
How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

author:Historic inn

When it comes to the image of diplomats, everyone's impression is generally mature and stable, not alarmed, low-key and rigorous, and watertight, such as Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, Ji Pengfei, who served as foreign minister, and so on.

However, in the diplomatic history of New China, there is another foreign minister, who is known for his elegant and uninhibited image, and has also made very remarkable achievements.

This special foreign minister is the famous Qiao Guanhua.

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

Qiao Guanhua, born in 1913 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, a family of poetry and books, since childhood is extremely intelligent, over-the-top, known as a "prodigy", after going to school, but also a series of jumps, at the age of 16 was admitted to Tsinghua University, learning the most profound philosophy.

After graduating from Tsinghua University, Qiao Guanhua traveled east to Japan to continue his studies in philosophy at Tokyo Imperial University, but during his time in Japan, Qiao Guanhua was expelled by the Japanese because he often participated in revolutionary activities.

There is no grandfather here, there is a place to stay, Qiao Guanhua did not care, turned around and went to Germany for further study, and obtained a doctorate in philosophy.

Moreover, Qiao Guanhua was not a nerd who did not hear anything out of the window, he was also very concerned about the world situation at that time, looked at the problem very accurately, and often spoke amazingly, but later was verified one by one.

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

In 1938, when the world was in the midst of a crisis of a new world war, Qiao Guanhua traveled to many European countries, saw clearly the face of Germany's false peace, secretly plotting to provoke war, and the weakness of the appeasement policy of Britain and France, Qiao Guanhua asserted that in three years, the Wheel of nazis would run over the Arc de Triomphe in Paris!

At that time, Europe was in the midst of "peace", and no one cared what the 25-year-old Chinese youth said, but two years later, the facts confirmed Qiao Guanhua's assertion!

In view of the international situation at that time, Qiao Guanhua dispelled the delusion of engaging in academic research, resolutely chose the road of serving the country with the pen as a knife and public opinion as the battlefield, returned to Hong Kong to participate in the establishment of the "Evening News of Current Affairs", and gave a pen name, called "Qiaomu".

Every night, Qiao Guanhua would shut himself in the newsroom, holding whiskey and brandy in one hand, holding a pen in the other, writing all night, and the next day, the headline of the Evening News of Current Affairs published an editorial with a peculiar and distinct perspective, a deafening point of view, and a thunderous writing, and soon the Evening News of Current Affairs became a newspaper that people rushed to read.

At that time, Chairman Mao, who was far away in Yan'an, also liked to read this newspaper, especially Qiao Guanhua's editorials, and Chairman Mao sincerely praised: "Qiaomu's articles have the potential to read thousands of troops, and one of his pens can top two tank divisions!" ”

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

Qiao Guanhua saw the incompetence of the Kuomintang reactionaries and admired the continuous victory of the War of Resistance behind enemy lines led by the Communist Party, and he saw with the keenness of a philosopher that China's hope was bound to be on the side of the Communist Party.

In 1942, Qiao Guanhua went to Chongqing, and under the leadership of Zhou Enlai, he served as the editor-in-chief of the international current affairs review of Xinhua Daily.

At that time, it was the most rampant time of fascism in the world, Japan launched the Pacific War, Germany also invaded the Soviet Union, fascism was "victorious" for a while, and the world and the country were filled with anxiety and panic of defeat, while Qiao Guanhua wrote an immortal editorial in the narrow editorial room of Xinhua Daily, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Berlin, Tokyo!" On a detailed basis and with meticulous analysis, it is far-sighted to conclude that the world anti-fascist war will be victorious!

This issue of the newspaper was immediately copied by people rushing to read and circulate, and our party's anti-Japanese policy was even more appreciated by the Chinese people.

Since ancient times, "talent meets beautiful people", the handsome and dashing Qiao Guanhua also met a red face in Chongqing, that is, the first spokesman of our party - Gong Peng.

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

Gong Peng, a high-achieving student at Yenching University, proficient in many foreign languages, and her appearance was sweet and amiable, and when she accompanied Zhou Enlai to a press conference in Chongqing, many Chinese and foreign reporters often came to see her face.

The combination of Qiao Guanhua and Gong Peng, a revolutionary couple, also "alarmed" Chairman Mao, who had always liked to read Qiao Guanhua's articles, wrote a congratulatory post for the couple, praising the two of them as "born beautiful double flying swallows, thousands of miles of marriage revolutionary involvement."

During the Chongqing negotiations in 1945, Qiao Guanhua and Gong Peng accompanied Chairman Mao throughout the whole process, attended various diplomatic activities, and fulfilled their tasks brilliantly.

After the founding of New China, under the instructions of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, Qiao Guanhua began to engage in diplomatic undertakings that could better bring his talents and ambitions into play.

In 1951, when the Korean War entered the stage of negotiation while fighting, Qiao Guanhua was appointed by Premier Zhou as a senior adviser, planning and formulating a negotiation plan, and conducting head-on negotiations with Li Kenong, who was jokingly called "Qiao Instructor" by Mr. Peng.

After the Korean War, Qiao Guanhua accompanied Premier Zhou to the Geneva Conference and set up a "Sino-US Talks Steering Group" to force the United States to release Qian Xuesen under house arrest and return to China. After several temperings, Qiao Guanhua's ability to handle foreign affairs has increased day by day, and he has become the right and left arm that Premier Zhou relies on.

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

During this period, Chairman Mao also served as a "referee" for the famous "Erqiao naming rights" dispute. Who is "Erqiao"? One is Qiao Guanhua, and the other is Hu Qiaomu, another great talent in our party's press.

Speaking of which, these two people are fellows of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, and they are both graduates of Tsinghua University, and they are only one year old in age, and they are also great talents who are good at pen poles, and when they publish articles, they also like to use the name of "arbor", sometimes it is really confusing.

Chairman Mao also found this incident very interesting, and once called them both away, gave them a referee, and said, "You two are called Arbor, and the reader will be confused. ”

Chairman Mao pointed to Qiao Guanhua and said, "Your surname is Qiao, and you will write Qiao Guanhua in the future." ”

He pointed to Hu Qiaomu again and said, "You, surnamed Hu, still write Hu Qiaomu." ”

In this way, one retained the word "Qiao" and the other retained the word "wood", and Chairman Mao easily resolved the "dispute between the two Qiaos".

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

On October 25, 1971, at the appeal of the vast number of third world countries, the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution to restore the new China's seat in the United Nations. This is an incomparably important moment, and whether or not our country will attend the UN General Assembly or not, and who will speak at the UN General Assembly for the first time on behalf of New China, is of great importance.

Chairman Mao believed that this was the African brothers who brought us into the United Nations, and it was unreasonable not to say anything without reasoning, so Chairman Mao summoned Premier Zhou, Chen Yi, Qiao Guanhua, Ji Pengfei, and others overnight to a meeting to discuss the immediate formation of Our country's delegation to the UN General Assembly.

After discussion, Chairman Mao clapped his hands and said: "This matter must be done by 'Old Master Qiao' on the palanquin. ”

Then, Chairman Mao humorously said to Qiao Guanhua: "In 1950, when we were still in the 'Huaguoshan era,' you went to the United Nations with Wu Xiuquan to sue the 'Jade Emperor' about the United States, and the response was very good. Now, the 'Jade Emperor' is about to visit China, and when we go, we will not sue, but to uphold justice for the oppressed countries of the world, so China's first speech at the United Nations General Assembly must also be a hit! Lord Joe, this task is none other than yours! ”

Qiao Guanhua gladly accepted the order and said that he must successfully complete the task!

After arriving in New York, Qiao Guanhua wrote a speech for the United Nations General Assembly overnight, and he once again raised his wine glass, just like Li Bai of "Fighting Wine And Poetry Hundreds", a pot of wine was drunk, and a hearty article also jumped on the paper.

On November 15, 1971, a day recorded in history, Qiao Guanhua, on behalf of New China, ascended to the podium of the United Nations for the first time, made a declarative speech, and expounded in fluent and pure English, sonorously, forcefully, and loudly and loudly the position of New China's desire to safeguard world peace and break the monopoly of international affairs of superpowers, which won the support and appreciation of the representatives of most countries.

How good is Qiao Guanhua? Chairman Mao said: One of his pens can top two tank divisions

In an interview with reporters, Qiao Guanhua could not suppress his excitement, looked up at the sky and laughed, known as the "most exuberant laugh" in the history of the United Nations, almost all the newspapers in Western countries published this photo, and some newspapers said: "(Qiao Guanhua's laughter) shattered the glass of the United Nations conference hall!" ”

This is the unique Qiao Guanhua, even in the solemn United Nations General Assembly, he did not reduce his celebrity style, laughed out of the scene of Chinese raised his eyebrows, and will remain in the annals of history forever!

It is said that the photojournalist who took this photo also won the Pulitzer Prize, the highest award in the field of journalism.

(References: "Biography of Qiao Guanhua", "Wenshi Spring and Autumn", "Red Wide Angle", "Xiangchao")

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