
The ruler began with Cao Cao

author:Simple old-fashioned

Cao Cao was the most famous military, politician, and literary scholar of the Three Kingdoms period, but Luo Guanzhong, the author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, portrayed Yan Liu as the orthodoxy of the era in his works, and Cao Cao's image was greatly degraded.

Cao Cao was a man of thought, courage and strategy, from the assassination of Dong Zhuo to know his courage, from the blackmail of the Son of Heaven to make the princes understand his great wisdom, from the love of Wen Jiu and Hua Xiong, he could understand that Cao Cao's creation was by no means a generalist.

Governing the country and the world can not be discussed by those of us who are grassy and woody, but we can get inspiration from ruling the family.

Cao Cao and his two sons, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, were also known as the Three Caos of Jian'an, and their literary attainments were deeply influential in later generations. Cao Cao has always paid attention to the children's academic situation, equipped them with the most prestigious gentlemen, let the children stand up for morality and career, but opposes the use of conspiracy to instill in the children, of which Yang Xiu's death is the best example, through Cao Pi Cao Zhi's dispute over the crown prince, it shows that Yang Xiu's arrogance cannot compete with Jia Xu's low-key pragmatism.

Cao Cao was a person who worked hard, and the sons who trained himself were even more painstaking, the fourth son Cao Zhang's army always charged ahead, had the courage to be brave, and repeatedly made military achievements, Cao Cao warned him to study well, Cao Zhang only wished ma ge to wrap the body and gallop across the battlefield, Cao Cao finally admired the fourth son Cao Zhang, but unfortunately, the later Cao Pi did not inherit Cao Cao's way of employing people, and early shattered Cao Zhang's dream of being a great general, so that Cao Zhang's successor was no one and was replaced by Sima Shi.

Cao Cao had a literary genius son Cao Zhi, the emperor's heir Cao Pi, a general who was good at charging into battle, cao Chong who could be called an elephant at a young age, and the eldest son Cao Ang who dared to sacrifice his life and forget death, and it cannot be said that Cao Cao's life was successful, compared to Liu Bei and Sun Quan, only Cao Cao laughed to the end.

In the story of the Three Kingdoms, people infinitely magnifie Zhuge Liang's military ability, and the game with Cao Cao is always Zhuge Liang taking the lead, in fact, this is a distortion of history, the entire Battle of Chibi, is Zhou Yu's wisdom, and Zhuge Liang has no dime connection, Cao Cao's think tank Guo Jia is far better than Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang's fighting wits and courage show that Zhuge Liang does not know current affairs, six out of Qishan to work and hurt the people, no size of the merit, can not compete with northern Wei.

Governing the country is the same as governing the family, only the country is rich and the people are strong can be a soldier who yields without a fight, the so-called Zhuge Liang "self-control Zhongle Yi", from a historical point of view, all conspiracies can not be used to govern the country and the family, we must rely on yang plots (foolish plots) to advance their own ideas and win the merits of the world.

In our daily lives, we are not afraid that you have wisdom and strategy, we are afraid that you will use the wrong wisdom, especially those who are eager for success and profit, do not know how to establish virtue for themselves and their descendants, once they hollow out their minds and become officials, they will also be ruined because of their insatiable greed, and if they are seriously imprisoned and their heads are different, they will be opportunistic for the people, and the poor people will not be able to uphold their own conduct, and if they do not commit banditry, they will rob, they will harm the townships, and even more they will treason against the enemy and become sinners of history.

Cao Cao is a person full of positive energy, a generation of great mao zedong has a special love for Cao Cao, "I still like Cao Cao's poetry", in the eyes of the great cao Cao is not lost to the Qin Emperor Han Wu. We do not accept the white-faced Cao Cao on the screen, but we must learn the real Cao Cao with personality charm.