
One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

author:Talk about the shadow

Hello everyone, I am Shoichi, and today I bring you another king-killer,

His reputation is the worst, and he is one of the most hated characters on Ice and Fire

The old treacherous wall grass, the genius stallion, the marquis who wants to progress too much but has a collapsed political personality

He was the Blood Wedding Maker, Vadfra

<h1>Wade Frey</h1>

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

Vadfrey was coded as the "Late Marquis of Frey", the boss of Luan River City, and the lord of the river crossing

Despite his old age and infirmity, he was still hot-tempered and hurrible in front of the Frey family

This man was ambitious, conceited, sensitive, and somewhat clever, very untrustworthy, and liked to be late in every war

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

He is also a figure who makes the Seven Kingdoms famous, because he has many heirs and can give birth. With a large number of wives and concubines, there must be more than one orthodox son and daughter in power, not to mention illegitimate children, who are said to be said to be able to give birth to an army, worthy of the medieval version of the "supernatural guerrilla"

This man values family loyalty very much, even if you are your own son

<h1>Famous massacre</h1>

After the War of the Five Kings began, the princes of the Riverlands responded to the call of the Lord Edmu of the "Three Rivers Arrow God" and submitted to Robb, the king of the Northern Realm

Attack King's Landing together

Twin River City sits in the middle of the river, straddling the trident tributary of the Green Fork River. It is a military stronghold that both sides must contend for

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

At first, because the two sides were preparing to marry (Robb and Roselyn, the daughter of old Frey), the elder Frey agreed to form an alliance with Robb Stark, the king of the North, but what he did not expect was that Robb broke his oath and married another woman. Robb's contemptuous attitude made Wade furious and humiliated, and finally the Frey clan withdrew from Robb's army to Luan river city,

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

Later, because of this incident and the victory of the Lannisters at the Battle of the Blackwater River, he made other ideas, and reached a consensus with the old Peeling Pilus and the Tywin Lannisters to betray the Starks and the Tullys and defect to the Iron Throne.

Soon after, in order to temper Frey Sr.'s attitude, The North offered to replace Robb with Edmund Tully as Roselyn's husband, and Frey Sr. "happily" agreed

Vadfrey invited the northern soldiers to Luan river city to attend the wedding, and let them cooperate with the soldiers of the Frey family against the Lannisters.

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre
One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

At the wedding, Wade's men ambush robbed and his vassals (although they were effectively protected by the rights of the guests).

And they were all slaughtered, Robb was stabbed in the heart, the wolf mother was brutally killed, and Edmund was imprisoned

The soldiers of the Northern Realm are basically ........ History calls this rebellion the Blood Wedding

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

Subsequently, he submitted to the Lannisters and was rewarded with a reward for the land between the rivers such as RushIngliu City

<h1>The doors were extinguished</h1>

After receiving the reward, old Frey was overjoyed, and even more wanted to take the whole river land, to claim the king in the river land (similar to the Tully family), but there was still a big enemy, the legendary military god Blackfish Brynden Tuli, he was still guarding in the rushing city,

That is, he took a blank check, but he didn't have to worry about anyone else (because he's the boss now)

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

In order to take the city of Benliu, the old Frey sent legions to besiege the city of Benliu (which was occupied by the blackfish at this time), and in order to force the blackfish to surrender, they sent Edmund to the gallows every day, and in the evening they were put down again. The farcical siege lasted until Sir James Lannister arrived and took over military service

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre
One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

James designed to take the city of Rush, and the blackfish was killed (escaped in the original),

In order to celebrate this great victory, old Frey feasted on all Lannisters, at the banquet was a meal of praise for James, praise for Lannister, and even happier and Jaime said, we are all kings killers, but what I did not expect was that Jaime did not look at him at all, James could not tolerate the demon who held the blood wedding to compare himself with him, so he flicked his sleeve away after fighting back against Wade's strategic ineffectiveness, leaving Old Wade as a wooden chicken

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre
One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

Soon after, one evening, a maid served old Frey a small wine and a small pie, and old Frey ate and drank, and asked which two sons were, and after learning that they had been killed and mixed into the faction, old Frey got up and tried to escape, and arya, the "evil spirit of Winterfell" and "The Faceless", caught him and cut his throat, laughing and watching him die

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre
One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

After the death of old Frey, Arya disguised herself as him, and at a banquet, poisoned all the men of the Frey family, leaving a word

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

"The North Never Forgets"


Old Frey put aside our God perspective and looked at it from a bystander's point of view, if in the East he was definitely a poisonous scribe

Without scrapping a single soldier, he succeeded in killing the enemy general, just like the example of the Hongmen Feast

It is reasonable to do these things for his own benefit, but he is still very unintelligent.

Blood marriage is the most unwise place, obviously the other party owes itself, becomes their own indebtedness to the morality of the whole continent, and is pointed out by thousands of husbands. The people who were killed were all noble lords of the northern realm and nobles of the hejian land. Your territory is in between, what are you doing, left and right are dead, which side rises, which side cuts you

One of the most hated characters in Game of Thrones, the Blood Wedding Maker, the elder Frévad Frey' famous massacre

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