
Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

author:Coffee Bear does everything
Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

In fact, the original title was called "In order to make the students happy, the teacher actually did these things to the bugs", but think about it, or do not do the title party. Speaking of fireflies, many people know that this is a small bug that emits light. In fact, fireflies have high requirements for the environment and need fresh air and pure water quality, so fireflies have also become one of the indicators of environmental quality. With the development of human modernization and the increase in the range of human activities, the habitat of fireflies has been affected, and this familiar small insect can be seen less and less in life. The film "Firefly Star" is also known as "Fireflies, Fly!" It is a story based on real people and real events about cultivating fireflies and recreating fireflies.

One, the beginning of the problem with the student in trouble

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

At the beginning of the story, the male protagonist Miwamoto, who is still interning, refuses the opportunity to turn around in the factory, and he tells his predecessors that he has something he wants to do. After three teacher training exams, Sanlun Yuan finally embarked on his dream teaching position and was sent to teach in a local primary school with a history of 120 years. However, Sanlun Yuan had just stepped into his post and was unfavorable, not only did not establish the majesty of the teacher, but also was teased by the mischievous children. At the parents' meeting, the mothers also pushed the responsibility for their children's education to the teachers, and the three rounds of the first teacher felt that it was not easy for educators, and almost their heads were going to explode.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone
Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

In the physical education class he teaches, Miwato arranges for the students to play a two-person, three-legged teamwork game, but finds a female student sitting alone, Star Bijari. Mikyaki wants Bigari to join everyone, but finds that Bigari's face is full of tears. At this time, some students broke their knees, and Sanlun Yuan could only send them to the infirmary first, and also took the opportunity to inquire about the situation of the teacher of the infirmary, Bijari. Miwamoto learns that something has gone wrong with The Bigari family, who has transferred from Tokyo, and is therefore more isolated. Coming out of the infirmary, Miwamoto met the principal who was tinkering with the mats and received some encouragement from the principal.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Miwamoto follows Bigari to her house, learning from Bigari's aunt that Bigari's mother died when she was a child, and that her father has violent tendencies. On the way back, Miwamoto remembered the situation at home when he was a child. At that time, his parents divorced, and it was his teacher who came to visit and encourage him every day. (Dark line: I was also influenced by my teacher to become a teacher, echoing my dream in the previous article.) The teacher has not given up on encouraging himself, so The Three Wheels does not intend to give up encouraging Bigari.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Two, the hands and feet of the stars and the fireflies

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Mitsuru led the students outside and put on sunglasses to observe the stars during the day. The three-wheeled yuan tells the children that all stars were born from the big bang a long time ago, the earth is the hands and siblings of the stars, and everyone born from the earth is also the hands and siblings of the stars. The students were stunned by this brainwashing theory, and Bigari, who had the "star" in his name, remembered it in his heart and thought about it. At this time, some students found dead fish floating in the nearby river channel and a lot of garbage. The three-wheeled yuan sighed that if there were fireflies dancing, it would definitely look much better. Most of the students had never seen a firefly, so they coaxed the three-wheeler to realize this ideal.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

At first, it was just a casual three-wheeled element, and with the study of fireflies, it gradually became serious. They set up a breeding base for firefly larvae in the school, and the children spontaneously searched for river snails in the river to feed the larvae, and Bigari seemed to be very interested in this. Students discussed the release of fireflies, some said that they were released in the school river, but some people believed that the river was seriously polluted and it was impossible to release fireflies. Slowly, some students began to flinch.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Bigari took care of the fireflies, but found that the fireflies did not seem to be very healthy. Despite Bigaly's best efforts, he was unable to save these poor creatures. Bigari piled up piles of small graves for the dead bugs, while passing classmates told the beautiful legend of fireflies: when the fireflies flew, they could see the people they wanted to see. Than Gary misses his mother and can't give up. Than Gary tried harder to care for the larvae, to catch the larvae, but slipped in the water and fainted. Bigari's aunt waited for a long time and did not wait for Bigari to come home, and anxiously she informed the school, and the teachers and students looked for Bigari, but Bigari was still missing.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Everyone was a sibling of the stars, and Bigari looked up at the sky and walked alone and strongly carrying a bucket of water on the road. Miwamoto and the infirmary teacher finally met her, and Miwamoto rushed up to hug Bigari, unable to suppress his uneasiness any longer, and loudly said to Bijari that it was all right. Mitsuru and Bigari return to school, and Bigari, whose face has not yet been washed, feeds the fireflies the river snails he has caught. Bigari tells Mikari that he can see his mother when the fireflies fly, and he must let the fireflies fly. When Miwamoto heard this, he was also determined to defend his child's dream.

Third, difficulties and obstacles

The teachers in the school all advised The Three Wheels not to be too optimistic, giving the children greater hope, and the more dangerous it will be when they are destroyed. At the teachers' meeting, the teaching staff also criticized the three-wheeled firefly breeding, which caused an accident in Bigari, and the school's tolerance for fireflies became smaller and smaller.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

On the other side, Bigari arrives at the Firefly Breeding Base, only to find the incubator in a mess. Bigari stared at two senior students, and in the middle of the conflict, the three-wheeled yuan also ran over. Two senior students said that fireflies are the best thing to die. Miwamoto restrained his anger because of his status as a teacher, but Bigari kicked them hard. These things that happened around him also made the three-wheeled yuan also fall into a swing, and he did not know whether the cultivation of fireflies really made sense.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Summer vacation arrives, and Miwamoto tells the children that he will come to take care of the fireflies. However, during the holiday, the three-wheeled man with the firefly larvae wanted to leave, but was bumped into by Bigari. Mitsuru and Bigari apologize and tell her that she actually can't hold on any longer and is about to release the larvae. However, both of them know that without a suitable environment, the so-called release is ten deaths and no life. At this time, the students in the class suddenly appeared, and it turned out that they were worried about the firefly larvae like Bigari, so they also came to the school during the holidays. They asked Miwamoto what he was going to do with the fireflies, and just as Miwamoto was struggling, Bigari told everyone that the teacher was going to change the water. Bigari defends the students' hopes and discovers that the students actually really like the fireflies' three-wheeled element and don't want to break the children's hopes.

Fourth, the determination of children and adults

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

That being the case, we should work together to create an environment in which the fireflies can survive and release them. When I really did it, I found that the child's mobility was actually stronger. The students cleaned up the garbage in the school's river channel, lamenting the strange garbage discarded by the adults, and the three-wheeled yuan also told everyone that the upper reaches of the river were actually everyone's home. Knowing that the source of the pollution was even related to their own homes, the students who returned home began to prevent the abuse of adult dishwashing liquid, and bath gel, shampoo, and soap were not allowed to be used more. Adults are surprised and still don't take it seriously, while children begin to blame themselves after seeing scenes that they have not cared about before, and work harder to protect the environment. A summer vacation to tidy up the river, so that everyone has a deeper understanding of the river, nature.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

However, at the end of the summer, many of the students' homework was not written. The Academic Affairs Office also questioned Sanlun Yuan about this matter, persuading him not to do these things that cost the students' hopes anymore. Sanlun Yuan insisted on cultivating fireflies, and said that if the fireflies did not eventually fly, affecting the children's hearts, they would end their teaching careers. The medical teacher chased after him and criticized Sanlun yuan for being too impulsive, while another teacher who came out told Sanlun Yuan that fireflies actually helped him a lot, and the students in his class who often did not come to school came to school because they were interested in fireflies and made friends. Sanlun Yuan didn't say much, but his determination was obviously unshakable.

Fifth, sudden fortifications

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

The river has been cleared, and on this day, the three-wheeled yuan led the children to release the fireflies. However, when they arrived, they found signs for revetment works on the edge of the river. The river channel will be paved with cement, but then the larvae of the fireflies will not be able to burrow into the dirt on the shore and become pupae, and naturally they will not be able to fly. Miwamoto came to the government's river class, but was told that this was a plan made several years ago, and it was not easy for the budget to come, and it would not stop. Sanlun Yuan found a lot of information and visited various departments again and again. The students also collected signatures, including classmates at school, social people on the road, their parents' co-workers, and finally took the thick opposition signature to the River Class, but were told by officials that it must be a joint signature of the elector.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

In the class of the three-wheeled yuan, the children were listless because of the blows they received, and the three-wheeled yuan gave everyone encouragement. The difficulties experienced by the fireflies made the students more united than before, and Beagory joined the classmates for the first time. In the last two-person three-legged game, all the members successfully ran to the finish line.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

On the other hand, the principal came forward and negotiated with the officials, and finally agreed to delay the fortifications, but if there were no fireflies flying before June 10 of the following year, construction would still begin.

Sixth, the miracle of winter to spring

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

The release continued, and the three-wheeled yuan moved directly to the dilapidated house on the side of the school to better take care of the fireflies. And everyone also put the fireflies that they have bred for so long into the river, expecting them to survive the cold winter and fly in the spring and summer of the next year. However, nature is fickle, and soon after the release, the flood broke out, and the fireflies did not know whether they were all washed away. On a cold day, Bigari alone silently threw the conch into the river, expecting the fireflies to survive.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

The days passed quickly, and when the winter coats faded, the children began to look forward to the fireflies. Will there really be fireflies? Will they all be washed away? Even if it flies, it can only live for a few days, and it holds the innocent dreams of children. Soon it was time for the fireflies to fly, and the children stood on the banks of the river, waiting for the little elves to appear. However, the children never saw the fireflies flying, and the night was getting deeper and the crowd gradually dispersed. Just when the three wheels were about to give up, the green dots of light attracted the eyes of the three wheels and Bigari.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

It's the fireflies that really show up! First a little, then a piece, and the flying fireflies are gorgeous. And as the legend goes, Bigari meets his mother, who is made up of fireflies, and Bigari tells her that everyone is a sibling of the stars, so she doesn't feel lonely. And Miwamoto also saw the image of his teacher when he was a child, and he recognized himself as a real teacher. Fireflies flew, children cheered, and people in the towns around the school were attracted and moved by the flying fireflies. The fireflies fly like stars, and no one knows where its next place to flicker will be.

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone
Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

Seven, summary and comments

In fact, the plot of the original work is more scattered, so Little Bear I adjusted the plot order and summarized the content to let everyone get a better experience. The theme of the film is actually not complicated, mainly about the cultivation of fireflies and student education, in the process of cultivating fireflies, the teacher's three-wheeled yuan opens the knots in the hearts of students, saving and self-realization. The music of the film is also good, giving people a relaxed and ethereal feeling, and the beginning and end echoes with a sense of completeness.

In the process of the whole story, there are many characters and emotional correspondence: the kind teacher when he was a child and the three rounds after he grew up, the three rounds of the loss of parental love and the loss of parental love, the bigali who lost his mother and the fireflies who lost his mother, and the emotional clues are also abundant, the landlord's grandparents fill the three rounds of parental love, and the three rounds and the female school doctor fill the love of Bigari's parents. The idea of the film is very good, but perhaps the surface is too wide, in addition to these emotional main lines, the film also introduces some topic points: for example, the role of teachers and parents in the education of students, students' cognition and understanding of nature, the legend of the stars and siblings and fireflies, the portrayal of the principal, etc., but too many things are expressed, which has caused the weakening of the theme of the film.

The final ending of the film does have a certain fairy tale color, and even every step of feeding the fireflies is difficult and makes people suspect that it is a fairy tale. Raising larvae, clearing rivers, blocking fortifications, etc., asking myself is not something I can do. However, the most touching thing in this world is the easy thing that cannot be done, and the most powerful fairy tale is reality. This film, adapted from reality, is naturally worthy of our touching.

Overall, after watching this movie, it can bring spiritual healing and rethinking the environment and creatures, which can be called a good movie. And, more cute than Gary, why don't you come and see it?

Firefly Star: Everyone is a sibling of the stars, so they are not alone

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