
The first postdoctoral fellow of the Zigong health system, the "heart-carer" under the lead coat - Cao Wenzhai

author:Public Health Newspaper Health Sichuan

"With the strong support of the hospital and leaders, I obtained the postdoctoral certificate of joint training from Zhejiang University/Southwest Medical University Cardiovascular Research Institute, which is the first postdoctoral fellow in our Zigong Health System." Through the study and work of Zhejiang University and Southwest Medical University, he participated in national research and development projects, and obtained more ideas and methods to solve clinical problems. I will take the postdoctoral departure as a new starting point to continue to escort the cardiovascular health of Yandu and surrounding citizens. Cao Wenzhai said excitedly after receiving the postdoctoral certificate.

The first postdoctoral fellow of the Zigong health system, the "heart-carer" under the lead coat - Cao Wenzhai
The first postdoctoral fellow of the Zigong health system, the "heart-carer" under the lead coat - Cao Wenzhai

Cao Wenzhai is the secretary of the party branch of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, and is currently the director and chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of the First People's Hospital of Zigong City. Postdoctoral Fellows of Zhejiang University (at the station), Master Tutor of Chuanbei Medical College and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reserve Candidate of the Twelfth and Fourteenth Batches of Academic and Technical Leaders of the Provincial Health Commission, and Outstanding Innovative Talents of the Fourth Batch of the "Double Thousand Plan" of the MunicipalIty.

There is a kind of doctor who needs to wear dozens of pounds of lead clothes under the radiation to fight on the operating table for several hours without resting; there is a doctor, the mobile phone number is open to patients for 24 hours, sacrificing his own rest, only to save the patient's life for the first time, which is called a "lifeline"; there is a doctor, he always pays attention to what kind of way, in order to communicate with patients faster and better effectively, even if the patient does not understand, saving the patient's pain is the responsibility; there is a kind of pain in the world: do your best and can't do anything, There is also a kind of fearlessness in the world: knowing the difficulties and moving forward.

He has been engaged in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases for 15 years, and has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and heart failure, as well as cardiovascular interventional treatment. With more than 15 years of medical experience, in the department of cardiovascular medicine, which is accustomed to life and death, Cao Wenzhai always reminds himself not to let his heart dust.

He studied hard, climbed the peak, worked tirelessly and strived for excellence, and the study of atrial fibrillation has entered the international ranks. He slept at night, dared to take responsibility, and vigorously promoted the completion of the two major national centers. He led the cardiology team to build the only CDQI standardized atrial fibrillation center demonstration center in the Inner Region in 2020. It took the lead in carrying out the first one-stop operation of atrial fibrillation cryoablation and "cryocos balloon ablation + percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion" in southern Sichuan to support the umbrella for the "chaotic" heart. He led the team to strive for excellence and continuous innovation, providing a comprehensive and individualized leading treatment plan for the cardiovascular health of the people of Yandu. The reason why "dance on the tip of the knife" can capture people's hearts is because it is a symphony of life pulses. Under the radiation line, he wears more than 20 pounds of lead clothes for many years, hunched over his back, and carries the weight of life. He was willing to be the "heart protector" who soaked the back of his clothes with sweat, so that tens of millions of people could regain the "heart" life.

The first postdoctoral fellow of the Zigong health system, the "heart-carer" under the lead coat - Cao Wenzhai

Atrial fibrillation is the most common clinical persistent arrhythmia, which not only seriously affects the quality of life of patients, but also greatly improves the risk of death and stroke. Anticoagulation is an effective treatment, but the proportion of anticoagulation in domestic patients is extremely low. In order to treat more patients with atrial fibrillation, he never slackened off. He consulted a large number of domestic and foreign literature, often delved into the night, carried out a number of atrial fibrillation studies in the cardiovascular department, and the treatment rate of atrial fibrillation patients was greatly improved, so that many families regained laughter. His research has also received 10,000 euros from the European Atrial Fibrillation Fund, and only 2 projects in China have won this award. To this end, he laid a persistent foundation for the construction of the atrial fibrillation center. It is an honor that the first hospital in the city was officially awarded the "China Atrial Fibrillation Center Construction Unit" in December 2017. In 2021, the hospital won the only "National Atrial Fibrillation Center Demonstration Center" in Neizi District, and is the only medical institution in Zigong City to receive this honor.

He is diligent and studious, immersed in the study of cardiovascular disease, as the medical director of the hospital's chest pain center, he took the initiative to take up the burden of building a national chest pain center. For the smooth completion of this center, how many silent nights, the lights of his office are still flashing. His insistence is only to save more patients with acute myocardial infarction, only to save more patients with cardiovascular emergencies, and only to make more patients show their joy. With this iron persistence, he led his colleagues in the department to finally accept the medal from the headquarters of the China Chest Pain Center in April 2018 and officially became a national chest pain center.

"Teacher", "doctor", "scholar", "researcher", so many titles, he said that he always cherished the warm title of "doctor". He used to say, "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we have to do our best." Deep in his heart, he has always remembered that "nothing is more important than treating the sick and saving people, nothing is more precious than life, and only by daring to take risks and doing our best can we repay the life trust of our families."

Late one night, a young female patient suddenly suffered chest pain, followed by severe heart failure, and her life was in danger. Emergency surgery is the only option, but the surgery is extremely risky. In other words, the occupational risks faced by doctors in urgent critical situations are also incalculable. But whenever he encountered a similar situation, he never wanted to back down or even blame. Like other critically ill patients he had saved, he did not hesitate, and immediately decided to perform the operation on the patient. With skillful medical skills, he quickly completed the coronary angiography, identified as the occlusion of the left coronary artery, and accurately implanted the stent into the lesion site, the patient's blood flow quickly returned to normal, blood pressure began to rise, vital signs recovered steadily, and the patient's family and medical staff present witnessed this life and death speed.

As a healer, risks are everywhere, the risks of patient surgery, and the trauma of risks to healers. Everything is inevitable, we must always face it positively, sum up experience and accumulate experience, and move forward toward difficulties. Cao Wenzhai said that he did not want to stop, nor could he idle, always wanted to fill the time, and always wanted to benefit more patients. This is the voice of Cao Wenzhai, the voice of a cardiologist.

No matter when, when the operation is life-saving, Cao Wenzhai needs to arrive at the scene within half an hour to complete the preoperative preparation. Put on a thick lead coat, under the radiation, maybe a stop is a few hours. He is known as the "Lead Man", whose mission is to open up blood vessels and pull patients out of the ghost gate.

4 minutes, this is the golden time to save the onset of myocardial infarction patients, and it is also the best time for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. To this end, Cao Wenzhai needs to make the mobile phone open to patients 24 hours a day; for this reason, Cao Wenzhai also hopes to let more people popularize cardiopulmonary resuscitation; more importantly, the hospital has set up a chest pain center to create a faster life channel, a better rescue network, and a greater life guarantee for cardiovascular patients! Opening blood vessels within 90 minutes of medical treatment is the international standard for the treatment of myocardial infarction, and the First People's Hospital of Zigong City currently ranks among the best in Sichuan with an average of 58 minutes.

He is the life guard under the lead coat, he lifts a heavy weight, he is the "sweat man" after the "knife tip dance". Whenever he successfully saved a patient and took off more than 20 pounds of lead clothes, he would always smile happily and show a "humble" smile. He is the "heart protector" in the eyes of patients - Cao Wenzhai.

(Yang Hongyi, Men Yuxia, Department of Propaganda and United Front Work, First People's Hospital of Zigong City)