
Hunan Daily Xiangjiang 丨 Tan Xiaoping: Old Lotus Interpretation

Old Lotus Interpretation

Tan Xiaoping

Hunan Daily Xiangjiang 丨 Tan Xiaoping: Old Lotus Interpretation

(Published in Hunan Daily, January 28, 2022, page 13)

"Old Lotus Returns to the South, Send a Wave of Joy; Xiao Ping sees it, fortunately Happy Xi!" Who is Old Lotus? Jingcheng Wang Xuesheng also. Because of its calligraphy and paintings, many of them are "half-monk old lotus", and over time, ordinary people have not known that there is a winner of Wang Xue, and the old lotus is famous. Nowadays, the fashion of online dating, and it is good to understand with the harmonic sound, and those who are familiar with it know its WeChat name is "pot painting lotus". The pot painter, that is, the purple sand ceramic teapot as the body of the painting thing, the lotus chapter, is the Bodhi Pure Realm Buddha's Path Meditation cultivation as a writer.

Old Lotus loves to travel, loves Xiaoxiang, every time it is cold in winter, often goes south to Changsha, lives in the Zen Temple, accompanied by Han Mo Danqing, and entertains himself in peace. Occasional visitors, many with the literati Yashi tea incense reminiscence. Yu and Lotus went to carry karma to meet, and at first sight they were the same. When the servants see it, the walker is very happy, and he gives way to the seat. The host and the guest talked happily, and Yu looked at his attitude and heard his words, and felt that he was a high person, not a noble man; a real sage, not a layman. Whenever he talks about the affairs of the world, he can always calm his heart and his qi, although he is humble and frank, he is not humble, not happy or sad, not contentious or noisy, not comparable, not angry or angry, not angry, not angry, not complaining, so as to be obedient and idle.

Old Lian Wenyu stepped down from his post as an official and returned to idleness, and felt fortunate with the same feeling. Jun now weary birds know the nest, return to xi, wash away the wind and dust, enjoy the heavens, return to the peace of mind, fortunately even ya!

Yu was surprised: What Lotus Jun said was true! Yu Ben is from the Hanmen farmhouse, the quality is natural, the garden is a dream, and finally pregnant in the return boat. However, there are bushes of chrysanthemums in the east fence, and brothers and sisters-in-law can be home, but there is no old land, where can they cultivate the land? And the year is not called young and strong, Fang is only half a life, and he is at ease because he is free, which is a waste of learning!

Right: What Brother Ping said is bad! The inter-forest point is golden oblique sunshine, the creek side jumps at the beginning of the moon; the old Ji Fu Zhi is thousands of miles, and it is another round of good time. In fact, since the sons of Ancient Huxiang rarely had a reclusive generation, Zeng, Zuo, Hu, and Peng were all great husbands, and Zhongxing would be beyond his ability; Mao, Liu, Hu, and Zhu were all great leaders, and the times were proud and exemplary. And Mr. Funayama's flower armor escaped into the mountains, as a mingzhi, praised as a taidou. The old man of Baishi traveled to Beijing for sixty years, and the decay changed the law, and everyone was outstanding. The military and government can stabilize the world, and art and culture can still transform people's hearts. You apply what you have learned, and your knowledge and action are one. The so-called erudition is not poor, the practice is not tired, and the practitioner is his true cultivation. Er and others have been in politics for many years, have seen a wide range of knowledge, and have accomplished their deeds, Guan Er does not have a habit in the workplace, and the spirit of a prominent scholar and doctor, why not strengthen his ambitions, humble his heart, calm his heart, fix his gods, follow the words of the saints, do something promising, regardless of the circumstances and losses, and follow the fate as well, as well as my summer Beijing and winter Changsha is also.

After the speech, Lao Lian did not expect Yu's permission, but led Yu to the studio studio, the case shop was four feet of propaganda, and then chose a very large sheep whisker bucket pen, rolling up his sleeves and waving. In the blink of an eye, only to see the dragon and snake fighting and turning, the spirit of Xu Disease, the upper and lower collars, the left and the right, the shape is like the taiji of the fist, and it is like the melody of music, the viewer thinks that it is written in words and sentences, but it is used with a "cuan" word to suppress the whole chapter, which is wonderful and indescribable.

Yu Jawzhi, sigh, praise, know: No wonder Mr. Hu's book, the layout is dangerous, with a pen, the body is majestic, the waves are old, the ancient meaning is present, set from the "Dragon Yan Monument". Many people do not know this word. Yu Consciously knows little about the etymology of the book, shizhi: 爨讀窜, meaning cooking, but also surname. Its characters are one, and the strokes are as many as thirty, which is the most in the dictionary. Although it has evolved over the years, it is inconceivable that the country has adopted many traditional simplified strategies without changing. He is also little known, but his status is special and outstanding, and Kang Youwei is known as the first god in the world.

Lotus: Junyan Ji is, for the Fang family also. The gift of a word in the Lotus Book is not the original meaning of the word, nor is it the strangeness of the book. The wonder of words, the depth of meaning, the wonder of books, the meaning of Daye! At a time of a thousand years of reincarnation and a century of great changes, the rejuvenation of China can be expected, and the country's long-term dream can be realized. The will of the people; the heart of the party depends on one statue. Spring in the four seas, Kyushu is vigorous, and the elephant of the prosperous world is also. However, the imperial powers have been dominating for a long time, arrogant and arrogant, and their hearts do not die, and they are afraid of my body and grow stronger, and they want to strangle me in growth. From time to time, there are neighbors with ghost fetuses, eager to move, and wolves are around. And the treasure island is separated by water, and the wanderer has not returned, which is really the pain of my skin. The ancients clouded, the world rose and fell, and the piaf was responsible. It is also called home and everything. Junguan is a complicated character, and a non-can not be lacking. The xing character is the head, the forest character is the waist, the big character is the head is burned, and the crowd collects firewood and the flame is high. The people of the country are united in their will, and the country is prosperous and brilliant. This word in the Yushu is to hope that the sea and the sea are in the same vein, the four seas in the east, west, south, and north, the Han-Tibet-Mongolia-Mongolia-Huaxia are integrated, and the industry, agriculture, commerce, and learning are all united, then the great changes in the world are the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

At the end of the conversation, Lao Lian painted colorful auspicious clouds on the paper, and the picture rhymed with rhyme, Baoding steamed, and suddenly like a cloud steaming Xiawei and purple qi coming east. Yu took the strange product, bowed down, and said: Listen to Junsi's words, sigh and tie it; at the moment of the avenue, I will go to it!