
Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

author:Nanning Cultural Tourism

Recently, some citizens found out

On a forest trail in Lion Mountain Park

Swarms of fireflies appeared

Whenever night falls

In green areas and groves

Fireflies flash to the starting point "Starlight"

Forming a romantic and dreamy "Fluorescent Star Sea"

Swarms of fireflies fluttered in the woods

Some citizens and tourists check in and take pictures on the trail

Some walked into the woods

Quietly enjoy this fantastic "light show"

Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

Photography enthusiasts said

8 p.m. to 9 p.m

is the best time to photograph fireflies

You can choose a wide-aperture lens when shooting

Take multiple photos in the same scene

In the later stage, the photos are composited

can show the trajectory of the firefly's flight

The picture is also more dynamic and shocking

Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

The staff of Lion Mountain Park reminded

Fireflies prefer to inhabit humid and warm temperatures

A place where vegetation flourishes

The active period is from May to June

It is mainly distributed in the park

Around Lion Mountain, Bamboo Forest, and Bamboo Shadow Bridge

Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

It is known that fireflies are beneficial insects

The larvae eat snails, snails, etc

Pests that harm vegetation

The lifespan of an adult firefly insect

Only 7 days to 15 days

Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

I hope that friends will watch fireflies at the same time

Don't catch fireflies

Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

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Source: Nanning Radio and Television Station

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Romantic and beautiful! The super-large sea of fireflies and stars, the secret place in the downtown area is worth chasing the light!

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