaohua can not live up to the spring, although the mask is fighting fiercely. On February 3, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to coordinate battlefields across the country and carefully deploy the "restart button" for resuming work and production. On the same day, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee reiterated that "all actions are subject to command" and "be prepared to fight a new hard battle." In the economic battlefield, which can only win and cannot lose, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have deployed in advance and planned scientifically, grasping epidemic prevention and control on the one hand and reform and development on the other. Key links such as policy support, employee resumption, and supporting prevention and control measures, the response measures are busy and orderly, and Hunan has become one of the provinces with the earliest and best results in resuming work and production.

"Winter is cold and urgent, and spring is doubly popular." The epidemic came to spring, from the discharge of the first cured case on January 30 to the "zero" of all hospitalized cases on March 14. In just 54 days, Hunan has achieved important stage results in epidemic prevention and control.


Seeing things early, acting quickly, keen judgment and decisive action, Hunan "learned war in war, learned to swim in swimming", won the lead in the race against time, and won the initiative in the battle against the disease.

At the beginning of the outbreak, Hunan, as a province with a large population and a transportation hub in the central region, was under tremendous pressure, just across the river from the central epidemic area of Hubei.

The virus is coming, and life and death are at stake. On January 20, after General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, Hunan quickly "responded" with the fastest response speed, the highest level of staffing, and the maximum mobilization of resources.

In the face of the epidemic, there is no room for occurrence. On January 21, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee studied and deployed the epidemic prevention and control work, and Hunan entered a "wartime state": the leading group for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic was immediately established, the joint prevention and control mechanism was immediately launched, and the "battle map" of the province's resolute fight against the epidemic was rapidly rolled out.

On the 22nd, all airports, stations, ports, etc. in the province launched temperature detection for all passengers; on the 23rd, the first batch of public health emergencies in the country launched a first-level response level, and 14 cities, prefectures, and 122 counties and municipalities in the province immediately launched carpet inspections.

Short battles, every second counts. The main leaders of the provincial party committee Chinese New Year's Eve night to inspect the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, "shouting" party members and cadres at all levels quickly turned into a "wartime state", "the secretary of the fifth level took the lead, and there were fierce soldiers guarding sanxiang", more than 50,000 medical personnel in the province rushed to the front line of treatment, hundreds of thousands of grass-roots cadres were stationed at card points, and more than 1.4 million volunteers, sinking cadres, and ordinary villagers were jointly prevented and controlled. "Long wisps in hand", the power of the people's war quickly overshadowed the momentum of the ferocious spread of the epidemic.

"Focusing on the worst, making the most adequate preparations, and striving for the best results", Hunan Province "plays a game of chess", "one heart" up and down, and does its best to answer the "must-answer questions" in the examination. Implement the "four early" prevention and control plan, make every effort to treat infected patients, cut off the route of infection, and ensure the supply of materials, and coordinate efforts from top to bottom of the province to build a "copper wall" for epidemic prevention and control.

It is not difficult to know what to do. Reviewing the curve of the development of the epidemic in Hunan, it can be found that the new confirmed cases in the province reached a peak on January 28, and the first patient was cured and discharged from the hospital on January 30, and the epidemic curve entered the "platform period". In the short contact with the virus, Hunan won the opportunity.

First-hand is proactive. At the beginning of February, the pressure of epidemic prevention and control eased, and the standing committee of the provincial party committee resolutely pressed the button to start resuming work and production, "grasping the epidemic prevention and resuming work with two hands, and fighting two battles together"; more than 40,000 epidemic prevention liaison officers were quickly assigned to enterprises. In the warm spring blossoms, familiar and intimate human fireworks slowly reappear in the land of Sanxiang.

Walk through the wind and rain and stand tall in the storm. Through this "epidemic", Hunan's governance system has undergone practical tests, and its governance ability has been improved in the battle of death.


Precise policies, systematic advancement, and exploration of stereotyped "five major mechanisms" in epidemic prevention and control have achieved a good recipe and tactics for Hunan to win the initiative in epidemic prevention and control.

It is not difficult to open the timeline of the "epidemic" in Hunan for several months to find that from the "comprehensive mobilization" at the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic to the "unrelenting" in the most arduous stage, from the "cautious heart" when the orderly resumption of work and production, to the "rebound pipa" when the epidemic prevention and control has achieved major results in the stage, we have studied and judged the epidemic situation with meticulous care, skillful application of tactics, the more smooth the battle, and the more active the battle situation.

Leadership and command should be unified. Implement the "three unifications" and play a game of chess in the whole province. In the wartime situation, it is necessary to unify leadership, unified command, and unified dispatch, so that "military orders are like mountains." After the outbreak of the epidemic, the provincial party committee and local party committees immediately set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control work of the party committee with the party secretary as the first group leader, studied and implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping in a unified pace, and unified the layout of strengthening medical treatment and counterpart support, especially the unified allocation of scarce materials in the early stage of the outbreak, and the unified deployment of the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production, firmly grasping the initiative in prevention and control work. If the command is determined, the three armies will use their lives, and if the arm is commanded, it will summon the enemy.

Densely woven nets for group prevention and mass control. The key to epidemic prevention and control lies in the grassroots level, and the difficulty lies in the grassroots level. When the epidemic struck, the prevention and control force sank to the community, and in just over ten days, it quickly weaved a network of external prevention of import and internal proliferation. At the beginning of February, the curve of "confirmed cases" and "suspected cases" peaked, and the number of cured cases exceeded that of new confirmed cases. The mechanisms of mass prevention and mass management and joint prevention and control, which are horizontal to the border and vertical to the end, have brought into play the great power of the "people's war."

Medical care is exalted. Medical personnel saving lives and helping the injured are the "main battlefield" in the fight against the epidemic. Provincial expert groups have been fully stationed in 14 designated hospitals in cities and prefectures to carry out "titration" treatment close to patients; guide enterprises, public institutions and the public to carry out nucleic acid testing, so as to realize the advance of screening, treatment, isolation, and fever patient management; early carry out plasma therapy for convalescent patients, stem cell therapy for severe and critically ill patients, focusing on collaborative treatment; promote traditional Chinese medicine interventional treatment, use information means to carry out remote consultation, and explore patient post-discharge health service management. Every step of the "epidemic" in Hunan has reflected the professional quality of "scientific prevention and control and precise measures". Behind the 99.6% cure rate is the miraculous effect of the medical rescue mechanism of precise treatment.

Material support is the foundation. "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass have gone first." From the shortage of medical protective materials in the early days of the outbreak, to hundreds of millions of masks, 200,000 N95 masks, 80,000 sets of protective clothing, nucleic acid detection reagents, temperature guns, ventilators, negative pressure vehicles and therapeutic drugs, etc., the province has rapidly formed a complete production chain and sufficient production capacity, effectively supporting the demand for medical care in the province and making positive contributions to the overall situation of the national fight against the epidemic. The material guarantee mechanism for the all-weather production of multi-variety epidemic prevention materials has witnessed the rapid response ability of the front and rear of the overall planning, and confirmed the huge potential of the development of Hunan's real economy.

Data information to support. To resume work is to stabilize employment, and to resume production is to stabilize the economy. Through "big data analysis + grid field investigation", effective screening of key populations is realized; online platforms such as health code classification identification, "Xiang employment" and "Xiang consumption" effectively serve the resumption of work and production and promote consumption, and the big data support mechanism uses information technology to accurately help epidemic prevention and economic development.

The five major mechanisms are indispensable; the overall planning and systematic advancement of all parties are not only methodological, but also more effective.


On the battlefield without the smoke of gunfire, the Communists stepped forward, and the battle fortress stood majestically. The party flag is flying high in the front line of the epidemic prevention and control struggle.

One party member with one flag. The flag is rolling, and the momentum of thousands of troops and horses is like a rainbow.

On March 22, in the high-speed train carriage of Hunan to support the Huanggang medical team to return to Hunan, 21 reserve party members held a most special oath-taking ceremony for joining the party. "Ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people!" The oath was taken so far, full of tears. At the time of crisis and the crucial time, it is such blood and tears that pour out the will of the pioneers and soldiers to stand up for the mission of the Communist Party members.

This is a rolling iron current in the face of a major epidemic. Among them were the crane-haired old men. "People are old, and their hearts are still hot." Wu Bing, a 70-year-old veteran party member, took the initiative to ask for battle, a tent and a temperature gun, and stuck to the front line of community prevention and control; among them were young teenagers. Zhao Xiaoyong, a "post-90s" nurse in the neurosurgery intensive care unit of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, rushed to wuhan and said "I am a party member" to convince his family... A face that Zhang Su had never met but was extremely kind, stitched together into a group portrait of a group of Communist Party members on a mighty shore.

This is a red great wall to ward off the disease. The "five-level secretaries" have built a "vertical command system" of the "Hunan Theater": the main leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government have personally taken risks, formulated adjustment strategies according to the situation at the time and the situation, and firmly grasped the initiative in prevention and control work; the party secretaries at the city and county levels have resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial party committees, and the responsibility mechanism has been consolidated; the secretaries of township party committees and the secretaries of village (community) party branches have explored the epidemic situation, and the prevention and control chain has been tightly integrated. The more than 3.9 million party members in the province are cells in peacetime, casting the vitality of party organizations; wartime is the banner that gives party organizations combat effectiveness.

Ten thousand people wield bows, shoot one move together, and all will be hit. The frontline of treatment, the frontier of prevention and control, the resumption of work and production, where the focus of epidemic prevention and control is, party members and cadres will fight to wherever they are. Shouldering the heavy responsibility of "liaison officer in the enterprise", the party members and cadres have become the backbone of helping the enterprise to relieve difficulties and resume work and production, and the workshop has rumbled again. At the critical moment of spring ploughing and preparation, the first secretary stationed in the village, the science and technology commissioner, and the grass-roots party members became the "red commando team", seeing the green in the seams, sowing spring in the soil, and reproducing the field and the hoe. They are Communists, heroes in a race against time; they use their sweat to drive away the cold, and they usher in the emergence of life and the beauty of all things.

There is no smoke of gunfire, but there is life and death, and there is no self to fight. "With a cavity of heroic blood", Zhang Hui, director of the Provincial Health and Family Planning Comprehensive Supervision Bureau and secretary of the Party Committee, has always fixed his life course on the front line of epidemic prevention and control; "Fanghua Ying's soul cannot be saved", Dong Rui, a police officer of the Police Command Department of the Yueyang City Public Security Bureau, used a pen as a knife and fell on his post after 27 days of fighting the epidemic... Fall down, jump up a group; former servants follow, sacrifice life and forget death. They are Communists, without a body of steel, but they carry great strength. Their bravery and dedication and sacrifice were exchanged for the epidemic and the peace of all beings.

The wind knows the grass, and the board is honest. The vast number of party members and cadres in Hunan have tempered their courage in assuming responsibility, the wisdom of scientific prevention and control, the strategy of overall planning, and the ability of organization and implementation in the course of fighting the epidemic and facing the examination, so that the strength of the vanguard can be displayed everywhere, and the bright red party flag can fly high.


Sonorous and powerful battle, the back of the reverse movement, the "medical Xiang Army" regardless of safety, not afraid of life and death, with clever hands and benevolence to resolve dangers, with superb medical skills to save the spring, to hold up the hope of life, to make a first-class contribution.

"There are no special circumstances, don't go to Wuhan." When the epidemic broke out, Academician Zhong Nanshan issued an urgent appeal to the public. But at this time, Wu Anhua, an infection control expert at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, resolutely went to Wuhan, and the back of the "bravest retrograde" made countless people "tear up".

"My eyes are weeping for you, but my heart is holding an umbrella for you." A letter of invitation to war is full of the benevolence of the doctors who "do not care about pay, regardless of life and death"; a letter of anti-epidemic chapter of Xiaoxiang's family letter reveals how many deeply understood the worries and reluctance of the great righteousness, and the soft intestines after the heroic bones.

When the country has difficulties, medical care will face difficulties; patients have diseases, and medical care will be heart-to-heart. They are the closest to the patient. "Is my condition getting better?" Every day, they bring hope and comfort to their patients; they are the ones furthest from their families. "Mom, when are you going home?" Every day, the child asks questions with his small face on his back, but only in exchange for a "lie" of "playing monsters outside". Ai Yuhang, chief expert of Xiangya Hospital, burst into tears because of the heartache for his comrades-in-arms and the heart for patients. Those moments that relieve the pain of others and endure the pain of oneself, the "fragments" of countless individuals constitute group "images", interpreting the responsibility of the great doctor for the country and the people.

"'Xiang' should give strength" shows the sincerity of suffering and sharing; with the same river and lake, it expresses the confidence to overcome difficulties together. When the Hunan medical team arrived at the foothills of Dabie Mountain, the mayor of Huanggang City choked up at a simple meeting. The country's first national emergency medical rescue team composed of Hunan medical staff rushed to Wuhan's aid, "grabbed" the out of the cabin hospital for 33 hours, received patients in batches at the first time, entered the isolation ward for the first time, and diagnosed and treated critically ill patients for the first time... In the severe cold against the wind, when the flowers bloom with a smile, the 1502 medical team members who support the Hubei medical team in our province have created countless "firsts" in the Hubei battlefield.

"Life is heavier than Taishan" and "treatment is the responsibility", Hunan is the first province (autonomous region, city) in the country with a cumulative confirmed case of more than 1,000 cases, with a cure rate of 99.6%. Under the big test, the report card of treatment handed over by Hunan is a high score, which is not easy.

"If you entrust your life with me, I will fight with all my might." "Concentrate patients, concentrate experts, concentrate resources, and concentrate treatment" to give patients the most timely, comprehensive, and high-quality treatment plans and medical resources; life and death speed, 228 experts, two echelons of provincial expert groups, experts "heavenly group" starry night assembled, and the virus short soldiers, repeatedly created miracles of life. Complementing each other's advantages, the two sets of medical systems of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the province are fighting side by side to ensure the health of the people.

The armor is not solved, and then cross the saddle. On April 16, Wu Anhua set off for Harbin non-stop, and he had just finished medical isolation, "eating a meal at home and leaving." The division and soldiers arrived, and the flying grain was delivered. On May 11, the Hunan medical team went to Zimbabwe, thousands of miles away...

From the cold winter to the summer is in full swing, the medical Xiang Army dressed in "battle robes" has left an eternal legend for the winter to spring of the Year of Gengzi.


Fight for the people and win by the people. "Eat bitterly, dominate brutally, and endure annoyance", in the fight against the epidemic, countless civilian heroes in Sanxiang Land have stepped forward, writing about their great love and loyalty to the country and their responsibility to the nation.

The hottest live broadcast this spring is a slow-paced, no-plot, no narration-free fixed-camera livestream, no music, no dancing, just sweating workers and machines that are working day and night. In the live broadcast room, more than 40 million people were online at the same time, staring at the construction of Vulcan Mountain and Leishen Mountain Hospital, and in the blink of an eye, the two hospitals rose from the ground.

Everyone can do it, everyone can do it, and what the minority gathers is a mighty force. At the beginning of the epidemic, countless public officials quickly transferred the Spring Festival mode and vacation status back to the working mode and combat state. Angels dressed in white who sleep tiredly on the door frame, scientific researchers who risk risking to collect virus samples, grass-roots party members and cadres who deliver food and vegetables in the snow and wind, taxi drivers who volunteer to pick up medical staff, and recovered patients who actively donate plasma... Countless ordinary people are doing their part in this desperate struggle.

In the face of the pandemic, everyone is a warrior. On January 30, a mask factory in the province issued a "recruitment order", more than 20 skilled female seamstresses in Xiangxiang signed up in half an hour; there was a temporary shortage of masks, and Hao Jin, an ordinary farmer in Changde, did not hesitate to donate more than 10,000 masks from the original migrant enterprises; the "Vulcan Mountain" construction site was in urgent need of plumbers, and Cili construction workers rushed to help overnight; more than 400 people in 17 teams worked day and night, and in just three days, changsha's "main battle position" to fight the epidemic was put into operation... "Thank you, every ordinary Chinese", Under the catastrophe and the pandemic, countless subtle warmths gathered an indestructible and majestic force.

Other countries that have also suffered the impact of the epidemic lament that Chinese the kindest, cutest and most effective. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the roads were sparsely populated and the squares were empty, but countless party members, police, community cadres, and volunteers stuck to their posts, registered, measured and released, and provided help to the masses. Under the epidemic situation, Hunan fathers and fellow villagers have maintained a distance in space, but they have watched over each other in their hearts. With the participation of the whole people and the unity of the people, we have built a strict defense line of joint prevention and control and mass prevention and control.

Unity of purpose and unity of purpose is the strongest sound that stirs the land of Sanxiang. Members of the Yueyang Red Cross Blue Sky Rescue Team disinfected more than 600 units and contracted about 24.5 million square meters of environmental safety; the "Field Volunteer Service Team" of Hunan Agricultural University carried out technical guidance services in vegetable and seedling bases in more than 10 villages, and worked with farmers to seize the lost agricultural time... The difficulties caused by the epidemic have been resolved with unity; the time delayed by the epidemic has been made up by hard work; and the development of the epidemic has been delayed, and we have worked hard to catch up.

If the achievements of China's war against the "epidemic" are a miracle, then this miracle must be created by every Chinese; if the story of Hunan's fight against the epidemic is worth remembering, then it must be written by every Hunan people.


The long river of history has calm winds and waves, and there are also turbulent waves. The "epidemic" test once again warns that the road to national rejuvenation cannot be smooth and smooth; but the Chinese nation will never be crushed by hardships and hardships, but will only become more and more courageous. Recently, a survey of about 12,500 people in 23 countries and regions around the world jointly initiated by an independent polling agency in Singapore and a British market research firm showed that the Chinese people have the highest satisfaction with the country's fight against the epidemic, with scores far exceeding those of Western countries, and 85% of Chinese respondents believe that China will become stronger in the epidemic crisis.

"There is no great historical disaster that is not compensated by historical progress", and introspection and self-renewal due to disasters, rebirth from the fire, and phoenix nirvana are the unique historical genes of the Chinese nation.

On May 8, the 2020 Hunan Auto Show, known as the "First Exhibition in China", made headlines in the well-known British magazine "Exhibition World". In the context of the global economic recession, the Hunan convention and exhibition industry fired the first shot of confidence recovery, which itself "brought its own traffic".

"They are tough people who are good at surviving suffering." The "new crown" examination has increased the difficulty of economic and social operation, and also enhanced our ability to cope with complex and severe situations. Under the condition of normalized epidemic prevention and control, the battlefield of comprehensive well-off and poverty alleviation has reopened, the construction of major industrial projects has run out of "acceleration", "new infrastructure" has surged up, the "short board" of import and export trade has become a "springboard", the offline "crisis" has become "vitality" on the line, the smoke and fire in the noisy city has risen again, and the campus has reproduced the sound of books... Although 2020 is about to pass the halfway mark, we are fully capable of snatching back the time we have delayed.

"A wise people will learn a lot more from disasters and mistakes than usual." Innovate and improve the system and mechanism of major epidemic prevention and control, improve the public health emergency management system, and make social governance more "easy to relax, advance and retreat", and all parts of urban and rural areas are forging an "iron shoulder morality" to cope with risks and challenges.

"Intelligent manufacturing" May, Hunan Province's "5G + Industrial Internet" on-site promotion meeting was held fiercely, and various wisdom scenes "back waves" rushed; "Xunfang" May, the tourism revenue and number of tourists received during the "May Day" period of our province ranked among the top three in the country; "strong feelings" In May, the first wedding expo in Changsha was successfully concluded, with nearly 30,000 passengers in the exhibition and a turnover of 327 million yuan... The epidemic cannot stop the pace of the season, let alone people's yearning for a better life.

The mountains are majestic, and the sea is majestic. With the burning passion of the struggle, the joy of walking in danger, the indomitable attempt, and the march of swallowing mountains and rivers, we are fully capable, confident and sure, resolutely seize the "double victory" of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and hand over a more brilliant "Hunan Answer Sheet" in the big war and decisive victory. (Written by: Gong Zhengwen, Shen Deliang, Zhu Yonghua, Zou Chenying, Ouyang Jinyu, Peng Yi)

Source: Hunan Daily

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