
【New Year has "blessing"】 Ancient steamed fish swallow: Shouzheng innovation Let the intangible cultural heritage enter the public

【New Year has "blessing"】 Ancient steamed fish swallow: Shouzheng innovation Let the intangible cultural heritage enter the public

The ancient steamed fish swallow non-genetic heritage experience store was unveiled. Southeast Network reporter Lu Jinfu photographed

【New Year has "blessing"】 Ancient steamed fish swallow: Shouzheng innovation Let the intangible cultural heritage enter the public

Citizens are tasting food. Southeast Network reporter Lu Jinfu photographed

【New Year has "blessing"】 Ancient steamed fish swallow: Shouzheng innovation Let the intangible cultural heritage enter the public

The chef is cooking ancient steamed fish swallows. Southeast Network reporter Lu Jinfu photographed

Southeast network on January 28 (this network reporter Lu Jinfu) the New Year is approaching, this morning, with a history of more than 300 years of ancient steamed fish swallow in Fuzhou Sanfang Seven Lane opened a non-genetic heritage experience store, so that the public can feel the cultural charm of intangible cultural heritage at close range.

Walking into the ancient steamed fish swallow non-genetic heritage experience store, the reporter saw that the store design combines traditional art with modern life concepts, melting the ancient and casting the present. Different from the traditional intangible cultural heritage retail stores, it has a variety of experience scenes, through the "tip of the tongue" experience, driving "fingertip" consumption, online and offline one-stop intangible cultural heritage life experience hall, empowered by intangible cultural heritage skills and cutting-edge thinking, to provide consumers with personalized and precise services.

It is understood that the main ingredients of the ancient steamed fish swallow are taken from the green eels that live in the sea fishing of the boat people, leaving only the fish meat in the middle back ridge, scraping the fish meat with the trend, removing the spines, skin, fish head and internal organs, and finally chopping the fish meat, putting the appropriate amount of salt into the ancient law utensils, and repeatedly stirring into a delicate and uniform fish slurry. Followed by starch, sweet potato starch produced in the mountain garden is the first choice for fish swallow skin, the maker uses a 6:4 fish slurry starch ratio, the fish slurry is repeatedly pushed and kneaded until the strength is elastic, and then rubbed into long strips and cut into small pieces according to proportions. Roll out the appropriately sized fish swallow skin with a rolling stick, and the precise selection of the filling will better induce the umami taste of the fish swallow.

"The ancient steamed fish swallow technique can be preserved to this day, and continuous innovation in quality production is crucial." Lin Daoqiu, the ninth generation inheritor of the ancient steamed fish swallow intangible cultural heritage technology, said that after successive generations of inheritors' continuous exploration, summary and improvement, whether it is the process or the selection and mixing of ingredients, the final standard has been formed - quality and ingenuity.

Lin Daoqiu said that as a new generation of non-genetic heirs, he has witnessed that the intangible cultural heritage in the corner is shining with new brilliance, and many intangible cultural heritage skills are becoming "new explosives" in the tourism market.

"At present, the existing non-hereditary inheritors are mostly inheritors of ancestral skills, and their works have strong regional characteristics and local atmosphere, and do not have the ability to develop the mass market. In addition, because the production cost is too high, it does not have the ability to mass-scale production, and the promotion power is very limited. Lin Daoqiu said that he chose to open a zero store in Sanfang Qixiang as a publicity and new retail research base for the ancient steamed swallow intangible cultural heritage exhibition, and will continue to innovate with the diversified dimensions of people, goods, fields, and literature as the core.

For the innovative development of intangible cultural heritage, Lin Daoqiu realized that it is necessary to achieve "the consistency of inheritance and innovation development, the inheritance is not rigid, the innovation is not deviated, and the development does not stop". He believes that intangible cultural heritage is very important, it is the bridge of the ancient intangible cultural heritage into the families of the people, on the basis of the systematic development of the professional team combined with family inheritance skills, into the fashion elements and local cultural information, so that the intangible cultural heritage skills to add more local cultural derivatives, in order to drive the growth of the intangible cultural heritage industry.

It is understood that a piece of three squares and seven lanes is half of China's modern history, three squares and seven lanes are "living fossils of the Chinese urban square system" and "China Ming and Qing Dynasty Architecture Museum", and it is also the source of Fuzhou's history and cultural roots. Today, this soil is taking root and nurturing many intangible cultural heritage projects, and the traditional culture and ancient alleys complement each other and burst out new vitality.

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