
Musk has amplified the move: the world population problem does not need to worry, there is a solution!

Back in 2017, Musk tweeted: "The world's population is accelerating towards collapse, but few people seem to pay attention to or care." ”

No, just after more than 20 days and nights of the New Year, Musk tweeted again: There will be no overpopulation, but there will be insufficient, and there will not even be enough humans to share mars.

It can be seen that the world population problem has been in Musk's mind for many years.

Musk has amplified the move: the world population problem does not need to worry, there is a solution!

Musk and Jack Ma reached a rare consensus

At the 2019 Artificial Intelligence Conference, Musk sat side by side with Ma Yun and discussed the seriousness of the population problem: "People often say that they immigrated to Mars, but... Where do people come from? Mars also needs people to live, and now there is no one, only a group of machines. ”

In this forty-minute dialogue, concerns about population issues were a rare consensus between the two men.

Musk has amplified the move: the world population problem does not need to worry, there is a solution!

In the two years since the outbreak, Musk seems to have become more and more anxious, and the frequency of mentioning population issues has increased. Just this past December, at the Wall Street Journal CEO Summit, Musk called on everyone to have more children, the population is not enough, and civilization will collapse.

Musk didn't just persuade others to have more children, he himself and his two wives conceived six lives, musk has more than once called himself a role model. Population collapse is a great threat to human civilization, and people should (like him) have more children.

Musk: Solve the population problem with "synthetic womb"

In order to solve the world's population problem, Musk proposed that the future society will face the problem of lack of labor, calling on the scientific and technological community to discuss how to deal with the solution of the reduced fertility rate.

Faced with this problem, many technology giants have proposed the concept of "artificial womb". Many tech leaders have echoed this view, arguing that the "artificial womb" method can also eliminate the burden of women's fertility and keep women's work unaffected by fertility.

As a result, the remarks of several technology giants came out, triggering heated discussions among foreign netizens on social media. Some netizens complained: "The reason why most people choose not to have children is not because they lack an artificial womb, but because they can't become rich people like you." ”

Musk has amplified the move: the world population problem does not need to worry, there is a solution!

In fact, if we want to solve the problem of world population, we are not only raising the birth rate. We may wish to think from another perspective, if human beings can live healthier and longer, prolong the human life force, the population problem may be further alleviated.

Scientists have long thought of this. David Sinclair, an international leader in aging and tenured professor at Harvard Medical School, found that the root cause of human aging is the superposition of DNA damage in cells and the decline of self-repair ability, and an important symbol in the process is the reduction of the content of a substance called β-tobacco precins in the body.

Based on this scientific knowledge, Professor David also found that the exogenous supplement "Cylere" supplemented with β-niacinamide single nucleotide can reverse the body function of an organism back to the level of 20 years ago. After that, follow-up experiments in laboratories of universities at home and abroad such as MIT, the University of Tokyo, Tongji, and Sichuan University confirmed the effect of "Cylery".

Nowadays, driven by capital and technological progress, "Cylery" has become popular on mainstream domestic consumer platforms such as, and some consumers have commented on it as a "youth artifact". It is worth mentioning that the first artificial uterus created by Dutch scientists in 2019 is designed to protect premature babies, and it can not replace natural pregnancy at all, so it is more reliable to solve the world population problem and perhaps make human beings live longer and healthier.

Musk has amplified the move: the world population problem does not need to worry, there is a solution!

The finiteness of life makes life more meaningful

Look closely at several of Musk's undertakings, each of which has a certain sense of crisis behind it. Neuralink is the readiness to communicate with AI, and Tesla robots (and their own children) are responding to population collapse. SpaceX's space cause, dedicated to what humans eventually call multi-planetary species, is behind fears of human extinction.

Musk seems to have done a lot of things, but in fact, he is just fighting for the continuation of human civilization. But Musk, while worried about human civilization, said he was not like immortality. His reasoning was that if it were not for the inherent death, it was really possible that he would not have the motivation and pressure to do so many things.

Musk has amplified the move: the world population problem does not need to worry, there is a solution!

In other words, the finiteness of life makes life more meaningful. Naturally, if life can be longer while meaningful, it may also be what more people are pursuing.

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