
Vogel: It's not certain that Zhan Mei will play back-to-back tomorrow

Vogel: It's not certain that Zhan Mei will play back-to-back tomorrow

Live bar January 28 news Today the Lakers lost to the 76ers, and Vogel was interviewed by the media after the game.

Commenting on the performance of the game, Vogel said: "It is good to see that AD has found its rhythm in attack while defending Embiid, and he has been very good at both ends of the game, which is why we are optimistic about the performance of this season, we just failed to gather all the players at the same time. ”

Speaking about tomorrow's back-to-back game against the Hornets, Vogel said: "It's not certain whether James or Thick Brow will play this game. ”

Today, Thick Brow played 33 and a half points, 14 of 21 shots, 3 free throws, and scored a game-high 31 points plus 12 boards, 1 assist, 2 breaks and 4 blocks.


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