
Calm South Sea Restless America

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

The South China Sea was calm, but Uncle Sam was restless.

From sending ships to enter the territorial waters of China's Paracel Islands without authorization to hyping up the so-called militarization of the South China Sea, the United States has recently been constantly stirring up trouble around the South China Sea issue, and there is a great posture of not giving up on disturbing the situation in the South China Sea.

To sum up, the United States has repeatedly caused trouble on the South China Sea issue, playing nothing more than the guise of "militarization of the South China Sea" and pulling nothing more than the banner of "freedom of navigation operations." However, Uncle Sam's loudness of the momentum cannot change the nature of his unreasonable teasing.

First of all, the US side hypes up the so-called militarization of the South China Sea. A country whose military presence in the South China Sea region far exceeds the combined military strength of China and other countries bordering the South China Sea, and who has sent ships to the South China Sea to flaunt its might and infringe on the sovereignty of other countries, but accuses other countries of promoting the militarization of the South China Sea.

Let's look at the "freedom of navigation" that the United States claims to maintain. I would like to ask, where does a country that has not even acceded to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea come from to uphold the authority of international law at sea? I would also like to ask, what kind of "freedom" should be based on the infringement of the sovereignty of other countries? This is typical of "American exceptionalism" and hegemonism.

When it comes to the current situation in the South China Sea, relevant countries have the most say. In a recent interview with The Straits Times, Singapore's Foreign Minister Vivian pointed out: "The current situation in the South China Sea has calmed down a lot, and both ASEAN and China have the goodwill and confidence to start the text of the 'Code of Conduct in the South China Sea' text consultation." ”

It seems that the South China Sea is fine, but the United States has "heart". The frequent disruption of the South China Sea reflects the deep-rooted Cold War mentality of the United States and exposes the increasing imbalance of its mentality toward China. Whether it is the cancellation of China's invitation to participate in the RIMPAC-2018 exercise under the pretext of the South China Sea issue, or the dispatch of ships into the territorial waters of China's Paracel Islands this time, it is the Cold War-style containment and confrontational thinking that the United States has long upheld, which has seriously damaged the relations between the two countries and the two militaries.

As the world's largest developing and developed country, it is inevitable that there will be differences between China and the United States while cooperating. In today's increasingly globalized and "you have me, I have you", in the face of China's continuous development, what the US side should do should focus on cooperation, rather than upholding a confrontational thinking and blindly provoking wrongdoing. "Looking far away can know that the wind and waves are small, and the sky is beginning to feel the sea wave flat", the US side's gaze is inevitably too short-sighted.

What needs to be told to the US side is that no matter what you say or how many times you come, you cannot change the ironclad fact that "the South China Sea islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times." China's deployment of necessary and limited national land defense facilities on its own islands and reefs in the South China Sea is an upright exercise of our right to self-preservation and self-defense entrusted to us by international law, and it is legitimate and lawful. The US side should immediately stop its provocative actions that infringe on China's sovereignty and threaten China's security, abandon unnecessary speculation, and in a responsible manner, do more things that are conducive to mutual trust and cooperation among regional countries and to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.

Friends come with good wine, jackals come with shotguns. The Chinese military is a staunch force for safeguarding regional and world peace. Our determination to strengthen the construction of naval and air combat readiness, improve the level of defense, safeguard national sovereignty and security, and maintain regional peace and stability is unswerving.

Calm South Sea Restless America