
Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

author:Liaozhai Academy

The story takes place in the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, there is an old man named Wang Ba in the Daming Mansion, who works as a paper tyrant, his wife died early, there is only one daughter in the family with himself, Wang Ba's daughter is named Wang Meng, her face is like a peach blossom, her waist is like willow silk, and she is a famous beauty in all directions.

When Wang Meng grew to be fifteen or sixteen years old, many people came to the Wang family to propose to him, wang ba thought that his daughter was so beautiful, how could it be a match for the villagers, so Wang Ba, so he set up a handsome and handsome man standing at the door, to mention his relatives as a standard, and to mention his relatives to the three chapters: First, the son-in-law should be tall and handsome; second, the son-in-law's family should be rich and solid, and third, the doorman-in-law must be a reader. As soon as Wang Ba did this, no one came back to mention his relatives.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

In the blink of an eye, Wang Meng had grown to twenty years old, and Wang Ba, seeing that no one had come to propose to his daughter, looked sad all day long. Wang Meng complained: "I originally wanted to marry an ordinary and honest person as a husband, but my father did not rely on everything, and as a result, my daughter fell into no one's favor." ”

One day, from outside came a handsome man riding a tall horse, and when the man saw the paper man, he got off his horse and raised his fist and hammered it, and he broke the paper man in two or three strokes. Wang Ba, seeing the situation, hurriedly pulled the man to ask the reason, the man said that this paper man looked too much like his brother, and introduced himself from a rich family, his brother was handsome, keen on fame, keen on reading, and a perfect person.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

Wang Ba, hearing this, immediately became interested, he hurriedly asked the man's brother whether he had become a relative, the man said that he had not yet become a relative, Wang Ba smiled and took his daughter out to show the man, saying that he wanted to marry the girl to the man's brother, the man was extremely happy, and immediately agreed for the brother.

It turned out that this man was named Wade, the eldest son of the rich lord of Wei, Wade had a younger brother named Wei Shi, Wei Shi's appearance was far from Wade's, Wei Shi was less than three feet tall, his face was obscene, because he had been smoking a cigarette for many years, his body was as thin as a dry wood stick, although the family was relatively solid, no girl wanted to marry him, so at the age of thirty, he was not yet married.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

Wade went home and relayed Wang Ba's words to his family, and no one smiled, after all, Wei Shi was so ugly that the two did not match at all. Wei Shi stammered and said, "Brother... elder brother...... I...... match...... Does it match? ”

Wade laughed and said, "If you have a fate, you deserve it!" After some careful planning, Wade set the date of marriage on the sixth day of the first month of February, on the day of marriage, Wei Shi did not go to meet the kiss, but his brother Wade went to meet the kiss, the Wang family saw the future of the groom, greatly surprised, hurriedly inquired, Wade said that Wei Shi was drunk the night before, did not get up, so did not come. When the Wang family heard this, they asked the Wei family to take the bride.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

The Wei family was afraid that Wang Meng would think that Wei Shi was ugly, so they only allowed the two to meet at night, and during the day they were separated. Wang Meng did not understand the in-laws' approach, so he asked the reason, the Wei family said this reason today, tomorrow said another reason, and kept fooling Wang Meng.

The Wei family saw that this was not the way to go, so they came up with an idea, let Wei Shi pretend to be an apple seller, shout from the door of the house, and then let Wang Meng buy it, see how Wang Meng reacted when he saw Wei Shi, and as a result, Wang Meng bought the apple back, one by one, let it go to his family, but he did not eat it, asked her the reason, she said: "The person who sold the apple is too ugly, and he wants to vomit when he looks at it." When the Wei family heard this, their hearts were half cold.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

Soon, Wade's daughter-in-law thought of a way to disguise herself as a monster on the roof to scare Wang Meng, at this time let Wei Shi come to a hero to save the United States, make the illusion that her face was destroyed by the monster, and let Wang Meng accept Wei Shi because she was moved, and everyone felt that this method was feasible.

After the execution of the action, Wang Meng was indeed very touched by her husband's behavior, but when she saw her husband's face, she immediately recognized that it was exactly the same as the face of the apple seller.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

When the Wei family saw that the matter was hidden, they told Wang Meng the truth, and Wang Meng heard it and gradually became depressed and died. When Wang Ba saw his daughter die of depression, he blamed himself very much, and slowly died of depression.

Folk tales: The old man chooses a son-in-law, has no intention of choosing a strange and ugly person, and his daughter is killed alive

Editor's Note: This story tells us that we should respect the opinions of our children when choosing a mate, and we should not insist on going our own way and bring misfortune to the marriage of our children. Disclaimer: This story aims to spread ancient folk tales, enrich the amateur life of officials, and do not be linked to feudal superstitions!

Author: Hibiscus

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