
Garnett congratulates Wiggins: Happy for my boy Proud of you!

Garnett congratulates Wiggins: Happy for my boy Proud of you!

Live bar Jan. 28 Warriors forward Wiggins named Western Conference All-Star starter. Former teammate Garnett congratulated on updating the Instagram Story.

He wrote: "Ayyyyyyyyeee! finally! Happy for my boys! Congratulations to Wiggins, be proud of you! ”

Previously, KG had said that Wiggins made himself hate iron not steel.

"Wiggins' question has always been his continuity, not whether he has the ability to be a superstar, but whether he can always be a superstar," he said. Wiggins is one of my favorite players to watch, but at the same time he makes me angry because he's perfectly capable of elevating himself to another level. ”

(Bacchus, Dionysus)

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