
The Japanese army invaded China: Plundered three million tons of iron ore in eight years, was not allowed to rest, and buried Chinese miners for life

author:History Explorer

"I'd rather give an extra ton of coal than a few more people!" China's coolies are great! The invading Japanese army, which plundered China's mineral resources, often shouted in this way.

As we all know, Japan is a country with scarce resources, and its indigenous mineral resources are really too small to support the entire war process. Therefore, at the beginning of the war, the Japanese base camp formulated the policy of "feeding the war with war" and plundered all kinds of Resources in China.

Among the many minerals that have been plundered, the "Dragon Smoke Iron Ore" can be described as devastated. "Longyan Iron Mine" is located in the area from Longguan to Xuanhua Yanguan Mountain in Chicheng County, Hebei Province. Since December 20, 1937, the "Xingzhong Company", a monopoly organization of the Japanese army invading China, has encroached on the "Longyan Iron Mine". In the following eight years, the greedy Japanese Kou actually plundered more than 3 million tons of iron ore from it, and even more in the process, 27,000 of my compatriots were mutilated.

The Japanese army invaded China: Plundered three million tons of iron ore in eight years, was not allowed to rest, and buried Chinese miners for life

"Pigs and dogs are inferior" to the labor life

In the face of China, a country with cheap and abundant labor, the Japanese army naturally will not let go. Originally, there were only more than 500 people in the "Dragon Smoke Iron Mine", but after the arrival of the Japanese army, it reached more than 50,000 people, a crazy increase of 100 times! Behind this is thousands of hard-working laborers who have been inhumanly abused.

First of all, the Japanese army gathered a group of traitors and lackeys and asked them to "recruit" laborers everywhere. To say that it is recruitment is actually a pit of deception. In the face of the high "salary" offered by the Japanese Kou - 100 laborers can get a monthly salary of 75 yuan, 300-500 can get a monthly salary of 400 yuan, and a large number of traitors and lackeys are frantically arresting people everywhere. According to survivor Zheng Jide, "More than 60 people arrived from Handan, and less than 40 people were left to get off the train. The laborers who had been stuffed in the tank truck for a few days did not beat their teeth, and the car was in the snow and wind, and many people fell to the ground and died on the spot. And the black-hearted Rikou even squeezed out the last drop of his blood, and even pulled off the clothes of the dead and sold them to the refugees! ”

The laborers who had worked so hard to reach the mine did not see the preferential treatment boasted by the traitors, on the contrary, the brutal exploitation of the Japanese army killed many of them.

The Japanese army invaded China: Plundered three million tons of iron ore in eight years, was not allowed to rest, and buried Chinese miners for life

Zheng Laogui, who took 37 classes in January, after "tapping", "accommodation and food", "management fee", "labor fee" and other strange expenses, got a IOU with seventeen yuan and a dime. Not only was the advertised lucrative wage not available, but even a full meal became a luxury for the hard-working laborers.

Before 1940, when the laborers were not too many, this group of bitter people could also eat millet mixed with sand, and with the continuous growth of labor, mixed noodles mixed with corn stalks and peanut peels came into being, and later, the laborers had to eat moldy and long-sprouted potatoes, followed by vomiting diarrhea and even death!

Money is not given, poor food, hair suit tooling is always OK, can not always freeze to death, right? It is true that the inhuman Japanese army really does not give you clothes to wear! The clothing that the laborers originally wore was not suitable for the mining environment at all, and they were often broken up several times. Forced by the wind and snow, the laborers had to put on sacks and drill into the mine.

Among the laborers of that time, such a song was often sung: "Holding frozen ice rice in his hand and wearing sacks on his body, he returned to the shed and looked at it again, and the worker died for a long time." It is a very true reflection of the inhuman abuse suffered by the laborers at that time.

Inhumane forced mining

If after reading the above, you think that the Japanese devils are inhumane, it is very wrong, the destruction of life is only the first step, the surviving laborers who endure hunger and cold, and then face the murderous "executioners"

"All of them should step up mining, it doesn't matter if people die or die!" This is the collapse of a mine in a one-day smoke tube mountain, and the shouts of the Japanese overseers. In the face of several days of knocking on iron pipes in the tunnels, the Japanese army paid no attention to them, and instead of rescuing them, they also used bayonets to drive away the laborers who went to rescue them. In their eyes, it is true that "I would rather give an extra ton of coal than a few more people!" China's coolies are great! ”

The Japanese army invaded China: Plundered three million tons of iron ore in eight years, was not allowed to rest, and buried Chinese miners for life

When the time came to 1943, with the continuous lengthening of the Japanese front and the huge consumption of the Pacific War, the Japanese military headquarters formulated the policy of "great increase in production", and this so-called policy was nothing more than taking the lives of more laborers in exchange for strategic materials iron ore.

In order to maximize productivity, each laborer was forced to go down to the pit for seventeen or eight hours, while eating only two mixed dough. In order to squeeze the time for the laborers to go to the toilet, the Japanese Kou did not allow the laborers to drink water in the pit, and the hungry and thirsty laborers either drank muddy water and had unbearable abdominal pain, or stole out of the mine to find water and were shot. Even for the time to wait for the fuse to burn, the Japanese Kou also had to squeeze, deliberately cut the fuse short, and some even burned for a few seconds, and the laborers who had no time to escape were tragically killed and injured!

The Japanese army invaded China: Plundered three million tons of iron ore in eight years, was not allowed to rest, and buried Chinese miners for life

According to Dong Chuanyi, who later survived, "Zhang Guosheng, a neighbor of my village, had a large abscess blister on his chest, and the pain was unbearable when he moved slightly, but the Japanese devils still did not let him rest, and he saw that he really couldn't move before he threw it out.

Smell becomes "tiger lira"

Heavy manual labor and inhuman living conditions have made the laborers seriously ill and devoured the lives of the laborers in large quantities, and especially serious is the "tiger lila" that is popular in spring and summer, that is, cholera.

In the face of this unbridled cholera, the Japanese army has built two "wards" for the first time, but please do not have any illusions, the Japanese army is simply concentrating on the sick, and the laborers who enter it are one foot into the ghost gate. After a few days, several Japanese soldiers wearing gas masks would carry the bodies back and forth, and then carry new patients in them to "wait for death."

But where is the natural disaster comparable to the man-made disaster, the most tragic tragedy, or the Japanese invaders director!

According to the worker Ma Denggao's recollection, "My father only had a small illness, but as soon as the Japanese military doctor saw the illness, he even said tiger Lila, and then the traitor pulled out and buried alive!" And many conscious laborers shouted "I'm not dead yet!" when they were lifted out. I'm alive! But the inhuman Japanese army actually tied it up with a wire, pulled it into a mass grave, and was buried alive without saying a word.

The Japanese army invaded China: Plundered three million tons of iron ore in eight years, was not allowed to rest, and buried Chinese miners for life

In order to "isolate" the infection, the inhumane Japanese devils actually put the people infected with "tiger lila", the wire through the bones, pulled into the ravine, set up dry firewood, poured gasoline, and burned it! "Thoroughly disinfect" it

The Japanese invaders who ruled the "Longyan Iron Mine" for nearly eight years thus adopted all kinds of inhuman means to squeeze our innocent people, use the blood and bones of our compatriots to frantically plunder the mineral resources that originally belonged to China, and then use the weapons made from these resources to turn around and attack the Chinese people. But hatred is not washed away by time!

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