
Reporter: Tottenham Hotspur offers Luis Díaz for 60 million euros and is waiting for Porto to respond

Reporter: Tottenham Hotspur offers Luis Díaz for 60 million euros and is waiting for Porto to respond

Portuguese journalist Gon Alo Lopes reported that Tottenham hottest updated their offer for Luis Díaz, the latest offer of 60 million euros, Porto needs to make a decision in the next few hours.

Spurs have recently been linked to Luis Díaz and submitted a €40 million offer, which Porto rejected. Luis Díaz's contract penalty was nearly 80 million euros, and Porto was reluctant to release people at a low price.

It is reported that Spurs have now raised their offer for Luis Dias to 60 million euros, and Porto needs to make a decision on this.

(Lin Yuan)

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